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  • Common NICU Terms A-Z

    As a New NICU nurse, I was so overwhelmed by the amount of medical "jargon"  I needed to learn in addition to mastering working at the bedside. Below, I’ve defined a set of common terms we use daily to prepare you for your first few weeks on the job !  While you are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as a new nurse or parent you will hear the doctors & nurses speaking in what seems to be a foreign language. Understanding these words and adapting to this NICU culture can be quite a challenge. I have compiled a list of common terms here to help you in this process! Common NICU Nursing Terms When you’re new to working in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit , you’ll hear members of the medical team  using NICU-specific terminology and abbreviations to describe a patient’s status or condition. Understanding the meaning of these terms can be quite a challenge. The list below can help you navigate this process!  A's & B's An abbreviation referring to episodes of a pnea and b radycardia; see APNEA and BRADYCARDIA ANEMIA A lab reference signifying that there is a lower than normal number of red blood cells a sample of blood APNEA The cessation of breathing for greater than 20 seconds ASPHYXIA A condition referring to a lack of sufficient oxygen to the tissues of the body; the brain and the kidneys are the most sensitive organs to low oxygenation and show damage quicker than other body parts ASPIRATION Breathing a foreign material (milk/formula, stomach fluids, meconium, etc.) into the lungs ATTENDING PHYSICIAN The doctor who is responsible for coordinating the medical care for a patient; in the NICU the attending physician will generally be a neonatologist “BAGGING” A slang term used to reference the pumping of air into an infant’s lungs using oxygen and a rubber bag; “bagging” is most often implemented to assist a patient who needs help breathing BILIRUBIN A yellow-pigmented waste product that forms when the body naturally eliminates old or damaged red blood cells. It often makes a patient’s skin and eyes look yellow or brown. Premature infants are often put under fluorescent light or a lighted blanket to safely remove bilirubin from the body; see BILI LIGHTS and JAUNDICE “BILI LIGHTS” or “BILI BLANKET” This term is used in conjunction with the term phototherapy and refers to the lights used to treat jaundice; see BILIRUBIN and JAUNDICE BLOOD GAS This term is shorthand and refers to an arterial blood gas or a venous blood gas. These tests are used to evaluate an infant’s level of blood oxygen, carbon dioxide, and acid. This helps clinicians evaluate an infant’s respiratory status and determine a plan for managing long-term oxygenation "BLOW BY”:  A slang term that refers to the practice of giving a patient a small amount of oxygen by holding an oxygen tube or mask a centimeter or two from an infant’s nose  BP:  This is an abbreviation for the term blood pressure and refers to pressure experienced exerted against the walls of the arteries during each pulsation of the heart "BRADY" This term is shorthand for the word bradycardia and refers to an infant heart rate below 100; it can also refer to a rapid slowing of a baby’s heart rate, even if the number sits above 100 CARDIOLOGIST A medical doctor who manages heart functioning CASE MANAGER A staff member who collaborates with insurance agencies to clarify the reason for hospital admission and the length of stay required; they also help with discharge planning and arrange for medical equipment required for discharge; when necessary, they also initiate referrals to funding agencies for medically and financially eligible infants; this team member is different from the insurance company case manager who is assigned to customize and individualize benefits for those with extensive or complex health care needs CBC This is an abbreviation for the lab test complete blood count; this test the volume of various types of cells present in the blood, chiefly: red blood cells (oxygen-carrying cells), white blood cells (infection-fighting cells), and platelets (clot-forming cells) CENTRAL CATHETER or CENTRAL LINE A thin, flexible tube (catheter) placed in a vein or artery to deliver medications, vitamins, and fluids to the body; broviac catheters are usually placed in the upper chest and tunnel under the skin to enter the vena cava; PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) lines are usually threaded through a vein in the arm to the vena cava; this term also refers to umbilical venous and umbilical artery catheters that are inserted into the vein or artery of the umbilical stump (belly button) shortly after birth CHEST TUBE A small plastic tube placed through the chest wall into the space between the lung and chest wall to remove air or fluid from this space; see PNEUMOTHORAX CHRONOLOGICAL AGE A baby’s age based on their actual birthday (not considering their gestational age/time in utero) CIRCUMCISION Known colloquially as a “circ”, this term refers to the surgical procedure performed to remove the foreskin of the penis; this is usually done just before the baby goes home and is only performed on request CONGENITAL Refers to a condition existing at the time of birth CORRECTED AGE A baby’s age based on their gestation; this value is calculated by adding the time spent inside and outside of the mother’s uterus CPAP This is an abbreviation of   Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, a form of ventilator assistance used to keep an infant’s lungs properly expanded; CPAP does not breathe for the baby, but allows the baby to breathe into a "forward moving wind." CT SCAN (of the head) This is an abbreviation for the imaging method called computerized tomography; this imaging is usually performed in the NICU to identify skull or brain damage, though CT scans can also be done on other parts of the body; the baby must be transported to the hospital radiology department to get their CT scan "CULTURE" This is shorthand for a laboratory test called a blood culture. Here, a collection of blood, spinal fluid, urine, or other specimens identifies the presence and type of germs present in an infant’s blood CYANOSIS Blue color of the skin that occurs when there is a lack of oxygen in the blood. DIFFERENTIAL A test which divides the white blood cell count (from the CBC) into several categories, chiefly: "polys" (short for polymorphonuclear leukocytes), "bands" (immature "polys"), "lymphs" (lymphocytes), "monos" (monocytes), "cos" (eosinophils), "basos" (basophils); the percentages of each cell type may vary in different kinds of infections and can help establish a plan for treating the infection; for example, polys and bands usually will predominate in bacterial infections, while the number of lymphs usually will increase in viral infections ECHOCARDIOGRAM Also known as an “echo”, this term refers to a test used to look at the heart using soundwaves through the chest wall; this is much like an ultrasound done during pregnancy and is neither harmful nor painful to infants EDEMA Puffy and inflamed skin that results from a build-up of intra and extracellular fluid in body tissues and spaces ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE Commonly referred to as an “ET” tube by NICU nurses, this refers to a plastic tube which goes from the baby's nose or mouth past the vocal cords and into the upper trachea (windpipe); see INTUBATION EXCHANGE TRANSFUSION A treatment which removes the baby's blood in small quantities and replaces it with donor blood; this procedure is most frequently used to lower the level of bilirubin in an infant’s blood, but may also be used to raise or lower the number of red blood cells to improve the blood’s clotting ability EXTUBATION The   intentional or unintentional removal of the breathing tube that goes from the nose or mouth into the trachea; see ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE FELLOW (in Neonatology) A trained pediatrician who is receiving additional specialized training in the care of sick newborns (neonatology) GAVAGE FEEDINGS Also known as tube feedings, this practice refers to nutrition that travels through a plastic tube inserted through a baby’s mouth or nose and into the stomach; this is used to nourish extremely premature newborns or babies who are too weak to suck and swallow GENETICS The branch of medicine that deals with heredity and the variation of individuals; these doctors can provide family members with a prognosis for development and function, and assess for risks of recurrence of certain genetic conditions HEAD ULTRASOUND  An imaging technique that uses sound waves to look at a baby’s brain; this painless test can be done at the NICU bedside and is often completed while a baby is sleeping HEART MURMUR A rushing sound made by the blood within the heart, usually heard with a stethoscope  HEELSTICK A quick prick of the heel with a sharp needle to obtain small blood samples for tests; this is the method of blood collection for a blood sugar or capillary blood gas HEMATOCRIT Known casually as a “crit”, this lab test is completed to determine the amount of red blood cells in a patient's blood HIGH-FREQUENCY OSCILLATORY VENTILATOR  Casually referred to as an oscillator, this special ventilator provides breaths at a rate that exceeds the maximum rate of a normal ventilator HYDROCEPHALUS An abnormally large accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid which bathes the brain and spinal cord) in the ventricles of the brain HEAD ULTRASOUND (HUS): A painless test that uses sound waves to look at a baby’s brain. This test can be done at the bedside in the NICU.  "HEEL STICK”:  A slang term often used in the NICU meaning, to obtain a blood sample by pricking the baby’s heel. HIGH-FREQUENCY OSCILLATORY VENTILATOR A special ventilator capable of breathing for a baby at rates exceeding those of a normal ventilator. HYPOTENSION Low blood pressure; while there is now standard value used to identify hypotension, this term usually refers to a blood pressure reading that falls below the 5th or 10th percentile for the infant's gestational age, postnatal age, and weight HYPOGLYCEMIA A low amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood; this value will be different for each infant, but can generally refer to any blood glucose of less than 40 mg/dL "I's and O's”  A slang abbreviation often used in the NICU to refer to the amount of fluid a baby takes in compared to how much the baby pees and poops out; this is why NICU nurses document all diaper weights I:E RATIO The ratio of the length of the forced breath provided by a ventilator to the length of the time between two breaths INFILTRATE The inappropriate accumulation of IV fluid in body tissues; this most often occurs when an IV is misplaced or falls out of the vein INSPIRATORY TIME  Casually called “i-time” by NICU nurses, this value refers to the length of a forced breath provided to a baby by a ventilator INTRAVENOUS LINE  Casually called an IV by NICU nurses, this is a small plastic tube or hollow needle placed into one of the baby's veins, used to infuse fluids, medications, and vitamins can be given when a baby cannot take all of their nourishment by feedings INTRAVENTRICULAR HEMORRHAGE (IVH)  A collection of blood in and around the ventricles (hollow portions) of the brain INTUBATION The insertion of a tube into the trachea (windpipe) through the nose or mouth to allow air to reach the lungs; see ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE ISOLETTE Sometimes referred to as an incubator, this is a type of enclosed bed for an infant who is not mature or healthy enough to maintain their body temperature in an open crib JAUNDICE A yellow coloration of the skin and eyes that results from an increased amount of bilirubin in the blood; treatments for jaundice include phototherapy and (rarely) exchange transfusion; see EXCHANGE INFUSION and BILIRUBIN and BILI LIGHTS KANGAROO CARE A cute way to describe   skin-to-skin care where the baby is placed on the bare chest of the mother or father for comfort LUMBAR PUNCTURE   Sometimes called a "spinal tap, this procedure involves a small needle being placed in the small of the back, between the vertebrae (back bones), to obtain spinal fluid for bacterial cultures and other lab tests MECONIUM The first bowel movements that a baby has; these are thick, sticky, and range from dark green to black in color MECONIUM ASPIRATION (Meconium Aspiration Syndrome or MAS)   The inhalation of meconium into the lungs; if a baby passes meconium before delivery, the meconium may be inhaled into the lungs, causing problems with breathing after the baby is born; this condition is called meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) MENINGITIS An infection of the fluid that cushions and surrounds the brain and spinal cord MONITOR A screen that displays the heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation of the baby MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) A computerized method of viewing any portion of the body. It uses magnetism rather than x-rays. All metal must be removed from around the baby. The baby must go to another area of the hospital to have an MRI. NASAL CANNULA A clear plastic tube which passes under the nose to provide supplemental oxygen. NECROTIZING ENTEROCOLITIS (NEC) An infection of the wall of the intestines, which may spread to the blood; premature babies are particularly vulnerable to this disease; surgery is sometimes necessary to remove damaged intestine, and the baby may need prolonged IV nutrition until he recovers; see also PARENTERAL NUTRITION and SEPSIS NEONATOLOGY The medical specialty that focuses on managing diseases and conditions of newborn infants (neonates); neonatologists are pediatricians who have received several years of additional specialized training NEPHROLOGIST A medical doctor who specializes in disorders of the kidneys NEUROLOGIST A medical doctor who specializes in the brain and nervous system NPO A Latin abbreviation for “nothing by mouth”; if the baby is kept NPO, all nutrition will need to be given intravenously OPHTHALMOLOGIST A medical doctor who specializes in managing eye disorders OTOLARYNGOLOGIST A medical doctor who specializes in conditions of the ear, nose, and throat PARENTERAL NUTRITION (Total Parenteral Nutrition or TPN) Protein, fats (lipids), sugars, and salts are provided by IV to babies who cannot tolerate complete feedings by bottle or gavage PATENT DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS (PDA)  A small vessel that allows blood to bypass the lungs; this vessel is open while the baby is in the womb, but normally closes shortly after delivery; if the vessel fails to close on its own, special medication or surgical intervention may be required PEAK INSPIRATORY PRESSURE (PIP)  The highest pressure that is delivered to the baby by the ventilator during a forced breath PEDIATRICIAN A medical doctor who provides care to infants and children PERIPHERALLY INSERTED CENTRAL CATHETER (PICC LINE) A PICC is a line inserted through a vein and then advanced through increasingly larger veins, toward the heart; these are placed when IV therapy, antibiotics, or nutrition (TPN/lipids) are administered for a long period of time PHOTOTHERAPY Light therapy to treat jaundice; bright blue fluorescent lights called bili lights are placed over the baby’s incubator or around the baby as a lighted blanket; see also BILIRUBIN and JAUNDICE. PKU A rare disorder in which one of the amino acids (a building block of protein) cannot be handled normally by the baby, leading to elevated levels in the blood; babies with PKU require a special diet; all babies are routinely tested for PKU before discharge from the hospital; this test is required by law PNEUMOMEDIASTINUM Leakage of air from the normal passageways of the lung into the space surrounding the heart; a pneumomediastinum is usually harmless, but can be associated with a pneumothorax which is often more serious; see PNEUMOTHORAX PNEUMOTHORAX A collapsed lung causes a collection of air to form in the space around the lungs; this buildup of air puts pressure on the lung, so it cannot expand normally when a baby tries to breathe POSITIVE END-EXPIRATORY PRESSURE (PEEP) The lowest pressure that is delivered by the ventilator to the baby between forced breaths; see also PEAK INSPIRATORY PRESSURE (PIP) PROGNOSIS What health outcomes are expected for a baby given the nature of their condition PKU A rare disorder in which one of the amino acids (a building block of protein) cannot be handled normally by the baby, leading to elevated levels in the blood. Babies with PKU require a special diet. All babies are routinely tested for PKU, as well as several other disorders, before going home from the nursery. This test is required by law. PNEUMOMEDIASTINUM Leakage of air from the normal passageways of the lung into the space surrounding the heart inside the chest. A pneumomediastinum is usually harmless in itself, but is often associated with a pneumothorax (which can be life-threatening if large). See PNEUMOTHORAX. PNEUMOTHORAX Leakage of air from the normal passageways of the lung into the space surrounding the lung inside the chest wall, causing a partial or complete collapse of the lung. POSITIVE END-EXPIRATORY PRESSURE (PEEP) The lowest pressure that is delivered by the ventilator to the baby between forced breaths. See also PEAK INSPIRATORY PRESSURE (PIP). PROGNOSIS What health outcomes are expected for a baby given the nature of their condition RED BLOOD CELLS The cells in the blood which carry oxygen REFLUX A return or backward flow of fluid; gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) occurs when feedings or other stomach contents flow back up into the esophagus REGIONAL CENTER A network of state-funded agencies that help to coordinate community services and resources to infants at risk of having a developmental delay; these teams also provide services and coordinate resources for children and adults with specific developmental disabilities RESIDENT A medical doctor who is training to become a pediatrician; a residency program is usually three years long; first year residents are referred to as interns; third year residents are called senior residents RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME (RDS) A common breathing problem of premature infants caused by insufficient levels of surfactant in the lung; this results in an excessive stiffness of the baby's lungs; see also SURFACTANT SEIZURE A "short circuiting" of the electrical activity in the brain, which can cause involuntary muscle activity or stiffening SEPSIS A potentially fatal and dangerous condition during which the body is fighting a severe infection that has spread to the bloodstream; see also MENINGITIS and NECROTIZING ENTEROCOLITIS. SEPTIC WORKUP An assortment of tests is performed on an infant who is suspected of having an infection; this may include a chest x-ray and/or abdominal x-ray, as well as blood, urine, and spinal fluid cultures; because infections in babies can progress very rapidly, the baby is frequently started on antibiotics until the results of the cultures are known SUCTIONING The process of removing secretions from the baby’s nose, mouth or lungs by using either a bulb syringe or suction catheter SURFACTANT A substance secreted by special cells within the alveoli (air sacs) of the lung that makes the lung flexible and keeps it from collapsing; surfactant deficiency is the main cause of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS); commercial products are available which can be put into the lungs through the tube in the windpipe; these products are frequently used to treat RDS in a premature baby TACHYCARDIA:  A fast heart rate TACHYPNEA:  A fast breathing rate TRACHEOSTOMY A surgical opening in the trachea, below the larynx (voice box) that allows air to enter the lungs TRANSFUSION Giving donor blood to a baby by IV infusion UMBILICAL CATHETER A small plastic tube in one of the umbilical (belly button) blood vessels (either an artery or a vein). WEAN   To take away gradually; in the NICU, this term is often used to describe the process of removing an infant from a ventilator or incubator Want to Ensure a Strong Start to Your NICU Career? Now that you’re familiar with the NICU lingo, you might be looking for more ways to prepare for your first nursing job. At NICUity , we have all of the educational resources you need to ensure your first shift is a great experience! HEAD OVER TO THE PODCAST! EPISODE 1 & 2 ANSWER MANY NICU 101 QUESTIONS! Another great resource for you BELOW. I was featured on The Morning Rounds and talked all things NICU Nursing. Dynamics, my personal journey, NICU Nurse Tips & Tricks! NICU Nurse Essential Resources American Academy of Pediatrics Academy of Neonatal Nursing Childhood & Adult Immunization CDC Guidelines March of Dimes! Resources for parents & providers Access 1,300+ Drugs with Easy-to-Understand Lactation Risk Categories National Association of Neonatal Nurses National Certification Corporation - NICU National certifications for experienced nurses NICU University & Peds University Vermont Oxford Network - 1,300 hospitals collaborating around the world! Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN student , a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or

  • 12 Example Nurse Interview Questions

    I’m often asked on Instagram: "How do I prepare for a NICU interview?" The answer might be easier than you think.  The scary part about interviews is that if you’ve never worked in a NICU before, you probably aren’t very familiar with the workflow. This can be daunting and can leave you feeling underprepared and underqualified.  However, hiring managers for these departments know this, and tend not to ask many questions that only experienced NICU nurses would know the answers to. Rather, they want to know why  you want to work in their unit and how you’ve prepared to be successful in the role. They ask situational questions, like how you handled a challenging family member or how you responded during an emergency. They’ll be looking to hire someone who’s a great fit for their team, not just someone who has loads of NICU bedside experience.  Most interviewers have a short list of skills they’ll be looking for in a nurse: Will they jump in and help a patient or coworker? Are they open to learning and growing? Can they stay calm and handle high-pressure situations? Do they have the confidence to speak up and advocate for a patient’s needs? Do they know how to prioritize and delegate? Are they equipped to support and comfort an infant and their family members? Are they interested in leadership roles?  It’s important to remember that nurse interviewers don’t reinvent the wheel each time. They usually have a repository of questions to ask, many of which are similar to questions you’ve been asked in previous interviews. Let’s review a few common questions to give you a sense of what hiring managers will ask.  12 Common Nurse Interview Questions 1. “Tell me a bit about yourself.” Most hiring managers will start with a basic introductory question like this one. You’ll want to share a bit about your personal and professional background, your education, and your career goals. This is your time to share your excitement and enthusiasm for the NICU. 2. “What made you interested in our unit?” When answering this question, you’ll want to highlight any relevant nursing experience that has prepared you for the role. Maybe the unit you're interviewing for has won an award for its healthy work environment or is known for its high quality teamwork. Be sure to reference what you’re looking for in a nursing job and share why you think this particular unit is a good fit for you.  3. “How do you plan to help us meet our organizational goals?” Here, your interview will be checking to see if you’ve done your homework on their facility. Each unit has its own set of unique clinical goals. Prepare for your interview by conducting background research on the institution. You can check out their nursing website, read up on patient feedback and reviews, and talk to friends who work there.   During the interview, you’ll want to show them that you’re familiar with NICU nursing quality indicators like infection rates and pressure injuries and know what it takes to keep patients safe.  4. “Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. How did you handle the situation?” Mistakes happen in nursing everyday. What’s important is that you learn from your mistake and work to minimize patient harm. When answering this question, you’ll want to be honest and open about a mistake you’ve made. Interviewers can smell a fake answer like “I’ve never made a mistake” from a mile away.  5. “What strengths will you bring to our nursing team?” Managers who ask this question want to know what you’ll bring to the table. Share behaviors and skills like time management, strong communication, compassion, and attention to detail. Telling a story about your strengths in action can give more meaning to your experiences and bedside expertise.  6. “How would you handle a patient emergency?”  Answers to this question can reveal whether you have the skills and experience to handle a patient who is decompromising fast. Show that you know how to communicate concerns to the physician and step in when things get hectic. 7. “Describe a time when you went above and beyond for a family member.” Patient and family advocacy  is so important to improving health outcomes. Managers want to make sure they hire nurses that go the extra mile to get patients the care and treatment they need.  8. “Have you ever had a conflict with a coworker? How did you handle the situation?” Unfortunately, disagreements arise in healthcare. What’s most important is that you can handle yourself professionally and manage the situation in a calm and composed manner. Show that you prioritize patient safety and satisfaction over your own personal pride. Managers won’t want to hire someone that’s petty or argumentative.  9. “How would you communicate with a family member who was unhappy with the team’s care plan?” Sometimes, a parent or family member is unhappy with the quality of care their loved one receives. It’s often our duty as nurses to listen to their complaints and work to resolve their concerns as quickly and painlessly as possible.  10. “How do you plan to de-stress after a challenging shift?” Nursing can be challenging and it’s important to demonstrate you have the skills necessary to bounce back after a tough shift. Can you compartmentalize and complete the tasks that need to be done? Will you have the strength to come back day after day? Answers to this question can showcase your resilience and dedication to patient care.  11. “What are your professional goals for the next 5 years?” Hiring managers want to know if you’re driven and motivated to improve your professional practice. Do you plan to work in their organization long-term or if you are on the fast track to an advanced degree? Interviewers care less about what your goals actually are  and just care that you’re thinking about your future in nursing.  12. “Do you have any questions for us before we finish up?” An interview allows you to ask clarifying questions about the logistics of the position. If you don’t ask any questions, the hiring manager may assume you’re not that interested in the position. Here, we provide a list of example questions you can ask during the final minutes of your interview:  LIST OF QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: 1. What is the size and organizational structure of your unit? How many patients does your unit hold? 2. What is your nurse-to-patient ratio? 3. Can you discuss your take on the hospital's culture and philosophy? 4. What does the transition period look like? Would I be expected to work days or nights?  5. What does the orientation period look like? Will I have a designated preceptor? 6. What are some recommendations for getting involved and growing within your unit? 7. What will be the greatest challenge of the job? 8. What are the greatest strengths of this department? 9. Can you describe a typical day for someone in this position? 10. What are the traits and skills of people most successful within this unit? 11. What do you like best about working in this organization? Download your Interview E-Book today! The Complete Nurse Interview E-Book Here is our fully loaded E-Book. This E-Book is a digital download that provides you with NURSE PRO TIPS to help you land that dream job! This is a fully loaded guide complete with the strategies to help you master your job application and interview process. We cover all of the juicy details to help you perfect the art of interviewing. Topics included: ♡ INTERVIEW PREP ♡ JOB INTERVIEW 101 ♡ THE THINGS THEY DON’T TELL YOU ♡ NURSING INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES ♡ BONUS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS! ♡ PORTFOLIO BREAKDOWN ♡ RESUME AND COVER LETTER 101 ♡ THINGS YOU CAN DO EARLY ♡ SOCIAL MEDIA CONSIDERATIONS Tips for Every Stage of Your Nursing Journey Whether you're interviewing for a position or are looking to develop your professional practice in your current role, NICUity  has you covered! We’ve got educational resources , guides , and supplies  to get you through every step of the way.

  • 14 NICU Preemie Gifts & Tips

    The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is probably the last place you or your loved ones pictured themselves after having a baby. A hospital unit full of alarms, tubes, electrodes, ventilators, and beeps is not quite the cozy nursery vibe you anticipated. Unfortunately, things don’t always go according to plan. This NICU period can be one of the most stressful times of a parent’s life. Each day can be overwhelming, full of happy milestones and moments of grief. From my nursing experience, NICU parents crave one thing during this stressful period — for things to feel “normal” again, or as normal as is possible given their new circumstances. With limited control over their environment, this can be challenging for them to achieve. So, what can you do to help?! While you can’t change their situation, you can help them connect with their new parenting journey. While they may have a fully stocked nursery at home, these items often aren’t able to be used with NICU patients.  With inspiration from my experiences as a new mom and as a NICU nurse, I’ve decided to compile a fun list of things you can gift your favorite NICU baby or family! These items are things that can be used at the bedside and for months and years to come. Let’s dive in. NICU GIFTS FOR YOUR FAVORITE LITTLE FIGHTER 1. Finn the Panda Finn the Panda was developed to help comfort babies during hospital stays, as well as to foster the bond between the baby and their caregivers, even when they have to be apart. It features: Antimicrobial material to help prevent the spread of germs to the baby. A washable heart-shaped scent patch that can be detached and worn then reattached to the bear. A recording device that allows a song or comforting words of up to one minute to be played back once or on repeat.  Contrasting black and white colors that appeal to baby's early vision.  100% cashmere, made to be amazingly soft and cuddly Sealed packaging that reduces microbial exposure during package delivery.  As a mom who spent several months of her son’s first year of life in the hospital, Michelle knew the stress and pressure of hospital parenting. So, she developed Finn the Panda! 1. SCENT: The scent patch can be worn in place of a breast pad, or under any garment, to absorb your smell and can be reattached to the bear to provide your scent in baby’s incubator or crib.  Research has shown that the pheromones a mother exudes after birth are recognizable by her individual baby and can release endorphins in the baby’s brain. 2. SOUND: Your baby has heard the comfort of your voice in the womb and it is the most recognizable sound to their little ears.  Record a lullaby or soft words for your baby and play it back once or on repeat, to help soothe baby to sleep, comfort baby during nurse cares, or just give you a few minutes away. 3. SIGHT: Research has proven that black and white contrasts register powerfully on baby’s retina and send the strongest visual signals to baby’s brain. Stronger signals mean more brain growth and faster visual development. High contrast shapes and patterns provide the baby with something simple and engaging to focus on, and in this focus – or intense concentration – they can allow their minds to rest. High contrast shapes are designed to hold babies’ attention. USE CODE: NURSE TORI (FOR 20% OFF YOUR PURCHASE!) 2. BEB ORGANIC SKIN CARE PRODUCTS When preemies are first born, their skin is extremely thin and delicate, which makes them prone to skin tears, infections, and rashes. One of the most important ways we can protect newborn skin is by keeping it clean! As a clinical skincare brand made with meticulously sourced natural ingredients, BEB Organic serves families by providing luxuriously healthy products and educating parents and professionals on the powerful benefits of a caring and sensitive touch. Chosen by America’s top hospital NICUs for uncompromising standards, all BEB Organic products are packed with PHYTOCURA™ and crafted of pure, luxuriously healthy ingredients. As one might expect, these soothing formulas have proven to work wonders for skin of all ages in need of extra love. I originally discovered BEB products while working bedside as a NICU nurse. After researching the product, speaking with the CEO, and learning about this infant skin care line, I can genuinely say these are (first hand) amazing products for ALL babies. It makes bath time in the hospital extra special for babies and their parents. I have personally used these products and discovered this line while using it at the bedside in a hospital setting who supplied it to their patients. I can say first hand, these products are wonderful! 3. PREEMIE PACIFIERS Sucking is a form of self soothing, especially for preemie babies who might not be able to drink milk yet! While hospitals offer their own preemie pacifiers, it could be fun to spruce up their pacifier game with a cute one!! My favorite pacifier brand is the Ryan and Rose Cutie PAT - this is a NICU baby product I have recommended for years! RYAN AND ROSE The Cutie Pacifier and Teether (PAT) is a multifunctional pacifier made for two different stages of development: Stage 1 and Stage 2. The Cutie PAT pacifier is made with 100% medical grade silicone. It is safe, non-toxic, and free of BPA, PVC, phthalates, and latex. I have watched this family owned company grow for years and have given many Cutie PATs to my favorite NICU families. The gift is always a big hit — as a new parent, you can never have too many pacifiers! 4. SWADDLE BLANKETS Babies (preemies included) crave boundaries. They seek containment and comfort. One way to provide this is bringing everything "back to core" — this means keeping arms & legs flexed inwards in a relaxed manner just as they were in the womb. Although there’s never a shortage of baby blankets in the hospital setting, it can be fun for parents to add a personal touch for their little one with a fun blanket. If you’re looking to gift your favorite NICU patient a new swaddle blanket, I recommend those made of cotton, muslin and or bamboo cotton blends. These materials breathe well and keep from overheating in their little cocoon. I’ve listed a few of my favorite swaddle blanket brands below, but feel free to choose designs or colors that match the little one’s personality the best! 5. PERFECTLY PREEMIE ONSIES It may be a while until your favorite little fighter can wear (or fit into) a onsie, but once he or she does, the fun can begin! Several companies now offer "preemie" sizes and a fun array of colors, patterns, and styles. However, my favorite brand is “Perfectly Preemie.” This is unique line of preemie clothing to help babies (and their nurses) battle the many lines, tubes, and wires involved in a NICU admission. Perfectly Preemie Clothing Since 1993, Perfectly Preemie has conducted medical research, collaborated with NICU staff, and surveyed with NICU parents to determine just what a preemie needs in regard to their clothing and accessories. Their specially designed onesie line meets all of the requirements for babies in the NICU, while still looking cute! 6. BONDING LOVEY SCENT CLOTHS At birth, a baby is drawn to and is soothed by their mother's scent. Building a close connection through scent is a way to create a wonderful bond while the baby is receiving care in the NICU! Bonding scent cloths allow infants to bond with their caregiver’s smell from the comfort and warmth of their hospital incubator. Parents can place these soft pieces of cloth on their own skin and then leave them with their infant to provide scent comfort while they are away. Whether the parent is an adoptive mother, a single father, two mothers, adoptive guardians - it doesn’t matter. If you want to help build a bond between a baby and their caregiver, scent is the easiest way to do it.  7. WHITE NOISE MACHINE Once a baby is an appropriate age (older than 34 weeks), an infant white noise machine  is a great gift to consider! Why? Soft low tones are soothing to an infant and helps them to rest their minds while promoting a healthy sleep pattern. Sounds that mimic a natural environment can help create a relaxing, soothing environment for NICU babies. Adjustable volume settings allow you mask background noise and the craze of the hospital environment. 8. WUBBANUB Babies, parents, and NICU nurses all love WubbaNubs! Why? These stuffed animal and pacifier combinations help to keep the peace when patients need soothing. They’re easy to grasp, offer great support for the pacifier, and provide soft, gentle comfort to little ones. In addition, parents aren’t always at the bedside to hold, comfort, and soothe their little one. WubbaNubs help us nurses at the bedside to maintain an infant’s comfort, keep their pacifier in place, and promote restful sleep.  9. A MIRROR One of the greatest feelings for NICU babies and their parents is the first SKIN TO SKIN contact, what we often call "Kangaroo Care." Skin-to-skin contact involves keeping babies chest-to-chest & skin-to-skin with a parent. The benefits of this close contact include: warmth, stability of vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, increased oxygen saturation), increased time spent in deep sleep, decreased irritability and crying, increased weight gain, increased milk supply for mother, and better coordination for feedings! To help parents get the most out of their bonding moment, NICU nurses often encourage the use of a mirror (while they hold their baby) to allow them to see their loved one’s tiny face in full range. This small simple tool is a very helpful & useful gift to use while performing Kangaroo Care. Some NICUs do provide these, but many NICUs can’t afford to offer each family a mirror. While they don’t cost much more than a few dollars, you can make a huge difference in their bonding experience.   10. WATER WIPES New scientific evidence has shown that limiting scents, perfumes, dyes, or other chemicals on infants skin is essential. Our preemie patient population has extremely sensitive skin and skin irritation & breakdown is one of our biggest priorities. Many NICUs have moved to using "water wipes," or some form of wipe with water for all diaper changes. Several companies offer sensitive water wipes that are perfect for tiny NICU patients! I prefer the Pampers Aqua Pure variety. 11. GLASS BOTTLES With new research coming out about plastics & the long-term effects it has on our health, many providers are starting to recommend using glass milk bottles. As a parent and a NICU nurse, I am a BIG fan of using glass over plastic. Many top brands also offer "slow flow nipples," which helps when feeding babies who are new to drinking milk or for those who may be struggling to swallow with normal flow nipples. Best Glass Milk Bottles: Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Baby Bottles  Baby Brezza Glass Baby Bottle Dr. Brown's Natural Flow Anti-Colic Bottles 12. BOPPY OR "BREAST FRIEND" PILLOW One of the most exciting moments for any new mom is the opportunity to feed her baby for the first time. Nursing pillows  are immensely popular with new moms because they offer comfort & convenience. Figuring out which one to choose can be difficult, especially when many moms are passionate about which one is their favorite. The two most popular varieties are the Boppy pillow and the Breast Friend pillow. Boppy vs. Breast Friend: Key Differences The "Boppy" pillow  looks like travel neck pillows – a C-shaped doughnut. These pillows have so many uses and are well worth the money spent on them. They are most commonly used to prop up a baby while breastfeeding  or bottle feeding, but can also be used to prop up babies during tummy time. You can buy a separate slipcover to allow these pillows to be easily cleaned in the event of a spit up or diaper blowout. Boppy pillows aren’t big enough to go all the way around you, so you’ll need a separate pillow if you want to support your back. Alternatively, the Breast Friend pillow  is a bit different in terms of overall design but is used for the same purposes. Unlike the Boppy, the top side of a Brest Friend pillow is flat, which means your baby stays where you put her without rolling around while trying to feed. The Brest Friend also has two added features that I love – a snap that secures the pillow in place, and a full wrap-around design, giving breast feeding moms much-needed back support.  Whichever support pillow you choose, your gift will surely be appreciated by any new NICU mom! 13. NICU MILESTONE CARDS Welcoming a baby into the world is full of special moments. Although having a baby in the NICU is a difficult time for families, there are many special moments to capture & treasure. Printable milestone cards are designed to help you celebrate all of the successes on your baby's journey. With colorful backgrounds and simple designs, they help to make the challenging journey a little easier. NICU is all about the milestones! Example Milestones Include: - weeks one to six - months one to three - forty weeks corrected - today I am breathing on my own - today I had my first bath - today I was weighed for the first time - I am ventilator free today - today I had my first snuggle with Mom - today I had my first snuggle with Dad - I wore my first outfit today - today I breastfed for the first time - today I had milk for the first time - my first kangaroo cuddle - I had my first pacifier today - today I am wire free - I had my first sleepover - I am all ready for the carseat today - Hooray, I gained weight today - I am going home today 14. Montessori Mobile Just because a baby is receiving care in the NICU does not mean that they don’t need or deserve the brain development and stimulation toys that other babies have. Especially as babies get older and develop from their initial preemie phase, a hanging mobile  can provide the visual distraction and stimulation needed for healthy brain development. These are especially helpful at distracting babies when they require blood draws, dressing changes, or any bedside procedures. I hope you enjoyed this list of Tips and Tricks for your mighty. Now- Go Treat Your Favorite NICU Family! I hope you enjoyed reading about my favorite preemie gifts for your mighty NICU baby! Many of these products are offered on Amazon (Nurse Tori NICU Amazon Gifts & Tips)  and have been linked to my Tips from Tori Amazon page. All products included are my own recommendations and do not represent the views of employers.  This blog includes affiliate links — rest assured that all of my professional partnerships are with companies I love, use  myself and recommend to those I care for most! Feel  fr ee to see my full   disclaimer   if you have any questions or concerns, or contact me with any feedback! NICU Essential Resources American Academy of Pediatrics Academy of Neonatal Nursing Childhood & Adult Immunization CDC Guidelines March of Dimes! Resources for parents & providers Access 1,300+ Drugs with Easy-to-Understand Lactation Risk Categories National Association of Neonatal Nurses National Certification Corporation - NICU National certifications for experienced nurses NICU University & Peds University Vermont Oxford Network - 1,300 hospitals collaborating around the world! Tori's Tips on NICU NURSE 101: See Blog Post ​ Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN student , a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or Instagram @nurse.tori_

  • What is the NICU Golden Hour?

    What does the “golden hour” mean in the NICU? What do NICU nurses do in the “golden hour” ? In healthcare, the phrase “golden hour” refers to a period of time during which interventions are made to improve the outcomes of a patient. In the NICU, “golden hour” refers to the first hour of an infant’s life after birth. THE GOLDEN HOUR Preterm infants are a particularly vulnerable patient population, especially during the hour immediately after delivery. During this period, they are at high risk of complications like: Hypothermia Hypoglycemia Breathing challenges Early-onset sepsis Clinicians are responsible for intervening early during an infant’s life to prevent these complications and ensure they get the care and treatment they need. When hospitals around the country recognized that they weren’t meeting benchmarks for early intervention, many perinatal teams developed lean methodologies and process improvement techniques to standardize the care that infants receive immediately after birth.  Studies show that facilities that incorporate the concept of the “golden hour” into their perinatal practices see significant decreases in hypothermia, hypoglycemia, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) diagnoses. To give you a better understanding of the type of care provided during the “golden hour” we’ll discuss what occurs during this period from the NICU nurse’s perspective. The phrase “golden hour” is used to raise awareness of the risks of birth complications and explain how intervening early can make a significant impact on an infant’s expected outcomes. What Conditions Are Treated in the NICU? Patients are admitted and treated for all sorts of conditions, depending on their gestational age. These include but aren’t limited to: Apnea of prematurity Brain hemorrhage Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) Cerebral palsy (CP) Complex birth defects or abnormalities Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) Extreme prematurity Feeding disorders Gastroesophageal  reflux (GERD) Gastroschisis Hyaline membrane disease Jaundice (Hyperbilirubinemia) Meconium aspiration Meningitis Metabolic diseases (hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, etc.) Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) Neonatal abstinence syndrome Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Perinatal asphyxia  Pulmonary hypertension Respiratory Distress Syndrome  (RDS) Retinopathy of Prematurity Seizures /Epilepsy Sepsis Spina Bifida Myelomeningocele Transient tachypnea Twin to Twin Transfusion What Tasks Do Nurses Complete During the “Golden Hour”? NICU nurses have a checklist of things  that need to get done to ensure the health and wellbeing of their newborn patients. Generally speaking, this involves preparing for infant delivery, completing a thorough newborn assessment, and ensuring the family is updated on the health of their new baby. Five critical areas are assessed: respiratory status, cardiovascular function, neurological response, fluid and glucose levels, and body temperature.  Based on the nurses assessments in these categories, the infant’s health status and acuity is determined: the red (acute) zone requires immediate interventions, the yellow zone requires close monitoring, and the green zone requires minimal intervention outside of the basic newborn screening.  I review the NICU nurse checklist for the golden hour  that I go through below, but be aware that each facility may tailor their golden hour checklist to their unique department and patient population. Prior to Infant Delivery:  1. Ensure an isolette is present at the bedside. 2. Turn on the isolette warmer to heat the mattress and incubator air. 3. Attach ECG electrodes, pulse-ox probe, and temperature probe to the patient monitor  After Infant Delivery: 4. Collect vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, blood pressure). 5. Intubate or place on oxygen, if necessary 6. Collect newborn measurements (head circumference, length, weight, and abdominal girth). 7. Suction the nose and mouth. 8. Perform a thorough newborn physical assessment. 9. Check for nare/throat patency, the presence of a sacral dimple, and anal patency. 10. Place an IV (UVC/UAC or peripheral IV). 11. Collect labs, if necessary (CBC, Type & Cross, MRSA, Blood Cultures). 12. Draw a blood glucose. 13. Start antibiotics or vasoactive medications, if necessary. Once the Infant Is Stabilized: 14. Review the patient’s maternal history. 15. Review and acknowledge any new orders. 16. Orient the infant’s mother & father to the unit and their infant’s condition. 17. Administer eyes & thighs (Erythromycin and Vitamin K). 18. Document all interventions in the medical record. Are there Any Additional Care Recommendations for Extremely Premature Newborns? Neonatologists recommend performing the following interventions for extremely premature newborns (before 28 weeks gestational age) during the first 72 hours of life: Keep their head in a midline position.  Elevate the head of the bed at least 30 degrees. Complete assessments and cares with two nurses (one person completing tasks, the other keeping the baby contained and warm). Do not raise legs with diaper changes. No daily weights or abdominal girths (usually hospitals will opt to record these measurements weekly).  Minimize handling, suctioning & movement.  With UAC lab draws, 40 second pull/40 second push per 1ml (set a timer!). No peripheral BP’s if UAC line present. No prone positioning or skin-to-skin holding (encourage “hand hugs”).  Swab the infant’s mouth with colostrum.  Administer surfactant to assist with lung development and maturity.  Infuse a loading dose of caffeine in the first 24 hours of life, then a maintenance dose starting the following day. For additional resources on providing safe newborn care, check out the following articles: NICU Resources and CEUs Every Nurse Needs to Know About What is the most common NICU Diagnosis for Premature Babies?! Neonatal Vital Signs 101 Birth: What is an Apgar Score? Common NICU Terms A-Z Complex decisions are based on Diagnoses, Age, & Weight! NICU Nurse Essential Resources American Academy of Pediatrics Academy of Neonatal Nursing Childhood & Adult Immunization CDC Guidelines March of Dimes! Resources for parents & providers Access 1,300+ Drugs with Easy-to-Understand Lactation Risk Categories National Association of Neonatal Nurses National Certification Corporation - NICU National certifications for experienced nurses NICU University & Peds University Vermont Oxford Network - 1,300 hospitals collaborating around the world! Tori's Tips on NICU NURSE BLOG: See Blog Post s ​ Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN student , a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or


    Do you want to become a nurse but not sure what type of job you’re looking for?  Are you an experienced nurse facing burnout and looking for a fresh start? Let me tell you, there’s more to nursing than just scrubs and stethoscopes. The beauty of nursing is that there are so many fulfilling roles to take on. This is the reason many of us became nurses in the first place. Nursing has gone through significant changes over the course of the 20th century. The role of the nurse was relatively limited in decades past. Previously, typical duties included administering medications, checking vital signs , and simply following the directions of the physician in charge.  Now, clinicians collect raw data, interpret findings, make diagnoses, and establish treatment plans. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the profession has continued to elevate its standards and offers the professional opportunities many of us are looking for.  So — What Does This Mean? As a veteran nurse, I’ve seen that the most common reason for individuals leaving the profession is burnout and emotional fatigue. We’ve all gone through tough shifts that leave us fried, numb, and frustrated. We’ve all had feelings of deep dread going into work, impending doom after a rough shift & thoughts like, "Is this really what I want to do the REST of my life?" The expectations seem to keep going up and up for bedside nurses, and people are leaving the profession altogether. So what can you do if you’re looking for a change? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again — SHIFT AND PIVOT! Research new jobs, spruce up your portfolio, and dig deep to find out the move that makes the most sense for YOU! Once you realize how many options are out there, you may even feel a sense of freedom and excitement! One principle that will always exist in society is the necessity for those who care for physical and mental health. As a nurse, our holistic approach to caring for the body is appreciated by so many people and is being integrated into all sorts of new roles.  Curious what types of opportunities  are available? Check out these 51 nursing roles to spice up your career and make a change for the better! 51 ROLES A NURSE CAN CONSIDER! 1. Staff Nurse (ICU, NICU, PICU, L&D, pediatrics, med-surg, oncology, OR, ED, outpatient, you name it!) Most of us start here in our careers! While you may be burned out from being a bedside nurse there are so many different specialties you can transition to depending on where you have experience. Switching hospitals or departments is probably the easiest move to make as a nurse, as jobs are always available and facilities are always looking for new, excited staff to join their team! 2. Nurse Entrepreneurs Nurse entrepreneurs apply their nursing backgrounds and professional experiences to create a healthcare business. Much like entrepreneurs in other industries, they identify a need in the marketplace, conceptualize how to solve current problems, and build a business that meets these needs. They may offe r independent nursing services, such as private home care or consulting, or create and sell medical devices or hygiene products. 3. Transcultural Nurse Transcultural  nursing is a distinct specialty that focuses on celebrating cultural differences and incorporating culturally competent principles and values into care practices. These nurses often treat patients who are new to an area due to migration, immigration, or are refugees from an area of war or violence. As the world becomes more ethnically and culturally diverse, these nurses are always in high demand, especially in cities and urban areas.   4. Health Policy Nurse Health policy nurses  work to review and revise healthcare laws, policies, and regulations. Their goal is to improve care access and quality by enhancing care guidelines. They can work at the facility, region, state, federal, or global level — the opportunities are endless!  5. Fertility Nurse Fertility nurses help  facilitate the egg donation and implantation process, providing support and guidance to couples looking to conceive. Reproductive nurses  work with a team of specialized healthcare professionals in fertility  clinics, obstetric/gynecology offices, or egg donor centers. 6. Substance Abuse Nurse Substance abuse nurses provide emotional support and rehabilitative care to individuals who struggle with substance use. Because caring for patients requires knowledge of general medicine and psychology, substance abuse nurses receive training in both disciplines.  7. Genetic Nurse A genetics nurse is an RN with additional training and education in genetics. Genetic nurses care for patients who are at risk for or are affected by hereditary diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's. In addition to providing direct patient care, genetics nurses also perform risk assessments, analyze the results and counsel patients on the ongoing management of their conditions or conditions they may be at risk for. 8. Research Nurse Research nurses   work collaboratively with physicians, research assistants, pharmacists, and data analysts to coordinate care for patients who are enrolled in IRB clinical research trials. These nurses assist in the assessment, management and coordination of care across the continuum (outpatient, inpatient and home health), including triage and proactive patient communication. 9. Occupational Health Nurse Occupational health nurses provide care to employees and workers of a particular company or organization. They focus on promoting health, preventing ailments and injuries, and protecting workers from occupation-related and environmental hazards. They also help ensure that employees who are injured on the job get the care they need and assist with disability forms and other insurance paperwork.  10. Nurse Health Coach Nurse  coaches use a variety of health -promotion and illness-prevention strategies to help their patients improve their overall health and well-being. They can work independently or through a health agency and may practice virtually (phone calls or telehealth video platforms) or provide in-person care. 11. Nurse Informaticist A nurse informaticist is someone skilled at identifying care deficiencies and innovating technological advancements to meet the needs of the changing healthcare environment. They act as liaisons between healthcare providers and technology companies to design products, tools, and charting platforms that improve the care delivery process. 12. Telemedicine Nurse Telehealth nurses, sometimes referred to as virtual care nurses, provide support and care to patients from a remote location. These nurses often work through email, video, or telephone platforms to triage patient needs and help find the care they need. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, this specialty has exploded, so there’s always an array of jobs available! 1 3. Nurse Writer A nurse writer creates informative content for nurses, patients and healthcare administrators to learn about healthcare specific news and policy changes. Sometimes these writers create clinical content, while others specialize in subjects like healthcare law or healthcare finance. This is a great path for someone who wants to step away from patient care and live with a more flexible lifestyle and schedule. 14. Infusion Therapy Nurse Infusion nurses provide medications through IVs, ports, and PICC lines. They often work in oncology offices, blood donation centers, or wellness clinics but can also provide home-based care to those that aren’t able to leave home. An infusion nurse is an integral member of the health care team and collaborates with physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists to ensure the vascular access device and medication being infused are the best options for the patient’s unique needs.  15.  Military, Navy, Air Force Reserve Nurse The Nurse Corps has five Reserve components and, although similar, each branch has its own commitment requirements: Army Reserve Navy Reserve Air force Reserve Air National Guard Army National Guard This is a great opportunity for nurses looking to gain leadership skills, travel the world, and serve their country. 16. Nurse Executive A nurse executive  often holds the most senior nursing position in their place of employment, and can even hold a title such as Director of Nursing. In order to be an effective nurse executive , RNs must clearly and effectively communicate with their nursing staff to help provide the best patient care possible.  This is obviously a role for those with clinical experience, but anyone can become an administrator after working for a few years. A good way to get started on this career path is to get involved in your organization’s nursing councils or committees. 17. Nurse Consultant Nurse consultants identify care delivery problems and develop solutions to improve patient outcomes. They usually work remotely but may also be asked to attend meetings and inspections at a hospital or care facility.  18. Aesthetic Nurse Aesthetic nurses provide cosmetic treatments and beauty services  to patients. While most work in private health clinics or offices, some work in plastic surgery centers. Common tasks include providing facials, injectables (fillers), Botox, and waxing services to patients. 19. Insurance Nurse Insurance nurses, formally known as legal nurse consultants (LNCs), provide assistance to law firms, government offices, and insurance companies. A legal nurse consultant has training as a registered nurse and provides an important service related to analyzing health care facts, issues, and outcomes for those in the legal and healthcare professions. Many nurses I know who work in this specialty do this in addition to their bedside jobs as supplemental income as the hours may fluctuate. 20. Quality Management Nurse A quality management nurse collaborates with a variety of healthcare professionals to improve care safety and quality. They investigate safety events and work to minimize future harm by collecting data and educating bedside clinicians. 21. Correctional Nurse Correctional nurses work in prisons, jails, and state penitentiaries, providing care to inmates and staff. Correctional nursing activities include patient assessment, medication administration, treatments and evaluation of their effects, crisis intervention, patient education and patient advocacy. This specialty is not for the faint of heart and comes with safety risks, but is known for being incredibly rewarding. 22. Postpartum Nurse A postpartum nurse cares for a mother and their newborn baby after the birthing period. These nurses utilize a strong set of skills to recognize and act upon postpartum emergencies for both patients. A large part of this nurse's job is teaching new mothers how to properly care for herself and their newborn after the delivery. 23. Cruise Ship Nurse Cruise ships are pretty much small cities floating in the water with the average cruise ship holding around 3,000 guests and crew members. Medical emergencies don’t stop on vacation, and as a cruise ship nurse you’d be there to get travellers back on their feet. Nurses who are looking to escape busy EDs and hospitals might find working on a cruise ship to be a dream job. 24. Forensic Nurse Consultant Forensic nurses care for patients who have been victimized by trauma, violence, and abuse. They often have experience working in the criminal justice system and are on the front lines when victims of crimes need help the most. They provide sensitive, compassionate care while meticulously collecting relevant evidence that may be needed later in court. Some forensic nurses choose to specialize in sexual assault/trauma by becoming certified as Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE). 25. School Nurse School nurses care for children who fall ill or get injured while at school. They assist with medication distribution and communicate health concerns to parents and guardians. One of the major perks of being a school nurse is that you would follow the school calendar and usually wouldn’t have to work during school breaks and the summer holidays. 26. Emergency Flight & Transport Nurse A flight nurse is an RN  who provides emergency critical care to patients prior to arriving at the hospital. They usually work in helicopters, airplanes, and ambulances and are either employed by a healthcare facility or a third-party transport company. Check out the Podcast, featuring Samantha Manassero, Episode # 7  For all things Emergency Flight & Transport Nurse, FIRST HAND! 27. Triage Nurse A triage nurse  is a clinical health care professional who assesses patients and evaluates their symptoms to determine the level of care they need. They can work in emergency departments, with transport teams, with community health agencies, or may even work remotely. 28. Pain Management Nurse Pain management nurses are clinicians who specialize in the care of patients with chronic or acute pain. They are experts on pain management interventions and techniques and collaborate with doctors and surgeons to optimize a patient’s pain control to get them back to normal functioning as soon as possible. 29. Transplant Coordinator A transplant coordinator plans and coordinates all facets of care for potential and active transplant candidates and recipients. They manage referrals and evaluations, collect pre-transplant data, and coordinate the post-operative care delivery for patients after they have their surgery. While transplant coordinators don’t necessarily need to have a nursing background, many facilities look to hire nurses who have worked in transplant units for their high level of experience.   30. Psychiatric Nurse Psychiatric nurses specialize in mental health and care for individuals of all ages experiencing mental illnesses or distress. Common diagnoses you’d be expected to treat include schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts or ideation, psychosis, paranoia, and self-harm. 31. Infectious Control Nurse Sometimes referred to as infection control specialists or nurse infection preventionists, infection control nurses work to prevent, contain, and treat infectious diseases caused by agents like bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi. These clinicians must demonstrate a thorough understanding of anatomy, epidemiology, and pathophysiology. They also need to stay up-to-date on the latest infection prevention techniques to ensure patients receive the safest care possible. 32. Health Administration Nurse Healthcare administrators are concerned with day-to-day operations at a care facility. Their primary focus is to optimize staff management and administrative procedures to streamline care delivery. They usually report to healthcare managers or executives, and work within individual departments as supervisors or managerial support. 33. Disaster Management Disaster management nurses specialize in preparing facilities and clinical teams for emergency events like natural disasters, pandemics, and mass injury situations. Their primary duties include creating emergency preparedness protocols and educating clinicians on how to execute these plans in the event of a disaster.  34. Certified Nurse Midwife A midwife is a nurse who provides care to pregnant women and their families, assisting with all stages of the pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum process. They provide lactation support, manage pain, and educate mothers and their partners how to provide safe infant care. In the U.S., certified nurse midwives (CNMs) have earned an advanced degree in addition to their traditional nursing education. 35. Plastic Surgery Nurse A plastic surgery nurse specializes in the reconstruction or restoration of a patient’s body. These nurses provide two types of treatment: Essential, critical treatment after motor vehicle accidents, burns, and other major traumas Aesthetic treatment to enhance the features of a patient at their request These clinicians can work in acute care hospitals, surgical centers, aesthetic clinics, and med spas. 36. Public Health Nurse Public health nurses help to develop health policies, advocate for health access, and educate policymakers on community health needs. They work at the local, regional, state, and federal levels to improve care quality and health outcomes of the population they care for. Topics of interest include:  Immunizations Infection prevention Environmental health  Opioid crisis response Sexual health promotion 37. Camp Nurse Camp nurses care for children and teens in a camp environment. These roles are usually temporary and can include seasonal work or contract work that lasts from days to months at a time. These camps house children, staff, and administrators in a setting that may be in the wilderness or some distance from a hospital or health clinic, so camp nurses are crucial for these populations. Common duties include administering medication, providing first aid, and intervening during emergencies. 38. N urse Coder A nurse coder is a clinician who translates diagnoses, procedures, and treatments into medical codes. They work to ensure the providers they work for get paid correctly for the services they provide. They also assist with billing and insurance claims. This is a non-clinical role. 39. Advanced nurse lactation consultant (ANLC) An advanced nurse lactation consultant (ANLC) is a nurse who has also earned their CLC or IBCLC in lactation management. They work to manage complex issues related to breastfeeding and human lactation. They often work in labor and delivery units or NICUs, but can also work privately, consulting in patient homes. 40. Hospice Nurse A hospice nurse cares for people who have been diagnosed with six months or less to live and have chosen hospice care at the end of life. Hospice nurses focus on providing comfort and enhancing quality of life rather than on curing disease or promoting healing.  They provide individualized care based on each person’s unique needs and work closely with each patient’s family members to establish a plan of care that meets the patient’s wishes. 41. Dialysis Nurse Dialysis nurses manage patients who are undergoing dialysis treatments. They have a thorough understanding of kidney functioning and are familiar wi th the signs and symptoms of fluid imbalance. They must know how to work the dialysis machine and troubleshoot in the event of a malfunction or emergency. These nurses work in acute care centers, dialysis clinics, or in a private health environment, administering dialysis in patient’s homes. 42. Travel Nurse Travel nurses  are registered nurses  who work in short-term roles at hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities around the world. Travel nurses  help fill gaps in areas where there are nursing shortages and are usually employed by a third-party staffing agency instead of the hospital that they work in. Contract lengths can last from a single week to months at a time, depending on the needs of the hospital and the preferences of the travel nurse. This is a great opportunity for nurses who have worked for a few years and are looking to make a better salary while traveling around the country. 43. Vascular Access Nurse Vascular access nurses help insert IV catheters, PICC lines, port devices, and central line catheters. They generally work in acute care hospitals but can also work in specialty clinics or can provide care in patient homes. 44. Case Manager Case managers are registered nurses who work to coordinate the plan of care for patients. They ensure that patients get prompt and cost-effective treatment, prepare for discharge and have the supplies they need, and reduce the need for hospital readmission by following up with patients after they’ve gone home. They collaborate with the interdisciplinary team and insurance providers to resolve barriers to care and ensure appropriate interventions are made.  45. Concierge Nurse Concierge nurses provide individualized, non-emergency care to patients in their homes. They can provide a variety of specialty services, including wound care treatment, orthopedic rehab, infusion treatments, and medication administration. These nurses can work independently or can partner with an agency. This is a great option for nurses looking to set their own schedule and pay rate. 46. Wound Care Nurse Wound care nurses care for burns, wounds, sores, and incisions. They focus on assessing wounds, choosing the medication or ointment best suited to heal each injury, and dressing wounds with the proper bandages. These hospitals tend to work in acute care hospitals or long-term care facilities, but can also work for home health agencies. 47. Nurse Content Creator Nurse content creators share their nursing knowledge and experience on social media or in a blog, helping to empower those looking to become nurses or those just looking for a bit more insight into what goes on in the healthcare industry.  This is a rapidly growing profession, and nurses share their insights across platforms  like Instagram, Tik Tok, Pinterest, Lemonade, and Youtube. In this role, nurses generally work for themselves and are able to release content on their time. Many clinicians form partnerships with big companies and make money promoting their goods or services. 48. Nurse Coroner Nurse coroners work with law enforcement representatives, autopsy specialists, and other forensic investigators to shed light on the causes and circumstances surrounding an individual’s death. Usually, these clinicians work to identify the cause of death for people involved in accidents, homicides, suicides, or those that died under suspicious or unexplained circumstances. Their work helps to influence the development of laws, policies, and risk prevention strategies to prevent future incidents. 49. Clinical Editor Nurses are often hired by scholarly journals, databases, publishers, and healthcare organizations to edit and peer-review their content. As an expert in his or her specialty, a nurse editor is responsible for developing and maintaining proprietary clinical content as well as critically appraising the work of others. Most nurse editors work from home in a remote capacity. It’s important to note that these positions sometimes require an advanced degree, so be sure to check the job requirements for a position you’re interested in before applying to ensure you’re qualified.  50. Nursing Educator Nurse educators teach prospective nurses and those working at the bedside how to perform clinical skills. They can work for universities or health systems and can serve as clinical instructors, professors, or unit educators. 51 . Fitness Nurse Fitness nurses, sometimes called health coaches, work to promote patient health and wellness through fitness, mobility, and lifestyle education. They empower individuals and communities to adopt healthier habits to live more robust, fulfilling lives. Tori's Tips on NICU NURSE 101: See Blog Post ​ Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Content Creator. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN student , a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or Instagram @nurse.tori_

  • 11 Night Shift Nurse Survival Tips

    Back to the Dark Side! Night Shift Life. Survival Guide. Working the night shift is not for the faint of heart. Many of us in the healthcare field work on "the dark side," whether we want to or not. No matter what time you’re expected to show up for work, we all have to report for duty fully rested and prepared to give our best.  It’s imperative for those of us who work the night shift to get sufficient sleep, eat healthy meals, exercise, prioritize our mental health, and sustain close relationships. These things are hard enough to do on a normal schedule, and even more difficult for those of use with nontraditional work schedules.   While some true night owls prefer working while the world sleeps, most of us find it challenging to work through the night. If you are like me, you might find yourself spending a large chunk of time off recovering from the “jet lag” you feel after working a night shift.  Still, there are ways to prioritize your health and wellbeing  while working at night. You may even find ways to enjoy the night shift lifestyle! Here, I share a few key tips I have learned from working as a night shifter over the years that have helped me get through the work week. Hopefully, they’ll help you as much as they’ve helped me! 11 TIPS FOR NIGHT SHIFT WORKERS 1. ESTABLISH A ROUTINE This is easier said than done, but is always important to consider! Try to maintain a consistent schedule for working, sleeping, and recovering. This will obviously vary as you can’t predict every detail life will throw at you, but there are some things you can do to help yourself establish a routine.  For me the biggest tip here is to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day that you work .  Some nurses prefer to maintain their daytime sleep schedule on off days to keep their bodies and minds ready for work, while others prefer to adjust their schedule to match that of their family members and friends. The take home point here is to convince your body that it’s “bedtime” when you get home from work so that you are in a position to get a long, uninterrupted rest during the day. 2. MAKE YOUR BEDROOM A SANCTUARY Learning how to adapt to a different sleep schedule is one of the hardest obstacles that a night shift worker must master – especially since our sleeping pattern is one that is opposite to that of the majority of the population, including our family and friends.  The greatest threat to our health as night shifters is chronic sleep deprivation. Risks of sleep deprivation include increased chances of being involved in a car accident. These risks become exponentially higher as our lack of sleep worsens. Because most nurses drive to and from work, this impacts us on a huge scale, and is definitely something we should consider when starting out as a night shift nurse. One of the most frustrating things about trying to sleep as a new night shifter is that no matter how tired I was, no matter how hard I’d try to sleep, I’d often lay awake in the middle of the day thinking about the things I need to do, wishing I could enjoy the sunshine beating through my window. The only thing that helped me to sleep and turn my brain off was turning my bedroom into a sanctuary. This involved: Making the room dark (blackout blinds/curtains are a must). Making the room cold. Putting clean, soft sheets on the bed. Wearing an eye mask and earplugs. Using soft lighting like a salt lamp . Using apps like Calm or Headspace, or a white noise machine to fall asleep. If you have a partner or kids, make sure to let everyone know that your bedroom is off limits during the day while you sleep. Those of us that have worked night shift for years know that once you wake up, it’s difficult to fall back asleep. 3 . MEAL PREP Night-shift work may alter your eating patterns and food preferences. Good meal planning and food preparation  can go a long way in ensuring healthy eating habits for night shift nurses. Before grocery shopping, make a list to help you focus on buying healthy foods. Otherwise, you may be tempted to buy overly refined sugary snacks that provide quick energy but end up giving you a sugar crash in the middle of your shift. If you feel you don’t have time to do this the right way, consider getting your groceries or meals delivered to your doorstep. You’ll want to avoid getting take out or fast food meals if you can, though I’d be lying if I didn’t get the occasional Taco Bell after a rough night shift! 4. SHIFT PREP In all of my tips, you’ll notice that preparing  for night shift  is the key to success. In addition to preparing your meals, you’ll want to have your scrubs laid out, lunch prepped, bag packed, and car full of gas. Here are a few things I ensure are in my work bag ahead of time: Airpods Phone charger Blue Light Blocking Glasses J acket / Vest Stethoscope Penlight Compression socks Water bottle Advil / Aspirin Chapstick Mouthwash (swish once a shift to decrease bacteria build up in the mouth) Favorite Pens Badge Clogs 5. ALWAYS HAVE HEALTHY "PICK-ME-UP" SNACKS ON HAND All night shifters have that “hit the wall” hour. Mine usually comes between 0200-0400 am. To help you combat the exhaustion, a “PICK ME UP” can help. For me, the top hitters are caffeine (coffee, tea, celsius drink)  and an energizing snack. I’ve crowd sourced everyone’s favorite night shift snacks  and have compiled a comprehensive list below! Chocolate Noka Superfood smoothie pouches Peanut butter cups Chocolate covered pretzels Cucumbers and hummus Tuna salad on rice cake (manage cravings) Pirates Booty Smart Sweets Boiled egg + avocado + sriracha sauce + toast Gold Fish Dried figs  Froze balls (from Trader Joes) Verb bars Gushers Chomps jalapeno jerky sticks Gum Emergen-C packs Pique tea (Sun Goddess Macha packets)  Apple + PB Avocado Toast Oatmeal  Soup   (hot or cold, depending on your preference) Protein shake 6. TAKE A BREAK OR NAP WHENEVER POSSIBLE For those of us who work long, 12-hour night shifts , breaks are essential. If you’ve read any of my other blogs, you’ll know I say this at every opportunity: don’t skip breaks or meals during your shift, and be sure to take advantage of leaving the bedside for designated rest areas when you have coverage. If you are able to, get off your feet, nap, put in some headphones, and take a few minutes to rejuvenate. You need to care for yourself, and your patients are counting on you to stay sharp. 7. FORM STRONG FRIENDSHIPS WITH YOUR CO-WORKERS Night shift people are the best kind of people! We’ve got a dark lifestyle and dark humor, which help us get through the tough nights! In all seriousness, laughing and joking with your coworkers is a HUGE  part of surviving night shift.  Forming close relationships with the nurses, doctors, secretaries, and techs on your team is one of the best things about working night shift!  It definitely helps you stay awake. Also, you’ll feel less hesitation when asking for help or bringing up a concern about a patient.  8. STAY HYDRATED! As nurses, we often overlook the importance of staying hydrated  and prioritize other things that seem more important. However, ensuring adequate hydration is the easiest way to stay awake and alert. Drinking enough water helps to regulate our body temperature, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Experts recommend  about 11 cups (88 oz.) of water per day for the average woman and 16 cups (128 oz.) for the average man. Be sure to avoid sugary sodas and fruit juices, which can make your blood sugar spike and rapidly crash. 9. DO WHAT YOU CAN TO MAKE YOUR COMMUTE HOME SAFER At the end of your shift, you’ll be exhausted and drowsy. Make sure you take extra precautions to get home safely. I recommend: Opening care windows to get a fresh breeze in your face. Turn up the radio to stay awake. Calling a friend or family member to keep your brain active and alert.  After some incredibly rough shifts, you may not feel like you can drive safely. Don’t be too proud to take a nap in your car before leaving the parking lot or calling a car service to bring you home. 10. HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY ABOUT YOUR NEW NIGHT SHIFT LIFESTYLE Your family members, partner, or roommates will have to understand that working night shift is a lifestyle. They may be seeing less of you on certain days, and may need to work around your new sleep schedule. This isn’t always easy, and definitely requires communication to be executed effectively. It is important to get everyone on board, and it can be a hard adjustment for those that depend on you. Jacob and I share a GOOGLE CALENDAR  which is a huge life saver! We share our work schedules and plug in work outs, date nights, vacations, and appointments. We live by the calendar and rely on it to ensure we get quality time together each week! 11. DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOUR INTIMATE NEEDS (YES, I'M TALKING ABOUT LIBIDO!) A big negative of working night shift is the detrimental effect it can have on your libido, energy, and sex life. This can be a hard one  (pun intended…lol) to maintain, especially if you and your partner work opposite schedules. But it’s important for all of us to remember that sex and intimacy  are important for all of us. Make time for date nights when you can, and schedule weekend getaways like mini staycations or local trips to keep things fun. We’re Here for Every Stage of Your NICU Nursing Journey  For more info on working night shift, check out Cellfie’s full podcast episode called “Back to the Dark Side”   where we spill the tea on our best kept night shift secrets! Feel free to reach out on our NICUity nurse forum  with any questions for starting your night shift journey — we can’t wait to see you! LISTEN TO FULL EPISODE OF "BACK TO THE DARK SIDE" HERE I hope you enjoyed this blog! Leave your thoughts in the comments below or suggestions for other night shift tips! Cheers to you in your night shift journey! Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN student , a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or

  • 11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming A NICU Nurse

    If you’ve just graduated nursing school and are starting your first NICU job , you’re probably feeling a mix of excitement and worry. It can feel like you’re drowning in expectations, worried about learning the ins and outs of your unit’s culture, and fear having a tough time keeping up with a never-ending flow of patients.  The doubt you may feel about whether nursing is really your calling or not can creep in but I can assure you that is  NORMAL  and is something we all go through at different stages of our nursing career, especially when we’re just starting out.  Sometimes, the fear and trepidation of what’s to come is the worst part of any new journey! What helps me before diving into any challenging life situation is setting realistic goals and expectations for myself and for those around me. Below, I’ll list 11 things I wish I knew before I started my first job to help you prepare for the challenges ahead.  11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting In the NICU 1. Some people may NEVER appreciate what you do. This is something you are going to have to settle with right away. The goal is to try not to take the words and actions of others around you to heart. The attitude and frustration isn’t necessarily about something you’ve done, but rather is something that they can’t control when dealing with stress or anxiety.  It’s disheartening for all of us when we’re caring for an ungrateful or rude patient, co-worker, or family member. What’s important is that we keep their poor attitude from changing the way we provide compassionate and empathetic care. No matter what, it’s our responsibility to remain respectful to your patients, their family members & colleagues, even when you feel wrongfully questioned or disregarded.  It can be a tough pill to swallow to remember that in healthcare, respect is earned, not given. It may take some time to establish this with your colleagues and families when you’re first starting out. If you have a friend or family member that isn’t supporting you in your new role, bring up your concerns and try to have a healthy discussion about it. Advocate for yourself when you can and let go of the rest. Don't let this over-come you — it’s something we all continue to deal with, even after years of being a nurse. We’re all in this together! XO  2. Burnout and work fatigue. It’s not as simple as “self-care”. We all face nursing burnout  and work fatigue, but be wary of taking “self-care” advice from those outside of the healthcare field. Unless they’ve walked in your shoes, it’s hard for others to understand the fatigue of a 12-hour night shift , especially when you’re working several days in a row. Not only is our work physically taxing, but it’s also emotionally and mentally exhausting as we do our part to help patients through positive and negative outcomes. Preventing job burnout  starts by leaving work at the hospital and living “off the clock” on days off. If you notice burnout creeping in, try to make some changes to your schedule. Try taking on a new role in your unit, look into career development   opportunities, attend a conference, network, conduct clinical research, apply for a new job, or even consider going back to school to get your advanced degree. Nursing is far too vast an industry for you to live your life in a career rut. Don't sink into it — instead, get ahead of it.  Listen to the Cellfie episode on burnout and lessons learned here! 3. You may love your job or specialty at first, but could then grow to dislike or outgrow it. Yep, this happens all the time. It may feel frustrating to put your heart and soul into a job and then decide it’s time for something new. Ultimately, life is all about growth and change, so don’t be afraid of it! It’s okay to start off in love with one specialty and then to grow to dislike it as time goes on.  It doesn’t mean that you failed to identify your passion or that you’re in the wrong profession altogether. Make a list of the pros and cons of your unit/specialty and then work toward making a change if you feel that the cons outweigh the pros. Floating to different units and taking a travel nursing assignment helped solidify in my mind what I wanted to stick with as it gave me a broader perspective on how other hospitals, units and specialties operate.  If you’re falling out of love with your job, I encourage you to make a BIG change and take a travel nursing assignment. A change of scenery and a new clinical team might help you determine where you feel most drawn to in the long-term. 4. You will work with some very difficult personalities. All types of people work in healthcare. We all have different cultural backgrounds, aspirations, and motivations to succeed. It’s important to remember that not everyone thinks and behaves like you do. This is not always a negative. In fact, I think working with people who are different from you is something that can move you forward in your journey of professional growth.  I have worked with plenty of nurses and doctors who I initially STRONGLY DISLIKED but grew to LOVE like no other. Remember, someone could just be having a bad day (or even a hard season of life) and bring that burden to their shift(s) with them. Maybe you and a team member just don't jive, which is okay too! Give yourself enough time to get to know each of your coworkers before judging them. Try to find ways to work together instead of trying to find ways to avoid them.  5. Work culture can affect you professionally AND personally. Work culture plays a HUGE factor in nurse job satisfaction. It’s something we should all ask about during job interviews. Every workplace will have a different culture. Having insight into what makes your unit tick can help you get started on the right foot and adapt if you need to.   For example, if you have always preferred to work alone and problem solve independently, a culture that embraces community discussion, bouncing ideas off one another, and problem-solving might feel intimidating to you at first. Instead of trying to fight the system, attempt to change and grow personally and professionally! If there’s something about your unit that you find toxic or negative, try to incite the positive change you wish to see. 6. Rome wasn’t built in a day (or even a year)! Getting experience and developing as a professional takes time.  Being ambitious can make you a strong clinician, but don’t get hung up on wanting to be a master right from the start. It took me 3 years to feel "competent" in my Level IV NICU, and even after 9 years, I have moments when I make mistakes and learn something new.  There will be things you don’t know, so get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Ask questions, be nosey, get involved, and take the initiative when you want to develop your portfolio. Every shift is an opportunity to dive deeper, become more confident, and make a lasting impact on your fellow shift workers and patients. I have been in my nursing role for many years and still seek out leadership and professional growth opportunities everywhere I can.  Try to seek out conferences to attend or certificates to earn that could help you solidify and expand upon your nursing knowledge! On a smaller scale, sign up for a class you’re interested in or eat lunch with a group of experienced nurses to learn how they think about certain things! Every small effort can make a big difference when you add up hundreds of small efforts! 7. Prioritize your own personal "work" so you can show up as your best self This is vital! If you’re struggling personally, it is hard to be 100% present during your shift. Research shows that unchecked mental fatigue results in concentration difficulties, irritability, stress, depression, frustration, forgetfulness, and chronic disease. If you can’t focus on important tasks, mistakes are bound to happen, which puts your babies and your nursing license at risk. These issues also spill over into your relationships with family, friends, and co-workers.  I wish someone had told me earlier that it is not only okay to go to therapy but therapy is actually extremely helpful when processing the difficult moments we experience as a healthcare provider. The struggles, disappointments, and fears that come with being a nurse can add up and get really overwhelming. Going to therapy, meditating, exercising, and making fun plans with family & friends are all ways that I put my well-being first. I always try to be the best version of myself and bring good positive energy with me to my shifts.  You might know that you’re having a tough time but may not know what to do about it. If you’re struggling with mental fatigue but aren’t sure where to start, I recommend checking out my “ 10 Tips for Preventing Mental Fatigue ” episode on The Cellfie Show! Listen to Cellfie Episode "10 Tips for Preventing Mental Fatigue" here! 8. At some point, you’ll hit a professional plateau. When this happens, SHIFT. Think about what’s next and how you can challenge yourself in a new and exciting way. We all hit a wall at different points in our careers. For some of us, it happens within a few months of starting our first job. For others it can be years before we start to feel stuck or bored.  What’s important to remember is that you’re never stuck as a nurse! Most of us chose this career path because we knew it opened so many doors and opportunities. There are so many options for you to make big moves and changes in your career, whether that includes becoming a travel nurse, changing the unit you work in, switching hospitals or even taking your career to the next level by going back to nursing school and getting an advanced degree.  One of the best parts about nursing is the flexibility it offers. If you decide that bedside isn’t for you anymore, there are other nurse roles to look into. Check out my blog  “ 51 Nurse Jobs to Consider ” for some inspiration! 9. Doctors make mistakes too We are all human and make mistakes. There will be high-pressure situations that will require immediate decisions by everyone on the medical team. However, it’s important to remember not to blindly follow orders under pressure, especially those that you question or feel uneasy about.  Don’t be afraid to speak up when you think there might be a mistake. Listen to your gut and trust your teaching. Question the appropriateness of orders, especially if you find yourself working in a teaching hospital with medical students, residents, fellows, and interns.  It can be so easy to get caught up in the emotions of an emergency situation and blindly follow a process, but you have to be strong and speak up to help your team and your patients. Mistakes can mean the difference between life and death in the NICU, so we all have to play our part to make sure we’re keeping our patients safe.  10. You will face many ethical dilemmas along the way. During your career as a NICU nurse, you’ll have moments where you disagree with how your medical team is handling a particular situation. If you feel strongly about how to handle the situation and everyone else seems to have made a different decision, it can become ethically and morally stressful. One of the hardest ethical dilemmas I’ve faced is knowing how much or how little information to share with a patient and their family. For example: Do you continue care on a patient whose outcomes are poor just because a family wants you to?  Do you continue life-saving care on a patient because your facility’s legal team tells you to do so?   Do you choose to provide hope to a patient’s parents, even if the outcomes don’t look promising?  Are you aware of certain complications of a particular procedure that the family isn’t aware about?  These scenarios are the types of ethical issues that I find most challenging as a nurse. In these situations, it can be helpful to bounce your ideas and viewpoints off of others in your team’s chain of command. This could be your unit’s charge nurse, manager, CNS, or even the director of nursing. Hospitals also staff ethical committees to help in these challenging situations, so don’t be afraid to collaborate with them if you’re feeling particularly stressed or concerned. 11. You are the coordinator of the party When you’re new, you may have serious imposter syndrome. However, you have to remember — many family members think of you as the boss! I like to think of myself as the host of the patient’s party. As the nurse you’re the direct link between the patient and their family members, MDs, NNPs , surgeons, consultants, RTs, therapists, social workers, and radiologists. while they are under your care.  It’s important to remember that you are your patient’s best advocate and that it’s your job to ensure that your patient is given all medical information, education and treatment options so that they can have the autonomy to make the decision that’s best for them.  Obviously, this looks different depending on your specialty/unit, but the idea is the same. You  are the one who is coordinating the other members of your team to keep all of the balls in the air.  It’s vital that you give correct and timely information to the patient’s “team” to ensure they receive the quality care they deserve.   Okay — this sounds like a lot to handle. What’s the real tea?  Chances are, you’ll form a love-hate relationship with your nursing career. You’ll have hard days that leave you in tears on your commute home, but you’ll also have the days where you leave work feeling proud of yourself for helping to save a life. On your hardest days, don’t forget the good days that have shaped you into the strong nurse, colleague, and community member you are today. The talent and expertise that you bring to the table is needed in nursing today more than ever before. Join Our Nursing Support Network Looking for support from others in the NICU community? Join NICUity Neighborhood , a free forum full of new and experienced nurses looking to grow and learn from each other! You can find answers to your toughest questions and help provide support and guidance to others looking for help! We’re all in this together :)  Leave any questions you have about starting your new nursing career in the comments below! XO Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN student , a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or

  • 55 Tips for New Grad Nurses

    Congratulations on passing your NCLEX and landing your first job ! You’re probably feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement — don’t worry! We’ve all been there. A lot of what you’ll need to know about patient safety you learned in nursing school. However, most of the practical skills you’ll need will be taught during your first few weeks on the job.   Looking to make your transition to practice a positive learning experience? I’ve collaborated with colleagues, professors, and nursing school friends to come up with this list of tips to help your new grad career   get started on the right foot. 1. Never be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions as a new grad nurse can be intimidating. For the safety of your patients, ALWAYS ASK if you’re unsure of how to do something or why your patient needs a particular medication or test. You’d be surprised how many seasoned nurses may have the same question — you  can help your coworkers learn too!   2. Admit when you’ve made a mistake. In the healthcare world, mistakes happen every day. When you’re just starting out, don’t make a habit of covering up a mistake, blaming others, or trying to argue your way out of it. Your colleagues will understand if you admit to your mistake and ask for help in reducing the consequences of your error.  3. Don’t hesitate to take a few minutes for yourself. If you need to use the restroom, ask a coworker to cover for you. If you need to hydrate, drink before continuing with your tasks. Most nurses delay the little things they need because they’re in a rush to finish a task but in reality, if you are too hard on yourself the work you do will be affected.  4. Always perform routine safety checks after receiving handover report. Before diving into shift tasks, it’s always important to make sure you have the necessary equipment at the bedside in case of an emergency. You’ll want to verify that you have items like a suction catheter, ambu bag, code sheet, functioning oxygen canister and tubing, IV initiation set, alcohol/chlorhexidine wipes, saline flushes, and gloves.  5. Know the SIZES of all tubes & lines in your patient. In the NICU, our patients are tiny and delicate. You’ll want to make sure you know what size lines and tubes your patient has. As part of this assessment, you’ll also want to know how deep these tubes are and keep track of those measurement numbers as well. Important lines and tubes include NG/OG tubes, IVs, ETTs, UVCs/UACs, PICCs, chest tubes, Foley catheters, etc. 6. Keep up with your charting. If you save your documentation for later, you might be rushing to finish before your shift ends. You can’t fully anticipate when you will be really busy, so stay up-to-date on your charting as often as you can. It’s also important for the multidisciplinary team to be able to review your charting and trend the data, so you’ll want the most recent assessment and vital signs readings to be updated in the chart as soon as possible. 7. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’ll learn hundreds of new things each shift. What’s important is that your coworkers and managers won’t expect you to remember everything or perfect every skill after your first try. Having patience with yourself will help others have patience with you as well. Take your time, you’ve got a long career ahead to master your skills! 8. Before calling a doctor, always think about & make a list of the things you need to mention. You can’t fully trust your memory when talking through a phone call especially when the doctor is always in a hurry. I like to make little notes of the things I need prior to calling or paging the doctor so I don’t forget any important details. For example, if you call and ask to increase a vasopressor dose, make sure you have a set of recent vitals to share with the doctor. They’ll want this information as well! 9. Invest in comfortable footwear. You will take thousands of steps every nursing shift, so wear appropriate nursing shoes that are made for comfort and durability. I also recommend getting a pair of shoes that can be easily washed or wiped. Check out my favorite brand, Sanita Clogs, here! PS: You can use the code “ Nurse Tori” for 20% off your order. 10. Learn to be assertive. Building confidence takes time. Watch and learn from seasoned nurses how they give report, ask questions, take phone calls, and communicate with family members. While these skills are practiced throughout your career, it’s important to start practicing while you’re just starting out. 11. Avoid being involved in workplace gossip. We’ve all witnessed this sort of catty behavior in school, in clubs, or in the community. Being known as one of the unit’s gossip queens will do nothing good for your career as a nurse. Instead, try to get a reputation for being kind, helpful, and intelligent.   12. Always research new medications before you give them. You may have never heard of some of the medications that you’ll be administering in the NICU. Before giving them to your patient, take the time to understand why you’re giving the medication, potential side effects, IV compatibility, and the appropriate dosing range. If you’ve researched and still don’t know why or how to give the medication, ask a coworker for advice. 13. Read the doctor's notes . Nursing report can get busy, and you don’t always have time to relay every single part of a patient’s history. Make a habit of reading through the doctor’s notes and plan of care after receiving report. These notes are comprehensive and could help you find extra details or information that you weren’t aware of. 14. Make your statement short and precise when calling a doctor in the middle of the night. When calling a doctor, you’ll want to have a short and sweet request. You might think that providing a long detailed story or explanation could help, but it usually makes your request more confusing and complicated. Get straight to the point and ask for what you need. Doctors will respect this and thank you for it! 15. Extend a helping hand to your colleagues when they need it. You will soon realize how helpful it is to have caring co-workers. The more often you show that you’re willing to help your neighbor, the more likely it is that they’ll help you the next time you need it! 16. When in DOUBT, take the line OUT ! NICU IV’s only usually last 24-96 hours depending on the baby’s size and vasculature. If their IV site looks puffy, red, swollen, is difficult to flush, or blanches, take it out! 17. Don’t fully trust an IV pump or other piece of equipment. Make sure to manually check the rate, volume, and concentration of the IV fluid you’re infusing during rounds and before starting a new drip. This will keep your patients safe and will also help you understand how much fluid volume is going into your patient every hour. 18. When calculating the volume for new medications or narcotics, always ask an experienced RN to double check your work. This will give you confidence and security that you have drawn up the medication the right way. If you’re not sure how to prepare the medication, ask how they would reconstitute and administer it. You’ll notice a trend here — ask all of the questions!! 19.   Be careful with your charting. Remember that in the medical world, if it is not charted, it was never done. Your charting will be significant if a lawsuit is brought against you or the hospital. This is important to consider when having conversations with doctors and family members as well. If you relay an important assessment finding or vital sign, chart who you told and when you had the conversation. This might seem unnecessary, but trust me, you’ll always want to cover yourself, especially during critical moments.  20. When you are about to do a procedure like dressing change or Foley catheter insertion, make a list of all of the supplies you’ll need so you don’t forget anything. If you’re placing a new IV, have a couple sets open and ready. Even if you’re only changing a baby's diaper, make sure to have everything you need at the bedside before opening the isolette. This will save you time if something unexpected happens during the procedure. 21.   Always get the right size of gloves for your hands. Gloves work better when they fit your hands perfectly. Don’t rush and grab a size that’s too large or small, especially during a crisis situation. You’ll want to make sure your dexterity is as good as it can be. This starts with wearing the proper size of gloves! 22. Show the world what professional nurses look and act like. Just remember that wherever you go, you are representing the nursing profession. Especially when you’re in your work scrubs, your actions, appearance, and attitude should reflect the nursing profession you have worked hard to enter.  23. Always try to appear calm and relaxed, even if you’re freaking out on the inside. If you appear calm and coordinated, it’s more likely that your patient and their family members will read your calm energy and relax a bit. This skill can be especially helpful during emergency situations.  24. Treat yourself at the end of a tiring shift. 12-hour shifts can be long and exhausting, especially when you work more than one in a row! When your shift ends, always remember to # TREATyoSELF !  This could mean getting yourself a nice dinner on the drive home from work, or it could mean enjoying a cup of herbal tea before heading to bed. This will give you the energy and motivation you’ll need to continue through the challenges during your next shift.  25.   Wear compression stockings. Nursing involves a lot of time on your feet. Take care of your legs early on in your career so you can   avoid developing varicose veins  down the line. There are tons of cute nurse compression socks  out there to make you feel less like a granny — check them out here !  26.   Be open to advice. If a preceptor or other senior nurse recommends an easier way to do a task, try it. Experience is the best teacher and your senior nurses know what they’re doing! 27. Take advantage of the time you have with your preceptor. When you are working under a preceptor, ask for suggestions and tips! Your hospital is paying you to learn, so this is the perfect time to ask ANYTHING you’re unsure about. You are new and your coworkers know that. 28. Organize your shift and make a tentative schedule for the things you need to do. I recommend making a tentative hourly schedule on the back of your nursing report sheet to organize your shift. Prioritize which needs to be done first and make sure those tasks get completed before things get busy. 29. Get to know everyone in your unit. You’ll want to become familiar with all of the employees who work on your unit. This includes the respiratory therapists, doctors, techs, secretaries, and janitors — not JUST the nurses. You don’t need to become best friends with everyone, but getting to know them will help you adjust to your new unit and feel more comfortable asking for help. 30. Relax — things do get easier! All NICU nurses  who are new in the profession undergo the same period of adjustment, so be patient. Being nervous is a good thing at first, but everything will get more comfortable with time :)  31. Avoid complaining. Complaining at work affects the mood of your co-workers. Try to stay positive and minimize negativity. If you have a legitimate concern or issue with the way something on your unit is done, bring it up to your manager or supervisor instead of ruminating about it. 32.   Delegate tasks. Some nurses think they can get everything done themselves. In the NICU, it’s impossible to do all the work alone. Delegate simple tasks to others in a respectful manner and reach out for assistance if you’ve got a busy shift and need a hand.  33.   Develop your own support system. It can be helpful to talk about your problems at work with someone who understands the challenges and stresses of nursing. A mentor can help you work through difficult days and keep your spirit alive.  34. Set goals. What do you want your career to look like in 5 years? Setting nursing goals  will help you maximize what you achieve as a nurse. These could include objectives like becoming certified , going back to school, or becoming a charge nurse on your unit. 35.   Find a hobby to enjoy on days off. Joining a club or hobby can help direct your attention away from your job while you’re at home. It’s easy to worry about patients or think of your coworkers when you should be relaxing and recovering from your shifts.  36. Take the opportunity to watch procedures while you’re on orientation. Seasoned nurses have their own tricks for doing procedures like Foley catheter insertion, dressing changes, sterile line changes, and admitting a patient. Offering a second pair of hands will show that you’re not only looking to help your team, but that you’re also looking to take the initiative to learn from the best.  37. Be flexible. If you are asked to float in another unit for extra help, accept it. If your unit has a difficult assignment that you’d like to learn from, offer to care for the patient. You’ll learn a lot by taking on challenges and being flexible.  38. After experiencing a tough shift, you’ll have nothing to fear. If you run three codes in a single shift, the next time you have a code you will know what to do and won’t have the same level of fear you had the first time you handled an emergency. The same thing applies when inserting IV lines, helping with a high-risk delivery, and admitting a patient After doing an IV insertion  hundreds of times, you’ll find venipuncture easy.  39. When receiving verbal orders, right down what you hear and read the order back to clarify. There’s an old saying that we forget 80% of what we hear within a few seconds of hearing it. When having a discussion with a doctor, take notes so you can feel confident knowing you're taking the right action. This can keep patients safe and also protect your license. 40.   Don’t dwell on mistakes. Like mentioned earlier, making mistakes happens to everyone, even in high risk settings like the NICU. What’s important in these situations is that you learn from your mistakes  and move on. 41. Don’t apologize for doing your job. If you need to call the attending physician in the middle of the night, do it without hesitation. If you need to assess the baby while the mother is holding their child, don’t be afraid to tell her what needs to be done. It can be awkward and uncomfortable, but you’re just doing your job to protect your patient.  42.   No matter how tired or stressed out you are, always approach your patients with positivity and a gentle touch. Patients are in the NICU because they have illnesses. While they can’t thank you for your attention and devotion, they have a future because of you. If you’re having a tough personal day or can’t bring your best to work, consider taking a sick or mental health day. This is celebrated these days, not looked down upon. This can help you show up with your best foot forward every day.   43.   Get a NICU reference guide  to use on your first few months of the job. In nursing school, you’re tested on your ability to remember medications and side effects. Now, you’re allowed to use “ cheat sheets ”. Don’t be ashamed to carry a bedside nursing reference book  or drug guide during your first shifts. 44. When you’re faced with a crisis and you don’t know what to do, always start with the basics. If you’re faced with an emergency situation but aren’t sure where to start, begin with what you know. Collect the patient’s vital signs , perform a head-to-toe assessment, visualize your lines, tubes, and support the baby’s breathing if necessary. The other important assessments will stem out from here. 45.   Listen to your “gut feeling”. Trust your instincts. As you develop skills and an understanding of infant anatomy and physiology , you’ll develop gut feelings that will help you along the way. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. If you feel uncomfortable about something and want to ask a doctor about what to do, your discomfort is what will save your patient.  46.   Leave your work stress at the hospital. Go home with peace in your mind. It is unfair to think about what you might have forgotten to do at work when you are already at home with your family. The great thing about nursing is that there’s always someone at the hospital handling the patient workload. While you’re off, enjoy being off. It’ll be your turn to go back soon enough, so enjoy the peace! 47. If a seasoned nurse grills you when you’re giving report, don’t take it personally. Some nurses may come across as demanding and rude when getting report. While this may seem personal, they’re there for the same reason as you are: to care for patients and get babies home to their families. Those that have worked in the NICU for years probably know more than you do, so take every opportunity to learn from them and thank them for their tips and support. Soon enough you’ll be the seasoned nurse giving pointers :)  48.   When giving medications, double check your six rights. When administering a medication, even if you’ve given it one hundred times, you’ll want to review the six rights of medication administration  – right medication, right patient, right time, right dose, right route, and right documentation.  - NICU Common Meds & Code Meds at Your Fingertips - NICUity Bedside Comprehensive Companion 49.   If no one see ms to be taking your concerns seriously, raise them to the medical chain-of-command. As a new grad, you may feel like doctors aren’t taking your concerns or worries seriously. If you’re not getting the attentive response you need, consider raising your concerns to the chain-of-command. Start with a resident or fellow, and go up to the neonatal nurse practitioner  and neonatologist after that.  50. Do your physical assessment properly as it will serve as the foundation of your care. Practice it over & over with a systematic approach. Soon it will become second nature with a speedy, detailed, accurate approach. When you feel comfortable performing an assessment, you’ll gain a load of confidence  in recognizing changes and abnormalities. 51.   Use proper body mechanics!  When pushing equipment, lifting objects, moving isolettes, and charting, protect your body. Stand with good form and avoid bending at the waist. Your future self will thank you! 52. Take (and appreciate) your breaks when you’re allowed them. When you’re new, you might feel compelled to chart through your break or say “no” to someone covering you for a few minutes while you grab a bite to eat. Experienced nurses will tell you to TAKE YOUR BREAK! You’re entitled to at least a few minutes of rest during your 12-hour shift. Whether you use that break to rehydrate, eat, or take a nap is up to you, but be sure to use your time to find some peace in the middle of your shift.  53.   Never forget the reason you became a nurse. Think about why you became a nurse  whenever you are feeling tired, run down or burned-out from work. It will help you get through the rough times of being a nurse and will keep you motivated to improve your practice and the lives of those you care for.  54. Put compassion into everything you do. Remember, when you’re a NICU nurse, you’re caring for someone’s most precious gift. You’re caring for a neonate/preemie or infant at their most vulnerable moments. Speak softly, act with a sensitive touch, and listen with attention. Families will never forget it. 55. It’s never too early to save for retirement! Most organizations provide employees with a retirement savings plan in their benefits package! Whether you are able to contribute 5% or 15%, start contributing money towards your retirement fund early! This always seems to be put on the back burner, however it should be one of the top things you prioritize! Looking for more ways to get ahead? Being a new nurse is hard, but here at NICUity , we’ve got your back! Our educational guides and resources can support you during the first few months of your career and beyond.  ​ Tori Meskin has been a dedicated clinician since 2012, working in acute care and inpatient NICU settings in Southern California. She holds a National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) and has extensive experience as a travel NICU nurse. Tori is a sponsored MSN student at Capella University and a Brave Beginnings Ambassador. She recently launched NICUity, a company dedicated to empowering NICU professionals with education, bedside tools, and resources. Follow her journey as she navigates the NICU world, married life, and new motherhood, all while juggling work, school, and content creation. Discover her top-notch tips and tricks at or contact her at . ​

  • NICU Vital Signs 101

    You might be wondering: What are “normal” NICU vital signs and how do we assess them in our newborn patients? Here, you’ll find out all you need to know! NICU NURSE VITALS Collecting and documenting vital signs is an essential part of being a nurse. No matter what speciality or clinical setting you work in, you’ll be expected to assess your patient’s vital signs to monitor their stability and health status. It’s no surprise that part of being a NICU nurse  means collecting vital signs on their newborn patients. However, vital sign parameters are different in the NICU, and we collect our readings differently than nurses in other specialties. Below, I’ll answer the following questions: What vital signs are most important when working in the NICU? How do you conduct a newborn assessment and collect   infant vital signs? What equipment is needed to obtain newborn vitals? What Vital Signs Do NICU Nurses Monitor? Similar to nurses in other intensive care unit specialties, most NICU nurses document the following six vital signs:    1. Heart Rate 2. Respiratory Rate 3. Oxygen Saturation 4. Blood Pressure 5. Temperature 6. Pain In addition to these vital signs, assessing newborn measurements is also essential to documenting developmental progress. These include: Head circumference (the distance around a baby's head) Abdominal circumference (the distance around a baby’s abdomen at the level of their belly button). Length (the measurement from crown of the head to the heel) Weight (usually measured in grams) What Are Normal NICU Vital Sign Parameters? The normal ranges for NICU vital signs  might look different than those for adults or older children: 1. Heat Rate: 100-200 beats per minute 2. Respiratory Rate: 10-100 breaths per minute 3. Temp 36.5 C - 37.5 C 4. Oxygen Sats - 85-100% 5. Blood pressure: depends on gestation  6. Pain: NPASS scores between 0-4 Collecting Patient Vitals in the NICU: 3 Important Steps Part of what makes working in the NICU so unique is the complexity of our patient population.  Each baby will have different “normal” vital sign parameters  according to their gestational age. Step 1: Assess Your Patient Before documenting an infant’s vital signs, you’ll want to perform two types of assessments:  A full-body physical assessment A maturity/gestational assessment  These can give insight into particular findings and can highlight areas of concern . Then, once you’ve done that, you can proceed with vital sign collection. We outline how to carry out these  important steps below: a. Infant Full-Body Physical Assessment Before you check a NICU patient’s vitals, you’ll want to take a look at their general appearance. If you’re just starting out your shift, you’ll want to do a thorough physical assessment. If you’re collecting repeat vitals, a quick look-over will suffice. Before you check a NICU patient’s vitals, you’ll want to take a look at their general appearance. If you’re just starting out your shift, you’ll want to do a thorough physical assessment. If you’re collecting repeat vitals, a quick look-over will suffice. When conducting your physical assessment, take note of the following characteristics: 1. General appearance: Physical activity, tone, posture, and level of consciousness 2. Skin: Color, texture, nails, presence of rashes 3. Head and neck: Appearance, shape, presence of molding (shaping of the head from passage through the birth canal) Fontanels (the open "soft spots" between the bones of the baby's skull) Clavicles (bones across the upper chest) 4. Face: Eyes, ears, nose, cheeks 5. Mouth: Palate, tongue, throat 6. Lungs: Breath sounds, breathing patterns 7. Heart sounds and femoral (groin) pulses: Strength and palpability 8. Abdomen: Presence of masses or hernias 9. Genitals and anus: Open passage of urine and stool 10. Arms and legs: Movement and development. b. Maturity/Gestational Assessment In most NICUs, an examination called The Dubowitz/Ballard Examination for Gestational Age  is often used to estimate a baby’s gestational age. This exam evaluates a baby's appearance, skin texture, motor function, and reflexes. The physical maturity part of the examination is done in the first two hours of birth. The neuromuscular maturity examination is completed within 24 hours after delivery.  Information collected from this exam is often used to help estimate babies' physical and neuromuscular maturity. These help us ensure that we’re providing appropriate care and are meeting the infant’s developmental needs. For example, a very small baby may actually be more mature than it appears by size, and may need different care than a premature baby. Step 2: Document Infant Measurements Once you’ve completed your assessment, you’ll want to measure the infant's head circumference, abdominal circumference, and length. These are usually measured with paper measuring tapes using centimeters. Next, you’ll want to get your patient’s weight. A baby's birth weight is an especially important indicator of health. The average weight for term babies (born between 37 and 41 weeks gestation) is about 7 lbs. (3.2 kg). In general, super small babies and very large babies are at greater risk for problems. To prevent complications, babies are usually weighed daily or every 12 hours to assess their growth, fluid, and nutrition needs. It’s important to remember that newborn babies often lose 5 to 7 percent of their birth weight within the first few days. For example, a baby weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces at birth might lose as much as 8 ounces in the first few days. Babies will usually gain this weight back by 2 weeks of age. However, premature and sick babies may not begin to gain weight right away. Most hospitals use the metric system for weighing babies (grams/kilograms). This chart can help you convert grams to pounds. You can also download a conversion app on your phone! Step 3: Collect Vital Signs Finally, you’re ready to collect vital signs. Most readings will show up on the patient’s electronic monitor, but you’ll need to know how to assess each vital sign. Let’s dive in.  1. Heart Rate Normal Range: 100-200 beats per minute Heart rate & pulse are monitored with 3-lead ECG stickers placed over chest & lung areas. These stickers are usually changed everyday or every other day and remain connected to the patient at all times. You should also manually listen to the infant’s heart rate using a stethoscope to ensure the stickers are reading appropriately. The best time to measure an infant’s heart rate is while they’re sleeping! Equipment Needed: ECG leads/stickers, stethoscope 2. Respiratory Rate Normal Range: 10-100 breaths per minute The same 3-lead ECG stickers you use to collect an infant's heart rate will be used to measure their breathing rate. You can also usually visualize a patient's breathing rate to assess for depth of breaths and breathing effort.  Equipment Needed: ECG leads/stickers, stethoscope (same as heart rate leads) 3. Oxygen Saturation A pulse ox probe (attached to hand, wrist, or foot) monitors the oxygen saturation. This tells us how well a baby is perfusing.  Equipment Needed: Pulse-Ox sticker and probe 4. Blood Pressure Most NICUs will use automatic blood pressure cuffs to analyze an infant’s blood pressure. These blood pressure cuffs are sized based on weight. For infants who have an umbilical artery catheter (UAC) or arterial line, we can measure their blood pressure continuously, like we do their heart rate and oxygen saturation. Equipment Needed:  Blood pressure cuff OR UAC/arterial line tubing/cables 5. Temperature Temperatures are usually taken via the axilla (armpit). If a baby is in an isolette, a skin probe (attached to the baby) displays the baby's temperature. This is how we keep them nice and toasty. Equipment Needed:  Thermometer or temperature probe  6. Pain Pain is usually scored every 3-4 hours with some form of the standard pain scale, though it should be measured more frequently for patients on IV pain medication or for those infants who may be withdrawing from long-term/maternal use pain medication. “NPASS” is the most common pain scale used in the NICU. Equipment Needed: None/visual assessment only Looking for More Tips on Providing Great Care? So there you have it — now, you understand how to appropriately collect infant vital signs! If you’re looking for additional information on how to provide safe and effective infant care, check out our other resources, toolbooks, and guides on NICUity’s webpage ! NICU Nurse Essential Resources American Academy of Pediatrics Academy of Neonatal Nursing Childhood & Adult Immunization CDC Guidelines March of Dimes! Resources for parents & providers Access 1,300+ Drugs with Easy-to-Understand Lactation Risk Categories National Association of Neonatal Nurses National Certification Corporation - NICU National certifications for experienced nurses NICU University & Peds University Vermont Oxford Network - 1,300 hospitals collaborating around the world! Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN graduate a Barco Uniforms Ambassado & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or ​

  • NICU Nurse 101: What Do NICU Nurse Shifts Look Like?

    When I was first starting out my NICU journey, I found it difficult to find reliable information on the NICU and the types of tasks NICU nurses were responsible for. In this blog, I’ve collaborated with NICU nurses from different facilities around the country to identify common shift patterns, workflows, and patient care duties. Here, I’ll answer some NICU nursing FAQs , explain some NICU nurse basics and review what we do on a daily basis. Let’s dive in!  What do NICU Nurses Do? NICU nurses care for premature or critically ill newborns  during their first few moments of life. We support their organ systems while they adjust to life outside of the womb and ensure they develop and mature appropriately. The complexity of care a facility offers depends on their NICU acuity level (Level I units provide the simplest interventions, and Level IV NICUs deliver the most intense). In simple terms, we’re in the business of growing & healing the world's tiniest humans. What are some concepts I’ll need to be familiar with? No matter your NICU unit’s size or acuity level, there are certain concepts and terms  you’ll need to be familiar with: Measurements:  Our patients are measured in grams & centimeters. We frequently measure head circumference, abdominal girth, length, and weight to ensure our patients are growing appropriately.  Gestational Age : In the NICU, the baby’s actual age isn’t the only factor that drives the care plan. We also consider their gestational age, meaning how old they are from the moment of conception. A baby that was delivered at 24 weeks would require completely different care interventions (feeding plan, respiratory support, medications, "touch times") from a baby that was delivered at 40 weeks (term), even if they were born on the same day.  Medications : NICU medications are often measured in tenths of mLs, so we have to be very careful about medication safety to ensure we don’t provide too much or too little medication. Respiratory Support/Oxygen : 2L of oxygen is considered “high flow" because our babies noses and lungs are incredibly small. Also, don’t panic if you see a patient with oxygen saturations in the high 70s. In the NICU that might be acceptable for that patient, depending on their cardiac status, level of maturity, or secondary diagnosis.  Diet : We measure our feedings in mLs as well, sometimes only giving a few drops. Most NICUs will provide infants with mother’s milk, donor milk, formula, or parenteral nutrition (TPN), depending on their diagnosis and nutritional needs. Extra-Small Sizing : We use the smallest blood pressure cuffs, diapers, IVs, nasal cannulas, and breathing tubes you have ever seen. NICU nursing is delicate work. What types of patients will I care for? ♡ NICUs usually care for infants from birth - one year old. Infants that still require intensive care after one year will transition to a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) setting for developmentally appropriate interventions.  ♡ Most babies are admitted directly from L&D, postpartum (mother/baby), or are transferred from other facilities for a higher level of care. Common NICU diagnoses  include: Respiratory Distress Sepsis  (Maternal Fever, Pre-Ruptured Membranes for several days/weeks, etc.) Multiples ( twins, triplets, etc ). High-Risk  Deliveries  (drug-related births, STD exposure, unknown pregnancy) Medical Conditions (cardiac issues, GI/GU, IUGR, etc.): some are pre-diagnosed, some are unknown until the time of delivery Traumatic Delivery ( body cooling ) Premature Birth  (22-37 wks) a.k.a “preemies” Congenital Defects and Chromosomal Abnormalities Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)   Jaundice  Necrotizing Enterocolitis ( NEC )  Feeding Issues What is the Typical NICU nurse workflow? While each unit has unique schedules and care practices, the foll owing NICU nurse schedule outlines general timelines and duties for a nurse who be gins work at 0700 or 1900.   0645 or 1845 Before our unit meets for a safety huddle, we "scrub in." Huddle usually involves a meeting between the oncoming nursing team, respiratory therapists & unit leadership. During this meeting, the charge nurse will give a "brief" on any safety events, pending deliveries, or staffing updates for the upcoming 12 hours. It allows you time to prepare for any patient safety concerns while also letting you bond with your team. It’s important to remember to leave your jewelry and watches at home, as your arms will need to be bare from the elbows down. Be sure to scrub with soap and water and clean under your fingernails. This ensures that you don’t bring any outside bacteria, germs, or dirt to the vulnerable patients in the NICU. 0700 or 1900 After attending huddle, you’ll head to the bedside to get a patient report from the offgoing nurse. NICU handover report  looks a lot different than report in other units.  Typical Patient Report Topics: HISTORY OF PREGNANCY & DELIVERY Age (gestational age and current age) Weight (review gain/loss trends) Head circumference Length of the patient from head to toe VITAL SIGNS Temperatures (normal range: 36.5-37.5 C) Heart rate (normal range: 100-200) Respiratory rate (normal range: 10-100) Blood pressures (normal range: MAP 20-70) Apnea/bradycardia/desaturation episodes DIET NPO or PO eating Type of nutrition (donor milk, mother’s milk, formula, or TPN) OG or NG tubes and their sizes (normal size: 5-6 Fr) Necessary feeding support (slow flow nipple, positioning, feeding rate, history of emesis, etc.) GI/GU Urine output (all diapers must be weighed) Most recent stool (size and consistency) Ostomy, if present (most recent bag change date & skin care plan) Foley catheter, if present (french size, reason for placement, date of placement, catheter placement measurement, & recent output) GI surgical tubes (size & type: Salem Sump or Replogle) IV OR CENTAL LINE ACCESS Umbilical lines PICC lines Peripheral IVs IV fluids (location, rate, and fluid type) Broviac  TPN and lipids D10W, NS, or other TKO Any replacement fluids, like sodium acetate? Many units require nurses to “walk the line” together with the off going RN during handover report. No matter what type of line the patient has, whether it’s a feeding tube, IV access, or ET tube, you should confirm proper placement, proper infusions/settings and appropriate connections at the start and end of the shift. RESPIRATORY SUPPORT ETT size Placement of ETT Ventilator Settings (HFOV, SIMV, BCPAP, NIMV, etc) Suctioning needs Nasal Cannula size and O2 flow rate FiO2 Requirements How to respond to baby “spells” (desaturations, apnea, bradycardia, etc.) CARDIAC Hemodynamic stability Review recent blood transfusion requirements Pulses (goal: +2 in the brachial, femoral, and distal) Color (pink, pale, appropriate for ethnicity, etc.) Review cardiac medications and infusions (dopamine, epinephrine, atropine etc). NEURO Neuro baseline (sedated, somnolent, active) Sutures and fontanelle status Reflexes (sucking, moro reflex, ability to console) Head ultrasound status MRI review when necessary PAIN Pain is assessed with the NPASS pain scale   ( Neonatal Pain, Agitation, & Sedation Scale ) Pain treatment regimen (what scheduled and PRN medications are available, when/how often they can be given, etc.) SKIN Last bath Products to use (Mepitel, Mepilex, gauze, sterile water, etc.) Skin tears, bruises, wounds, rashes LABS: Recent lab trends  (bilirubin levels, H/H, chem panels, CRP, INR, etc.) DIAGNOSTICS: Chest x-rays Head ultrasounds Echocardiograms Any pending procedures or diagnostic testing ORDERS: Finally, we take a look at all of the physician/NNP orders that have been completed within the last 24 hours, as well as those that have been scheduled for the upcoming shift. How you spend the rest of your shift depends on the acuity of your patient assignment. To give you clarity, we’ll review a common shift schedule for a critical 1:1 assignment and one for a 2:1 feeder/grower assignment. 1 to 1 ASSIGNMENT Example diagnoses for this type of assignment include: pre-op cardiac surgery, body cooling, micro preemies (22-26 weeks), pre- & post-op surgical patients, complex chronic patients, etc. Let’s say a nurse is caring for a baby that was born at 23 weeks gestation. The bed area is going to have the following (most likely): a high-frequency oscillating ventilator (these things are BEASTS but are SO gentle on little lungs), multiple IV pumps and syringe pumps infusing a variety of medications, a vital signs monitor (displaying heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, and BP level) and possibly a Bili-light to assist the body in breaking down bilirubin (increased levels cause jaundice). 0730 or 1930 After you finish getting report, you’ll want to prepare for your first round of “cares”. After assessing the safety of the bedside, checking orders, and assessing lines, you would sanitize the bedside. Be sure to clean the isolette/warmer, buttons, IV pumps, work areas, and charting areas.  After touching base with the RT (Respiratory Therapist) we would establish a plan for our assessments & care interventions.  Example:  While listening and counting the heart rate and respiratory rate, the nurse is working on their head to toe assessment as well. Additional tasks include changing the infant’s diaper, taking their temperature, feeling their pulses, assessing the baby’s vigor, and re-swaddling the infant. This is called “clustered care”.  If the nurse knew they had a scheduled chest x-ray & labs to draw, they would time them together. They could help the RT draw labs, perform the chest x-ray at bedside, AND make sure the neonatologist knows about the “touch time” so they can assess the baby during this period. 0800 or 2000 The neonatal assessment is possibly the most important part of your shift. If you’ve never taken care of this baby before, you’ll want to be extremely thorough. If you’ve cared for the infant for a few shifts in a row, it’s important to identify changes since your previous assessment. Example:   When assessing a NICU patient, a nurse asks themself questions like: What does the baby’s head feel like? Are the sutures separated or overlapping? Do I hear a murmur?  What do the lungs sound like? Any crackles or wheezing? How are the bowel sounds? What’s the color of the baby’s abdomen? Is their belly soft or distended? Are there any bowel loops visible? How is the patient’s muscle tone? Does the Infant have full range of motion with their limbs? Is the patient vigorous and “fighting” me, or are they flaccid? After obtaining blood pressure measurements and an axillary temperature, the nurse will work on several other checks from head to toe. They’ll perform oral care with any colostrum available, check the OG tube to remove any air from the stomach, suction out the ETT tube and make a mental note of the secretions. Finally, before closing up the isolette, the nurse would change the infant’s diaper. We weigh diapers from admission to discharge. In a few minutes, the nurse should have their ABG results back along with the x-ray image, which may result in changes to the HFOV settings. As the bedside nurse, you are actively managing the patient’s oxygen concentration to keep their saturations between the ordered parameters. Too much oxygen for too long can be detrimental to the infant’s developing retinas, and not enough starves the body of much needed oxygen. You’ll be monitoring the oxygen levels all shift. 0900 or 2100 Once you’ve completed your assessment, you’ll want to weigh in on rounds. During bedside rounds, the interdisciplinary team (neonatologist, NNP , RN, RT, PT, OT, SLP, social work, the unit charge nurse) discusses the plan of care and changes necessary to meet clinical goals. Be sure to include parents whenever possible. 1000 or 2200 Around 1000, vitals are recorded and charting begins! Most units require nurses to chart hourly vitals  for 1:1 assignments. These would include the infant’s heart rate, respirations, blood oxygen levels. 1100 or 2300 - 1900 or 1900 For critically ill 1:1 assignments, assessments and touch times would vary based on the patient’s stability and gestational age.  Example: A 23-week neonate might have “touch times” every six hours at 0800/2000 & 1400/0200. A more stable infant might have a touch time every three hours at 0800/2000, 1200/0000, and 1600/0400.  In addition to scheduled touch times you may need to provide interventions like blood product transfusions (blood, FFP, cryo, platelets), medication administration, new IV initiation, or assisting family members hold their baby. Bedside procedures may also need to be performed at the bedside. These could include PICC line insertion, lumbar puncture placement, chest x-rays, and head ultrasounds to name a few. Of course, all of this is dependent on the acuity of the patient. Vitals may be collected more often or the RN may have to assess the infant more frequently to keep them safe and free from harm. As the bedside RN, the only time you leave the bedside is for a rest or meal break. You’ll be continually watching the patient’s vital signs, reporting changes in status to the neonatologist or NP, explaining changes to the parents, and charting EVERYTHING. 2:1 Assignment Example diagnoses for this type of assignment include: mild prematurity (30+ weeks), multiple gestation (twins, triplets, etc.) or well-developing infants who previously presented with complex problems but are currently doing well. Just like with a 1:1 assignment, for 2:1 assignments, you’d get report, clean the bedside, and prepare for touch times. The main difference, besides having to juggle care times for more than one baby, is that these infants will require cares/feeding more often.  Infants that are close to going home are usually cared for and fed on a 3-hour schedule: Example: Baby A Touch Times: 8, 11, 1400, & 1700 / 2000, 2300, 0200 & 0500 Baby B Touch Times: 9, 12, 1300 & 1800 / 2100, 0000, 0300, & 0600 *** Sometimes, a baby may require care “Ad Lib,” meaning they are allowed to eat and get held whenever they want! This could potentially throw your whole shift in a tizzy, but it’s ultimately a sign that the baby is almost ready to go home. Managing 2 or more babies usually involves additional tasks like: Coordinating care times with speech or occupational therapy. Assisting parents with feeding skills. Completing discharge teaching with family members (car seat education, baths, diaper changes, feedings, follow-up appointments, well-baby care, etc.). Conducting hearing screens. While caring for three infants may not seem as stressful as caring for 1 critically ill baby, juggling multiple babies can be just as busy and hectic. Some days feel as if you are just moving from baby to baby; feeding one patient, vital signs, diaper changes, linen changes, then to the next, and the next, and finally charting it ALL. Then, doing that on repeat until 1900/0700. NICU LIFE Life can change in the blink of an eye in the NICU. One minute the unit is calm, the next, a crash c-section is performed and a 24-week gestation baby is being admitted and your team comes together to make it as smooth as possible. Quite often, those of us familiar with the NICU call this a “feast or famine”! We slow down a lot to discharge babies home and then all of a sudden L&D wants to hand the NICU multiple high-risk admissions. No matter where you work, you’re sure to witness that phenomenon! When I tell people that I am a NICU nurse, they often respond by saying: “How sad, seeing all those sick babies!” or “How do you do that?” Quite simply, seeing babies get healthy enough to go home is addicting! You get to help families through some of the hardest times of their lives & see the tiny babies you cared so much for turn into “line-backer” toddlers! Lots of happy tears and sad tears, but in the end, most of us NICU RNs think the NICU is the most magical place to be a nurse. Ready to Start Your NICU Journey? Now that you know what a day in the life of a NICU nurse could look like, you’ll have to decide if NICU nursing is the right path for you. If you’re ready to take the next step, we’ve got tons of resources, educational materials, and bedside tools to make your transition to the NICU  a positive and rewarding experience. Check out the latest merch on NICUity and be sure to subscribe to our free newsletter  to get the inside scoop on the latest NICU happenings. HEAD OVER TO THE PODCAST! EPISODE #1 & #2 ANSWER MANY NICU 101 QUESTIONS! Another great resource for you BELOW. I was featured on The Morning Rounds and talked all things NICU Nursing. Dynamics, my personal journey, NICU Nurse Tips & Tricks! NICU Nurse Essential Resources American Academy of Pediatrics Academy of Neonatal Nursing Childhood & Adult Immunization CDC Guidelines March of Dimes! Resources for parents & providers Access 1,300+ Drugs with Easy-to-Understand Lactation Risk Categories National Association of Neonatal Nurses National Certification Corporation - NICU National certifications for experienced nurses NICU University & Peds University Vermont Oxford Network - 1,300 hospitals collaborating around the world! Tori's Tips on NICU NURSE 101 Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Content Creator. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, content creator (@ ri_), NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN graduate , a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or ​


    I’ve worked in nursing for over 10 years and let me tell you — I have spent what feels like months of my life applying and interviewing for new grad programs , travel nurse positions, per diem roles, and staff nurse jobs. Filling out online applications can be overwhelming and exhausting, but finally landing an interview definitely gives you the boost you need! In this post, I’ll review some tried-and-true nursing interview tips and tricks  I have learned along the way. 12 NURSE INTERVIEW TIPS & TRICKS! Interviews are nerve-racking no matter how experienced you are! However, keeping calm under pressure is a true skill that takes time to master. If you’re smart, you’ll learn and practice these skills before your first official interview. Here are a few insights that helped me land my favorite jobs. INTERVIEW BASICS 1. DRESS THE PART! While it would be nice to think that nurse managers don’t judge a candidate's professionalism by how they present themselves, it’s simply not true. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to spend a month’s salary on a designer outfit or briefcase. The best thing you can do is wear something that makes you look and feel confident. Here are some nursing interview outfit ideas  to get you started. Women: A skirt or pantsuit with jacket and button down collared shirt or blouse Skirts or dresses should be knee-length Avoid flashy colors or patterns Heels should be low or wear flats, no open toes Pantyhose for skirts or dresses No cleavage exposure Natural hair color Earrings should be studs or no bigger than dime sized Necklace should be simple Handbag should be neutral No perfume or mild use of perfume Fingernails should be short and without chips in polish Men: A suit is preferred with jacket and button down collared shirt Pants and jacket should match, if they are not a suit Tie is optional but when in doubt, wear it Avoid bright colors or patterns Black or brown socks, avoid wearing white socks with dark dress shoes Black or brown dress shoes Natural hair color and neat haircut Mild cologne or none at all Neat and natural fingernails 2. PORTFOLIO For some nurses, a nursing professional portfolio   could mean a binder with a resume, cover letter, and career-boosting documents like Daisy Awards, research papers, and certifications . Other nurses may prepare an electronic portfolio that can be accessed on LinkedIn.  Whether you’re a new graduate or have years of clinical experience, you’ll want to show your interviewer that you’ve prepared and are genuinely interested in the position. Show them that you’re qualified for their role and don’t be afraid to boast about your successes! 3. DO YOUR RESEARCH Know the company & position you are interviewing for! You can start by familiarizing yourself with the organization’s mission, vision, and values. Next, learn a bit more about the patient population they serve. Again, the purpose here is to demonstrate that you’ve taken the time to prepare for this unique position — this is your opportunity to take your interviewer by surprise and get a leg up on other competing applicants. 4. ONE-MINUTE PITCH When introducing yourself in the interview, be sure to share a bit about your personal and professional background. Why did you choose nursing?  How do your experiences prepare you for this role? These are the questions interviewers will be looking for you to answer. 5. PRACTICE ANSWERING COMMON NURSE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS While each position is unique, interviewers don’t reinvent the wheel for each candidate. Most interviews start out with a basic interview question like “Tell me a bit about yourself” and go on to ask critical-thinking and behavioral questions later in the process. You can’t know the exact questions you’ll be asked, but you can guess what they’re going to want to know about you. Prepare by drafting answers to frequently asked nursing interview questions. That way, you’ve got a repository of answers you can use for a variety of interview questions. It can also be helpful to practice your interview with a friend or family member to perfect your flow, speed, and volume. CHECK OUT OUR E-BOOK COMPLETE WITH INTERVIEW TIPS & TRICKS. BONUS QUESTIONS, PORTFOLIO BREAKDOWN, RESUME AND COVER LETTER RESOURCES, SOCIAL MEDIA CONSIDERATIONS AND MORE! 6. ARRIVE EARLY Nothing adds extra stress to an interview like running behind. Be sure to arrive with plenty of time to avoid traffic, park, and figure out where you need to be. Managers will want to be sure that the employee they hire will show up for their shifts on time — be sure to put your best foot forward! 7. SMILE & MAINTAIN GOOD EYE CONTACT For some reason, there’s a common misconception that smiling during an interview isn’t professional. In nursing, this is definitely not the case. The interviewer will want to know they’re hiring someone who’s caring, kind, and compassionate. Be sure to demonstrate these signs of strong communication skills and showcase your passion and enthusiasm. Keep it natural, like you’re talking to a trusted mentor or colleague. 8. TAKE NOTES The interview process isn’t one sided. This is your opportunity to get to know a bit more about the hiring manager, unit, and facility as well. Taking notes can show interviewers that you’re interested in learning the details and logistics of the position. It can also help you remember points you want to get clarity on later in the interview, like scheduling expectations and onboarding requirements. 9. KEEP YOUR PHONE TURNED OFF AND TUCKED AWAY How embarrassing would it be if you worked hard to earn and prepare for your interview, only to be distracted by a loud call or text message? The best thing to do is to keep your phone in the car and avoid the problem altogether. If you need your phone with you for safety or navigation, be sure to turn it off prior to entering the interview room.  From the moment you step foot in the building, you want your focus to be on landing the job. Your family, friends, or significant other can hear all about it AFTER it’s over and done with! 10. BRING ALONG EXTRA COPIES OF YOUR RESUME AND COVER LETTER Some interviews may be held by a panel of hiring managers, educators, charge nurses, and HR personnel. You’ll want to make sure that everyone at the table receives your resume and cover letter. Bring along extra copies and offer them at the start of your interview. 11. PREPARE A SET OF QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR INTERVIEWER At the end of your interview, you’ll most likely be given the chance to ask questions before concluding. Take the opportunity to get additional insight on any professional development or research opportunities   the position may offer. It’s also important to thank the interviewer for their time. Consider sending a follow-up email or note to show your appreciation for the opportunity. LIST OF QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: 1. What is the size of the unit, organizational structure of the unit, volume? 2. Can you explain your overall organizational structure? 3. Can you discuss your take on the hospital's culture? and philosophy? 4. What does the transition period look like? Expectations of days / nights? 5. What does the orientation look like? Preceptorship? 6. What are some recommendations of getting involved and growing within the unit? 7. What will be the greatest challenge in the job? 8. What are the greatest strengths of this department? 9. Can you describe a typical day for someone in this position? 10. What are the traits and skills of people most successful within this unit? 11. What do you like about working here? 12. RELAX - YOU'VE GOT THIS! Trust me — if anyone knows about pre-interview anxiety, it’s me! However, I’ve learned over the years that the worst thing I can do for myself is to worry and overanalyze how things will go on the morning of the interview. At this point, you’ve put in the time and hard work. Now is when it all pays off.  Eat a good breakfast, get your favorite coffee, and listen to some pump-up music. Take a few deep breaths and remember that you deserve all of the great things coming for you.  Envision yourself getting your dream job and let that vision come to life in your interview. You are going to kill it! Things you can do early: ♡ Spruce up your Resume (typing it out will help you fill in the blanks & be ready to start applying) ♡ Make a list of possible references of people who would write a letter of recommendation for you (get their emails) usually need 2-3 references ♡ Participate in leadership activities at school to stand out in applications ♡ Start an excel spreadsheet of hospitals/units you would consider applying to. Find out when their new grad program applications are due. Get Help for Every Stage of Your Nursing Journey At NICUity , we’re so excited for you to land your dream job! We want to make sure your nursing career starts off strong, which is why we’ve got educational materials, resources, and guides to support and empower you at every step. Check out our Complete Nurse Interview eBook  for additional strategies to help you ace your interview. Good luck! ​ Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, Capella University MSN graduate,  and co-founder of NICUity LLC . She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey, married & new mom life & juggles work, and content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at  or

  • 5 Reasons to Become a Nurse In Tucson

    Those who know me know that I absolutely love Tucson, Arizona . As a proud University of Arizona nursing school graduate ( #beardown ), I’m always looking for ways to brag about the college, the town, and all that it offered me as a new nurse entering the healthcare world.  I lived and worked in Tucson for five years, taking in all that the city had to offer. I loved every second of living there, and was sad to have to leave the vibrant community, natural beauty, and incredible weather that comes with living in this special place.  Many of my close friends, nursing, and social media followers have been discussing high nurse burnout rates at the hospitals where they work. The increased costs of living in many of the fun, vibrant areas have made it challenging to afford the work-life balance and adventure that so many nurses are looking for. Many of my healthcare friends look to balance an exciting career with a fun and healthy lifestyle but can find it challenging to make that a reality. I’ve read a lot in the news recently about how Tucson is investing time, money, and resources   in developing healthcare growth and opportunities in the region, which makes me so excited for my beloved town and the lucky nurses who’ll get to live and work there.  What makes living and working in Tucson so great? Here, I’ll review my top five favorite things about being a nurse in Tucson and showcase the reasons this special city is so close to my heart. Top 5 Reasons to Move to Tucson for Nursing ♡ Tucson is a hustling healthcare hub with incredible career and educational opportunities Whether you’re a new nurse, looking to go back to nursing school, or are a seasoned pro looking for a new adventure, Tucson has so much to offer young professionals working in the healthcare field. The city houses three main medical centers: Banner-University Medicine , El Rio Health , and TMC Health . These hospitals offer robust emergency/trauma, medical and surgical services and specialties.  In addition to these facilities, The University of Arizona  is home to dozens of state-of-the-art science departments, including a school of nursing and a college of medicine. There is a large amount of funding going into making the Tucson medical industry an exciting and supportive place to work, making it the perfect time to consider moving to the area.  ♡ The affordability of the city makes it easy to balance finances and fun.   The cost of living in Tucson is 6% below the national average , making it easier to afford a lifestyle of fun and sun while working in a healthcare role. The average home price in Tucson sits at around $318,000, making it a prime place to live for first time home buyers.  In my opinion, Tucson is truly a hidden gem. The city is very dog and family-friendly, full of good public schools and parks. The college-town vibe makes it feel like new and exciting things are always popping up, while the small-town charm keeps the city warm and inviting as the population grows and expands . Traffic is light for most commutes, which makes it easier for residents to choose where they want to live in town without having to consider how far from the hospital their drive will be.  ♡ There are limitless opportunities for outdoor fun and exploration on days off.  As a night shift nurse, my days off are everything to me! With our long shifts, crazy sleep patterns, and stressful working environments, nurses need to live somewhere that they can find work-life balance. The top healthcare employers in the Tucson area offer top-quality benefits, vacation time, and flexible scheduling, making it easier for you to enjoy days off your way.  Living in Tucson, I knew that every day would be warm and sunny, which meant I could optimize my time with friends and family while I was away from the NICU. Because the town is nestled in the Sonoran Desert, there are so many things to see and do here to rest and recover on days off. Some of the most popular outdoor activities here include: Playing a round of golf  at one of the 40 beautiful courses in the area. Hiking through the desert, forests, and mountains ( Saguaro National Park  and the Coronado National Forest  are two of my favorite sites to explore). Biking on the protected 131-mile trail called “ The Loop ”.  Grabbing fresh produce or artisan goods at a farmers market .  Going horseback riding  through one of the local ranches.  ♡ Tucson is a cultural hub of music, art, food, and drinks.  Known as the Old Pueblo for its Spanish and Native American history, Tucson has an incredible heritage and culture full of art and music. It’s also been rated as the sixth best food city  in the U.S. by Travel+Leisure — you know I love good tacos and margaritas! The three main hospitals in the area are located in the heart of the city, which make it easy to grab tasty food on a lunch break or listen to a local musician after a long shift! Nursing can be tough, and everyone needs a bit of fun on their days off! Events like the Tucson Folk Festival  and the Tucson Mariachi Conference  are fun to visit with friends and family. On easier and more relaxed days, it’s easy to step out and grab fresh produce or artisan goods at a farmers market . ♡ There are endless networking opportunities to help your nursing career flourish. Networking is the name of the game when it comes to finding a new job  or taking the next step in your nursing career. With three major medical centers and The University of Arizona on your doorstep, you’ll be presented with a variety of conferences, seminars, and other education events  that can help you envision yourself in the next stage of your professional nursing journey. Become a Nurse in Tucson and See Your Career Thrive It’s easy to talk about a place you love. For me, my time in Tucson was invaluable and it made me the clinician I am today. If you’re stuck in a rut, are feeling burned out, or are just looking to take the next step in your nursing journey, I fully recommend transforming your career in Tucson. Here, you can find out more about nursing opportunities in Tucson  and discover additional perks of living and working in this bustling and beautiful city.  Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, Capella University MSN graduate, and co-founder of NICUity LLC . She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey, married & new mom life & juggles work, and content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at  or

  • NICU Research Ideas & Topics to Consider

    If you work in the NICU, you know that practice guidelines constantly change and adapt to align with new research findings. Research is essential to safe nursing care, and without strong unit-based evidence-based practice (EBP) and quality improvement (QI) projects, it’s difficult to ensure our tiny patients are receiving the most appropriate therapies and interventions! If you’re planning your next NICU research project, paper, or nursing school  capstone project, it can be tough to come up with fresh and creative ideas. Here, I’ll review some of my favorite hot research topics to get you started! NICU Research Project Ideas What Factors Increase the Risk of NEC? How should we standardize assessments and treatments?  What causes colonic pneumatosis? Which antibiotics should be used to optimize outcomes? How and when should we restart infant feedings after NEC diagnosis? How can we reduce the risks of a child with congenital heart disease  (CHD) being diagnosed with NEC? What are some ways to optimize parenteral nutrition? Which imaging techniques should be used to confirm NEC diagnosis? Learn More Here: How Should We Standardize Small Baby Care? Which infant positioning strategies  are best for developmental growth? When and how should oral feedings be initiated? How often should infant weights be measured? What humidity settings are best for ELBW infants? How should we standardize intubations/extubations? When should infants be weaned from isolette to crib? Learn More Here: Are Probiotics Beneficial to Newborn Infant Gut Development? Do probiotics prevent the development of NEC? Which strains make the biggest impact on gut health? Should probiotics be used as a preventative measure? Are there any contraindications to probiotic use? Learn More Here:,%25%2C%2034%2F84 ). How Can We Manage the Comorbidities of Prematurity? How can we prevent sepsis in premature newborns? Which early interventions are effective at preventing bronchopulmonary dysplasia? What medications can help limit the risk of retinopathy of prematurity? What oral feeding strategies are effective at minimizing NEC complications? Which delivery strategies work best to prevent intraventricular hemorrhage? Learn More Here:,dysplasia%20(BPD)%20lung%20damage . What Is the Best Way To Effectively Treat a PDA?  Is acetaminophen or indomethacin the most effective way to medically treat a PDA?   Does early surgical intervention improve patient outcomes? How should we standardize PDA assessment strategies? Is there anything we can do to improve PDA outcomes prior to an infant’s birth? Learn More Here: How Can We Improve NICU Skin-to-Skin Success?  At what gestational age is it safe to hold an infant? How can we prevent accidental extubations during skin-to-skin? Learn More Here: Which Pain Management Strategies are Best for Neonates?  Is it better to use pain medications of one class over the other (opiates, benzodiazepines, alpha II agonists, etc.)? What is the best way to wean intravenous pain medication? Which surgical considerations are important when planning pain management? Is sucrose effective at preventing pain in newborns? Learn More Here: What Is the Best Way to Optimize Hemodynamic Stability? Which vasopressors or inotropes should be used to manage low blood pressure in premature infants? How often should vasoactive medications be titrated? What blood pressure parameters should be used to manage hemodynamic instability? Is there a certain infant positioning that is best for optimizing blood pressure? Learn More Here: How Can We Improve Lung Compliance and Development? Which ventilator modes  are most effective at managing certain diseases? Which oxygen saturation goals are best for neurologic development? When should surfactant be initiated? How can we prevent negative side effects from the use of supplemental oxygen? What is the best time to start corticosteroids? How often should ABGs/VBGs be drawn to adjust respiratory care strategies? Learn More Here: What Is the Best Way to Improve Access to Palliative Care? How can we offer palliative care to mothers delivering an infant with a poor prognosis? What is the best way to introduce palliative care to a hesitant family? Learn More Here: What Are Some Ways to Assist New Mothers With Breastfeeding? How can we improve privacy for mothers who want to pump in the NICU? What strategies increase milk production? Learn More Here: Hope this list helps you in your NICU Research! These are all very relevant in our NICU care with continued improvements in Evidence-Based Research! The more minds and research we can put to these topics the better. Feel free to drop your suggestions and comments below! Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, Capella University MSN graduate,  and co-founder of NICUity LLC . She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey, married & new mom life & juggles work, and content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at  or

  • Holiday Healthcare Gift Guide

    I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want… Let’s be real, so many years the holidays roll around and we get hung up on waiting to the very last minute for purchasing holiday gifts as we wait for inspiration to strike for the perfect combination of useful and unique to pop up. Then we wait too long and end up gifting or getting things that will end up being re-gifted or donated and promise ourselves we will do better next year…I know I’ve been guilty of this… 15 Perfect Gifts for Nurses Picking out the perfect gift for your favorite nurse can be tough. Whether you’re celebrating nurses week, the holiday season, a coworker’s graduation or retirement, or a friend’s birthday, we’re faced with the decision — what are good gifts for nurses?  Waiting until the last minute can make the whole experience stressful and takes out the fun of hand-selecting a present they’ll love. Here, I’ve listed fifteen of my absolute favorite nursing gifts to give and receive. There is something on here for every nurse and every budget. Maybe you’ll even find something on here for yourself! ;) Let’s dive right in to my favorite nurse gift ideas!  1: RAD GIRL PINS Don’t conform to boring…Rad Girl Creations makes the best medical pins and anatomy swag. We all have to wear the standard scrubs uniforms in healthcare, so why not let your dark humor side shine through with some personality on your badge. I love their specialty pin packs that are great, personalized gifts to celebrate the dedication of the healthcare worker / work wife in your life. Shop Rad Girl Pin s HERE! 2: UP AT DAWN SOCKS Flip the narrative on boring socks as a staple gift. I love saving my feet while working long hours in my Up at Dawn Compression Socks. Up at Dawn socks are designed in Oahu and the tropical vibes are so on point. Supporting female-founded, nurse-owned businesses is something I am super passionate about. An Emergency Room Nurse for over ten years, Tesla has crafted compression socks that she is proud to wear and now share. With the endless inspiration of the flora and fauna of the Hawaiian Islands, and more specifically, her home on the North Shore of Oahu in the quaint hills of Pupukea, Tesla envisioned dynamic compression socks that would extend their use beyond the laborious long hours spent at work. Her mission was to create a sock others would wantto also wear for both functionality and style; from hiking/biking/running/skating, to the expectant mother, to travelers, and even lounging. 3: Work Lunchbox Filled With Snacks We all know that the key to every nurse’s heart is snacks and drinks! Loading these treats up in a cute lunch box or cooler bag can make it an even better gift! My top picks: LOKASS Insulated Lunch Bag SmartSweets Variety Pack Awake Caffeinated Chocolate Bites That’s It Mini Fruit Bars LiquidIV Electrolyte Drink Mix 4: Cozy Sweatshirt for Cold Shifts Nurses can never have enough soft, warm hoodies! These cute sweatshirts are perfect for wearing to work over your scrubs (why does every hospital seem to turn its heating off at 10pm?) and are even great to throw on to go to the grocery store on a day off!   My top picks: Beautiful Day to Save Tiny Lives Fleece Pullover NICU Nurse Era Crew Neck Tanming Puffer Jacket Per Diem Princess Sweatshirt Blencot Oversized Half Zip 5: Fun Stickers These are great stocking stuffers o r white elephant gifts for a small budget! Y ou can also throw a few in on top of a card or gift voucher to add a personal touch. My Top Picks: NICUity Sticker Set Cute Swaddle Sticker Burrito Enthusiast Sticker 6: Shift Survival Pack This gift is similar to the “bag of snacks” idea, but instead of sweet treats, your bag can be filled with shift essentials to get them through a long 12-hour shift. I’m talking lotions, pens, hair ties, water bottles…you name it!  Feel free to customize and add things that you know they’ll love. This is a great gift idea for groups of nurses as well if you’re looking to say “thank you” to a team of top notch clini cians!  My Top Picks: Wipeable and Cleanable Clear Cosmetic Bag 4-Color Carabiner Pen Mini Hair Brush Phone Charging Cable L’Occitane Hand and Nail Cream Native Deodorant  Claw Hair Clips 7: Blue Light Blocking Glasses Anyone that knows me knows I love my blue light protection glasses! They prevent eye strain when looking at computer screens and offer protection against spills and splashes when providing direct patient care. They also help improve sleep quality. I’ve listed a few of my favorite styles, but any brand or style will work! My Top Picks: Peepers Readers Blue Light Glasses Warby Parker Blue Light Glasses Stoggles Blue-Light Blocking Safety Goggles  8: NICU Nurse Masterclass This gift is on the pricier side, but is perfect for any of your nursing friends looking to transition to the NICU. It’s also a great graduation gift for nursing students  looking to get started on the right foot. You can give them the e-learning modules , or could also throw in the hardcopy reference materials  as well. This is a gift that will keep on giving as it supports professional development for years to come.  9: A Set of Comfy and Flattering Scrubs A new set of scrubs is a great gift for any nurse! You can add in a set of comfortable nurse shoes or compression socks to really revamp their wardrobe. Be sure to check whether the nurse has any mandated scrub vendor or color requirements prior to purchasing :)  My Top Picks: Hanes Scrub Set Landau Scrub Set Dansko Clogs 10: Candles to Enjoy At Home On Days Off Nurses live for their days off! It’s one of the perks of working long hours. There’s no better way to enjoy a day off than by sitting on the couch, reading a good book, listening to relaxing music with a candle burning! Candles are perfect for any season or occasion and you can often find one to fit your budget!  My Top Picks: Capri Blue Scented Candle Ryan Porter Candle Tyler Diva Scented Candle Jo Malone Honeysuckle Candle 11: Cute Badge Reel Every nurse, no matter their specialty or clinical setting, wears a badge to work every day. Make getting ready for work fun by gifting them a cute new badge reel! This is a great way to bring a laugh or smile to your favorite nurse — the patients and families they care for will love it as well.  My Top Picks: NICUity Badge Reel I Love Tiny Humans Badge Reel Ask Me About Our Burritos Badge Reel 12: Water Bottle or Coffee Mug Staying caffeinated and hydrated helps nurses stay on their A-Game! Whether your favorite nurse likes drinking coffee, tea, water, or electrolyte po wder, a new water bottle or mug is the perfect nursing gift. Extra points if the mug is bleachable and has a covered straw or spout (no hospital germs, please!).  My Top Picks: NICU Crew Tumbler Coffee, Scrubs, Hustle Mug New Grad Tears Tumbler Owala Free Sip Water Bottle Sounds Like a Day Shift Problem Tumbler 13: SIMPLY TUESDAY HEALTHCARE HEADBANDS Looks like masks are here to stay for us in the healthcare setting! Save your ears with this amazing healthcare accessory. Support a nurse and woman-owned small business with your purchase of a headband + buttons for your mask! I have been wearing these headbands since the beginning of the pandemic and now this is a staple in my shift life. This genius headband style has made mask wearing for long hours during my shift comfortable and stylish. She has a variety of fun designs to choose from on her shop linked here. Healthcare Headbands Here: 14: A STETHOSCOPE... OF COURSE! The most popular stethoscope that I always feature on IG is on Amazon! In terms of stethoscopes I use daily, I have used Littmann & MDF stethoscopes at the bedside. Typically, stethoscopes are provided bedside in the NICU (for infection control). However, I own one of each (Littman & MDF) for floating purposes. NICU / Pediatric Littmann for floating to Postpartum & this MDF white & rose gold stethoscope to work (in case of floating to the Pediatric units). This highly-rated Classic Cardiology is phenomenal for detecting hard-to-hear heart sounds. Physicians, nurses, EMT, and vets alike love the heavy-duty chest piece with its super-sensitive diaphragm, extra-thick dual lumen tubing with total sound insulation, adjustable headset, and silicone ComfortSeal ear tips (with three sizes to ensure the perfect fit!) Shop This Stunning Stethoscope on Amazon 15: ELLIOT YOUNG JEWLRY You can never go wrong with a timeless gift such as a piece of fine jewelry that will last through wear and tear, maintain their shine, and gives back to a meaningful cause. These 14k gold necklaces and earrings from Elliot Young can be paired together for a classic look or worn alone as a beautiful statement piece. What makes these pieces even more special is the fact that the charms represent balance, energy, and protection. All something us in healthcare could use a little more of in our lives! Elliot Young is a women owned business that donates a percentage of profits from my collection with them to Brave Beginnings, an organization that supports NICU’s by providing essential equipment to hospitals in need. Fine Jewelry Collection for A Cause: NURSETORI25 for 25% off Looking for More Gift Ideas? It was SO hard to narrow down this list to only 15 of my favorite nursing gifts! If you’re looking for more great ideas, take a look at our NICUity shop  page, full of nursing educational resources, bedside tools, apparel, and more! Also, you can check out my Amazon storefront , which is chock full of all sorts of great items for anyone on your list! Well there you have it. My favorite picks for the 2024 holiday season! I hope you find it helpful as you get a head start on holiday shopping. Would love to know your favorite gifts for 2024 in the comments below! Happy Holidays! Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN graduate  a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey, married & new mom life & juggles work, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at  or

  • What Does a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP) Do? All You Need to Know

    A neonatal nurse practitioner (NNP) is an advanced practice nurse who cares for infants that require intensive care immediately after birth. They expertly manage newborn conditions like respiratory distress, low birth weight, congenital heart diseases , and electrolyte imbalance. These healthcare providers usually work in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) alongside neonatal nurses, neonatologists, respiratory therapists, and other clinical staff.  Curious what it takes to become one of these providers? In this article, we do a deep dive into the role of NNPs, explain what they do, and review the necessary schooling and clinical experience required to start your NNP journey.  What do Neonatal Nurse Practitioners (NNP) do? Neonatal nurse practitioners perform a variety of duties relating to providing care to sick and premature neonates and newborns. Specific duties include: ♡ Ordering and interpreting diagnostic and laboratory tests. ♡ Monitoring vital signs .  ♡ Performing bedside procedures like intubation and central line placement. ♡ Starting and maintain IV lines, specifically central catheters and umbilical lines ♡ Diagnosing and treating acute and chronic conditions. ♡ Documenting a thorough maternal medical history, along with any perinatal diagnoses  and symptoms. ♡ Detecting changes in a patient’s health and altering the treatment plan when necessary. ♡ Educating patients and family members on their newborn’s disease process and plan of care. ♡ Monitoring and adjusting specialized equipment like incubators, ventilators, heart/lung bypass machines, total body cooling, and dialysis equipment to help patients meet their clinical goals. ♡ Leading neonatal resuscitation efforts alongside other team members. ♡ Communicating with other frontline clinicians and bedside nurses. ♡ Prescribing medications (independently or in a collaborative agreement with a physician, depending on the state of practice). ♡ Assisting with patient admission and discharge.  ♡ Participating in post-discharge primary care management. ♡ Participating in high-risk newborn transport. ♡ Leading staff education programs. NNPs, like other nursing professionals, often work 12-hour shifts in acute-care hospitals. They are often expected to work day and night shifts and may be required to work on-call shifts for emergency deliveries or patient decompensation on a non-acute unit.  What Steps Are Required to Become an NNP? A neonatal nurse practitioner is an advanced professional nursing position. This process takes around 6 years from start to finish. Below, we outline the general steps required to become a licensed neonatal nurse practitioner.  Steps to Become a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner: Go to nursing school  to get your nursing degree (ADN or BSN). Pass the NCLEX. Work as an RN (it’s best to get experience in a labor and delivery unit, postpartum unit, birthing center, or NICU to prepare for your NNP journey). Most NP programs prefer applicants with at least 1-2 years of bedside experience.  Apply to a master’s nursing degree program (MSN or DNP). Pass your boards to get your advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) nursing license. Start working as an NNP! Which Degree Program Should I Choose to Become an NNP? You’ll need to earn either your MSN or DNP from an accredited program with a specialty in neonatal nursing. There are three main degree pathways you can take to become a neonatal nurse practitioner: MSN-NP: One of the most common options for NP programs, the MSN-NP is for students who already have their BSN and enroll directly into the program at the graduate level. These programs usually take 2-3 years to complete.  - Basic requirements:  The applicant must possess a BSN degree. DNP: Doctorate Nurse Practitioner programs allow students to receive their doctorate degrees while meeting the requirements to become an NP. The DNP is generally suited for nurses who plan on working in an academic or research-based setting or want to go on to teach nursing courses in a university or college. These programs usually take 3-4 years to complete.  - Basic requirements:  The applicant must already possess a BSN degree. Postgraduate Certificate: If you have a graduate degree that is different from the area that you wish to specialize in, you can search for a school that offers a post-graduate certification option to allow you to enroll directly into the program. - Basic requirements:  Post-grad certificate programs require you to either possess your Master’s Degree of Science in Nursing (MSN) or have a Nurse Practitioner qualification in another specialty. What Are the Top 10 NNP Programs in the U.S.? Now that you know what it takes to become an NNP, you may be curious — which colleges and universities offer NNP specialty programs? Below, we list some of the highest-rated NNP programs across the country.  Vanderbilt University University of Pennsylvania University of Virginia Ohio State University Duke University Case Western Reserve University University of California- San Francisco Emory University University of Connecticut University of Alabama- Birmingham Resources for Every Step of Your Nursing Journey The first step to becoming a great NNP is becoming more comfortable and confident as a bedside nurse. At NICUity , we’ve got tons of educational materials, online review courses, and bedside tools to boost your career and improve your clinical practice.  Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN graduate  a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey, married & new mom life & juggles work, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at  or

  • All You Need to Know About NICU Nurse Certification

    If you’re a NICU nurse, you’ve probably heard your coworkers discussing the benefits of certification. Although certification can be great for nurses and facilities, it can be challenging to find accurate and reliable information on how to begin the certification journey.  Here, we provide an in-depth overview of NICU nurse certification, list the ways that becoming certified can boost your professional portfolio  (and your paycheck!), and provide next steps for RNs looking to become certified and take the next step in their nursing career.  What Is a Certified Nurse? A certified nurse is an RN who has gone on to earn an additional specialty certificate in their area of practice. This certification is achieved after completing nursing school, becoming licensed, and working as a nurse for a few years in your specialty.  Being certified means you've taken extra "training" and have studied and passed a specialty exam. This looks good to employers because neither nursing schools or the NCLEX go into detail on these specialty nurse duties and roles. What Is the Difference Between a Certified Nurse and Registered Nurse? Being a registered nurse means that an individual is a licensed nurse who has completed nursing school and has passed the NCLEX. A certified nurse, like stated above, has earned a specialty certification above and beyond  the normal nursing license criteria. Being certified in an area or specialty isn’t usually mandatory to qualify for a nursing job, but it can help you stand out among applicants  and can even help you earn a bit more money when negotiating your salary! What Kinds of NICU Nurse Certifications are There? In the NICU world, there are two main certification pathways you can take — the RNC-NIC and CCRN-Neonatal certifications. After becoming an RNC-NIC, you can further your certification journey by pursuing a sub-specialty certification: Care of the Extremely Low Birthweight Neonate (C-ELBW) and Neonatal Neuro-Intensive Care (C-NNIC) Types of NICU Nurse Certifications: ♡RNC-NIC ♡C-ELBW ♡C-NNIC ♡CCRN-Neonatal You may be wondering — which NICU certification should I pursue? Both NICU RN certification routes are good options. Some hospitals provide extra pay for one or the other, so be sure to check this out before choosing which route to take.  Becoming a Certified Nurse: 3 Key Steps to Get Started Now that you’re familiar with the NICU RN certification types, you’re probably curious about the certification processes and timelines. Below, we outline three tips to help you get started.   1. Make sure you meet clinical practice requirements We’ve listed current requirements for each certification below, but be sure to check each organization’s website prior to beginning your certification journey to ensure no recent changes have been made.  RNC a. Current licensure as an RN in the U.S. or Canada. b. 24 months of specialty experience as a U.S. or Canadian RN comprised of a minimum of 2000 hours (this must have occurred sometime in your career). This specialty experience can be comprised of direct patient care, education, administration or research. Both practice time and hours must be met. This is not an either/or criterion. c. Employment in the specialty sometime in the last 24 months. Certified-Care of the Extremely Low Birth Weight Neonate (C-ELBW) Current licensure in the U.S. or Canada as a physician, registered nurse, advanced practice registered nurse (NNP, CNS), neonatal therapist (PT, OT, SLP), neonatal dietitian, pharm-D, respiratory therapist or paramedic.  No practice experience is required (minimum of one year of experience recommended)  Once you pass the Care of the Extremely Low Birth Weight Neonatal certification examination, you’ll be able to use the credential C-ELBW. Certified-Neonatal Neuro-Intensive Care (C-NNIC) Current licensure in the U.S. or Canada as a physician, registered nurse, advanced practice registered nurse, or respiratory therapist.The license number, licensing state or province and expiration date will need to be recorded. You will need to upload verification of current licensure.  No practice experience is required (minimum of one year of experience recommended)  Once you pass the Neonatal Neuro-Intensive Care certification examination, you’ll be able to use the credential C-NNIC CCRN-Neonatal a. A current, unencumbered U.S. RN or APRN license is required. b. There are two options for clinical experience and practice hours: Two-Year Option: Practice as an RN or APRN for 1,750 hours in direct care of acutely/critically ill neonatal patients during the previous two years, with 875 of those hours accrued in the most recent year preceding application 5-Year Option:  Practice as an RN or APRN during the previous five years with a minimum of 2,000 hours in direct care of acutely/critically ill neonatal patients, with 144 of those hours accrued in the most recent year preceding application. 2. Sign Up for a Certification Review Course There are tons of NICU nurse certification review classes out there. Some are hosted in-person, while others are conducted online. While these courses aren’t necessary to pass the exam, they definitely help you get familiar with all of the tested concepts. I think this RNC-NIC Review Course  & Amanda's RNC-NIC Success are two of the best out there! Make sure to use code: NICUITY for 15% off Amanda's course. 3. Register For Your Exam and Begin Studying Independently Once you’ve met all of the clinical requirements, finished your review course, and feel prepared to sit for the test, it’s time to register for your certification examination. You can take this exam at a variety of testing centers, which are located all over the country in convenient areas.  Looking for additional ways to prepare for your nursing certification exam? It’s important to continue studying up until the day of your exam! If you’re looking for additional nursing certification study resources, check out our NICUity Academy courses  and resource materials ! These can help you prepare for certification and can also be an excellent reference material for practicing at the bedside. Tori Meskin MSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN graduate a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey, married & new mom life & juggles work, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at  or

  • Hot Tips for Nurses Starting in the NICU!

    It’s an exciting time to   become a NICU nurse: hospital admissions are at an all-time high, and persistent nursing shortages mean there are tons of bedside jobs available. Whether you’re a new graduate , are a practicing nurse in a different specialty, or are in nursing school exploring employment options, it’s always a good time to make sure you know what’s down the pipeline in terms of career moves. Quick intro, for those who don't know me! My name is Tori Meskin, better known as @nurse.tori_ on insta. As a NICU nurse, blogger, and podcaster this is one of the most common questions I receive! Here, we answer a few frequently asked questions about starting out as a NICU RN, and provide tips for nurses looking to begin their career on a positive note :)  Frequently Asked Questions for Starting as a NICU RN Are there any special education requirements for working in the NICU? The short answer is “no”. You’ll need the same schooling to work in the NICU as you would any other nursing jo b — either an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN). Most hospitals give priority to RN’s with a BSN or may require that you go back to get your BSN within a certain number of years of being hired.  I, as of 2024, completed my MSN Leadership through Capella University and highly recommend their specialized, flexible undergrad programs as well if you are looking to advance your degree in Leadership & Administration, Education, Informatics, or Care Coordination. What NICU Nurse Certifications Are There? Are these Required? Certifications are not required, but may help you gain a competitive edge against other job applicants. Being certified shows that you’ve worked as a NICU nurse for a number of years and have the knowledge and clinical experience necessary to provide safe patient care.  There are two main certification pathways you can take: the RNC-NIC  route, or the CCRN   route. Types of NICU Nurse Certifications: RNC-NIC C-ELBW C-NNIC CCRN-Neonatal  If you’re interested in learning more abou t NICU nurse certification, be sure to check out our blog on how to earn a nursing certification! HOT TIP!!! To stay organized I suggest that you create a photo album or NOTES iphone page named “Nursing Compliance” or “Certifications / CEUs” in your phone with screenshots of each certification you have completed in order to best keep track of them! Do NICU Nurses Only Work in Hospital Settings? Most neonatal intensive care units are located in pediatric or women’s health hospitals, so NICU nursing occurs mostly in these acute care settings. However, NICU nurses can  work in a variety of settings, including: Community health organizations Emergency medical evacuation and transport services  Birthing centers What Types of Things Would I Be Seeing and Doing at Work? There are four NICU acuity levels: Level I to Level IV. The most basi c Level I NICUs provide basic resuscitation on premature but otherwise healthy infants, whereas the most acute Level IV NICUs provide complex treatments for critically ill newborns.  The skills you’ll be expected to have will be different depending on the type of facility you work in. Here are some of the tasks  that you could be asked to perform: Starting IV lines Collecting vitals Documenting assessment findings Feeding infants  Completing diaper changes and documenting output volume Administering medications Collecting lab specimen  Performing genetic screening tests Managing airways and ventilators Assisting during emergencies Attending high-risk births Educating family members Providing lactation assistance to new mothers When I arrive at my level IV NICU I am met with my assignment, gather my report sheets and learn from the shift nurse before me which meds to give, labs to gather and tasks to perform. I do my safety checks, introduce myself to parents when applicable and then start hands-on care. During an average 12 hour shift you will focus on 1 to 4 patients (this largely depends on your STATE and hospital ratios) depending on staffing and their acuity. Your role varies from day to day but overall as the NICU nurse, you perform assessments, monitor / record vital signs, draw labs, administer medications, admit & discharge, pre-op and post op surgical care, assist with procedures, assist with diagnostic imaging, monitor your patient for any sudden changes, prepare feedings, change out IV fluids, perform blood draws, educate family members, and ultimately be your tiny patient’s advocate! Not to mention charting, uhhhhh (my least favorite part, but one of the most important). What Types of Clinicians Provide Care in the NICU? Like in any unit or facility, nurses in the NICU don’t work independently. You’ll work with a strong multidisciplinary team of: Doctors (called neonatologists) Nurse practitioners (called NNPs) Respiratory therapists Dieticians Physical and occupational therapists Social workers Secretaries Music therapists Translators TIP:  Make friends with other clinicians in your unit — not JUST the nurses. Your shifts will go so much smoother if you are working with clinicians you know and trust. Mistakes happen when groups work in “silos” and don’t openly plan or communicate, so be sure to put yourself out there when you’re new to a unit! What Will My Orientation Look Like? If you’re a new graduate nurse, you’ll probably be looking to join a NICU nurse residency program. These programs often involve lengthy orientations in classroom and clinical settings, and can be a great way to ease your way into your first nursing job .  If you are an experienced NICU nurse switching hospitals, your orientation may be a bit quicker, as you’ll be expected to know the basics already and will be focusing more on getting familiar with facility-specific rules and procedures.  Most orientations will include any or all of the following elements: NICU RN Orientation Checklist: Human resources paperwork (dress code policy, email log-in details, ID badge photos, payment details, etc.) Unit orientation (safety equipment, medication room, patient care area, nursing station, etc.) Explain documentation standards  Review shift workflow (RN to RN report, safety checks, physical assessments, medication administration, bathtimes, visiting hours, etc.) Precepted orientation (can be anywhere between 4 weeks and 6 months long, depending on the acuity of the unit and the nurse’s clinical experience) NICU RN ORIENTATION GOALS Here are a few things you can think about during your orientation periods! Identify 3 goals you would like to accomplish on your shift. Identify 3 ways you took responsibility today. Identify if your goals were met and how you accomplished them! What types of patients were you assigned? What skills/competencies did you learn? What are your goals on your next shift? Feedback from your preceptor. What did you do right? Where can you improve? Do You Recommend Any Resources to Help Me Prepare? So much of what you need to know about working in the NICU will be learned on the unit! If you really want to prepare, I recommend the following review courses and books! Review Courses Books NICU Essentials Masterclass Merenstein and Gardner’s Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care NICU New Grad Miniclass Neonatal Certification Review for the CCRN and RNC High-Risk Examinations New to the NICU: Experienced Nurse Essentials NICUity’s Respiratory Therapy E-Book ♡EXTRA TIPS♡ MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION EXPECTATIONS This one of the most important parts of our job as nurses. Medication administration and something we should not take lightly. (Especially in our NICU patient population where every decimal / ml counts. First things first, don't freak out. This will become second nature to you the more you are in NICU practice. It is nerving at first, but the weight-based medication administration gets easier with time. HINT: ALWAYS KNOW THE WEIGHT OF YOUR BABY! You will get to a point where you can literally eyeball an order and think to yourself, "Yep, that's on point, OR NOPE!! Wayyy too much (Resident who is writing orders for the first time!)." You are the last line of defense, so when in doubt, CLARIFY or ASK THE QUESTION. Refer to your Safe Medication Administration Policies, but here are some general ideas. NICU MEDICATION TIPS TO CONSIDER 1. Look up every medication! 2. You should know the following before administering safe dose ranges why are you giving the medication? how fast to run the medication (IV route) 3. Take Medication bedside. With EMR and manual conduct review Medication Rights right patient - check ID band right medication right time right route right reason right dose right documentation 3. Barcode scan (and or second nurse verification) administer safely once all checks have been thoroughly completed 4. Ensure proper documentation GET TO KNOW YOUR TEAM! This is KEY! And something we don't talk about nearly enough. NICU care takes a village and the faster you get to know your team, the easier it will be for you to provide tip top care to your patients! 1. Neonatologists 2. Fellow NICU Nurses 3. NP / PA Advance Practice Providers 4. RTs!!!! THESE ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS; GET TO KNOW THEM WELL! 5. Nutritionists / Registered Dietitians 6. Developmental Specialists (OT/PT, SLP) 7. Social Workers 8. Secretaries 9. Lactation Specialists 10. Translation Services The list goes on...but you get the idea! Get to know your resources and team members. As with anything, gaining confidence and skill in practice takes time. Don't be too hard on yourself. It took me several years to feel comfortable working as a NICU nurse, and even after 10+ years, these babies can throw me for a loop! I hope this blog was helpful for you! Every unit and hospital offers different orientations and cultures in terms of NICU nurse care. Be fearless and humble. Take the good with the bad. If you make a mistake, own it and learn from it! We are human, and we have all been there! Love you guys! Let me know what you thought about this blog below! I love your feedback and always try to give you nurse life on the pulse. If you are looking for a great listen, here is "Life of a NICU Nurse," where I break down my experiences as a NICU nurse over the past 8 years. It's a fun one full of the real real on being a NICU nurse! Tori Meskin has been a dedicated clinician since 2012, working in acute care and inpatient NICU settings in Southern California. She holds a National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) and has extensive experience as a travel NICU nurse. Tori is a sponsored MSN student at Capella University and a Brave Beginnings Ambassador. She recently launched NICUity, a company dedicated to empowering NICU professionals with education, bedside tools, and resources. Follow her journey as she navigates the NICU world, married life, and new motherhood, all while juggling work, school, and content creation. Discover her top-notch tips and tricks at or contact her at .

  • What Does a NICU Nurse Do? A Career Guide

    The neonatal intensive care unit, often abbreviated “NICU”, is an acute care hospital unit that provides comprehensive care  to newborns. A multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, and respiratory therapists work together to ensure positive outcomes for the infants in their care.  If you’re a nursing student or are a current RN looking to switch jobs , you may be wondering — What does a NICU nurse do, and what steps do I need to take to become a NICU RN? In this post, we provide an overview of the role, list key job duties of NICU nurses, and review the requirements necessary to get a job in the NICU.  What Is A NICU Nurse? Newborns are vulnerable and sensitive to their new environment outside of the womb, no matter how healthy they are. These infants may require attention from specialized nurses who have the training, skills & expertise to improve their outcomes and help them live safely at home. Typically, this infant care is provided in a hospital by labor & delivery nurses (nurses who help during birth) and postpartum nurses (nurses who care for the baby and mother after birth). However, some babies end up requiring additional care. Whether they’re born prematurely, experience birth trauma, are born with genetic diseases or become sick during the first few days of life, up to 10% of all hospital-born babies  end up requiring care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This is where NICU nurses come in!  A NICU nurse is a provider who specializes in the care of neonates  — the hospital term used to describe newborn babies. They provide comprehensive, 24/7 care and help the babies get to a place where their caregivers can take them home safely. Some NICU units provide newborn surgical care, while others may administer multiple IV medications and nutrition sources to help the infant grow and develop.  What Do the Different NICU Acuity Levels Mean? Not all NICU units provide the same degree of care. In the US, hospitals use a 4 level system  (with level I being the least acute, and level IV being the most advanced) to describe the complexity of their treatments and interventions. We outline these levels below: LEVEL I  - Also known as well-newborn nurseries, these units provide a basic level of newborn care to infants at low risk. They have the capabilities to perform neonatal resuscitation at every delivery and to evaluate and provide routine postnatal care of healthy newborn infants. In addition, they stabilize and care for near-term infants (35–37 weeks' gestation) who are stable and can stabilize newborn infants who are less than 35 weeks gestation until they can be transferred to a facility that’s able to provide specialized care. LEVEL II - These special care nurseries treat infants who are moderately ill with conditions that are expected to resolve in days to weeks. These patients are at moderate risk of serious complications related to immaturity, illness, and/or their management. In general, care in this setting should be limited to newborn infants who are more than 32 weeks gestational age and weigh more than 1500 g at birth or who are recovering from serious illness that has already been treated in a level III (subspecialty) NICU. Level II units are differentiated into 2 categories, IIA and IIB, on the basis of their ability to provide assisted ventilation. LEVEL IIA -  These units do NOT have the capabilities to provide assisted ventilation except on an interim basis until the infant can be transferred to a higher-level facility.  LEVEL IIB -  These units CAN provide mechanical ventilation for brief durations (less than 24 hours) or can provide continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). They must have the equipment (eg, portable chest radiograph, blood gas laboratory) and personnel (physicians, specialized nurses, respiratory therapists, radiology technicians, and laboratory technicians) available 24/7 to provide ongoing care and to address emergencies. LEVEL III - These NICU units are defined by having continuously available personnel and equipment to provide life support for as long as needed. Level III NICUs are differentiated by their ability to provide care to newborn infants with differing degrees of complexity and risk. Newborn infants with birth weight of more than 1000 g and gestational age of more than 28 weeks can be cared for in level III NICUs. These facilities have the capability to provide conventional mechanical ventilation for as long as needed but do not use more advanced respiratory support such as high-frequency ventilation. Other capabilities that may be available are minor surgical procedures such as central venous catheter placement or inguinal hernia repair. LEVEL IV REGIONAL NICU - These are the most advanced NICUs, most of which are located in children’s hospitals or academic medical centers. These units perform complex procedures like ECMO catheterization and surgical repair of serious congenital cardiac malformations. These units staff a full range of health care providers, including pediatric subspecialists and specialized nurses. They also employ state-of-the-art equipment to care for their babies.  Concentrating the care of infants with conditions that occur infrequently and require the highest level of intensive care allows these centers to develop the expertise needed to achieve optimal outcomes and avoids costly duplication of services in multiple institutions within close proximity. What are the Most Common NICU Nurse Job Duties? Each NICU will provide different treatments and interventions according to their acuity level. Despite the uniqueness of every unit, this list compiles some of the most frequently performed NICU RN job duties: NICU Nurse Job Duties: ♡ Perform thorough physical assessments ♡ Collect and document infant vital signs ♡ Assist with diagnostic imaging (CXR, ECHO, MRI, etc.) ♡Initiate IVs ♡ Complete lab draws  ♡ Assist during bedside procedures (intubations, extubations, bronchoscopies, central line placements, etc.) ♡ Manage central line care (sterile line changes, tube & cap changes, dressing changes, etc) ♡ Place feeding tubes (nasogastric and orogastric)  ♡ Prepare infants for surgery ♡ Provide post-op care after surgery ♡ Tend to surgical sites (tracheostomy, ostomy, chest tube, incisions, etc) ♡ Administer medications (IV, IM, oral, rectal, buccal, etc) ♡ Collaborate with the multidisciplinary team to establish a plan of care ♡ Communicate changes in baby’s status in a timely and efficient manner ♡ Feed babies ♡ Bath babies ♡ Recommend support services (PT, OT, lactation consultant, etc.) when necessary ♡ Provide mothers with breastfeeding and pumping support ♡ Encourage patient and family centered care ♡ Educate and train parents on infant safety and newborn care guidelines ♡ Connect & provide resources for families looking for additional support ♡ Participate in NICU nursing research, evidence-based practice initiatives & quality improvement projects ♡ Precept new nurses ♡ Participate in hospital-wide collaborative teams and leadership groups Each NICU department is different, providing its own level of care to the patients needing treatment. This makes pursuing a career in the specialty fresh, fun, and exciting. The NICU nurse job market can be competitive, but there are a few things you can do to make yourself a competitive candidate . Let’s start by answering a few frequently asked questions.  What Degree Do You Need To Become a NICU Nurse? The minimum degree you’ll need to practice nursing in the United States is an associates degree in nursing (ADN). However, many facilities — including academic medical centers and large community hospitals — prefer or require a bachelors of science in nursing (BSN). If you’re looking to earn a spot in a competitive new graduate program , pursuing the BSN route will be your best option.  How Do You Get a Nursing License? To get an RN license in the United States, you’ll need to graduate from an accredited nursing program, pass the NCLEX examination, and apply for a nursing license in the state you’re looking to work in. Bear in mind that some states have unique requirements for state licensure, like specific academic coursework or safety training.  Are there Any Certifications Required to Become a NICU Nurse? The short answer is – no. Like most other nursing specialties, you’re qualified to work in the NICU as soon as you graduate nursing school and pass the NCLEX. Some facilities hire new graduates  without previous experience! However, once you have experience working at the bedside, earning a certification will certainly make you a more competitive and hireable candidate. Some hospitals will even pay you a shift differential or monthly bonus for holding a specialty certification. The two most common NICU nursing certifications are the RNC-NIC  and the CCRN (neonatal) . You’ll be qualified to sit for each of these certification exams after getting a few years of experience in the field.  Take the First Step In Pursuing the Career of Your Dreams If you’re a nursing student or recent graduate looking to start in the NICU, you have an exciting journey ahead! At NICUity, we’ve got you covered with a full array of NICU nurse educational materials  to prepare you for the role and nursing merchandise   to help you look the part! Visit us at   to see all we have to offer — we can’t wait for you to begin! Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN student , a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at  or

  • How to Land Your Dream Job as a NICU Nurse: 14 Hot Tips

    In the post-covid era, becoming a NICU nurse can be challenging. If you’re just starting out on your nursing journey, it can be daunting to know exactly where to begin. NICU nursing is an incredibly unique specialty, and many career guidance sites just don’t have the insight or understanding to help those just starting out. Here, I’ve collaborated with top NICU nurses in the industry to develop 14 clear and effective tips to help you get started on the right foot. Whether you’re a nursing student looking for your first RN job or are experienced in the field, these tips can help you get an interview  for your dream job. Let’s dive right in! Hi! My name is Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC. I have been a bedside NICU nurse for 9 years. Prior to writing this blog, I did A LOT of research. I have worked in Level III-IV NICUs in Children's hospitals, University hospitals, community settings etc. I have also been a staff, and travel nurse; working days & nights, full-time & per diem positions within the NICU. And I love being a NICU nurse. How to Become a NICU Nurse: 14 Tips Every NICU manager has their own unique preferences for the nurses that they’re looking to hire. Trying to cater your portfolio to meet the expectations of each job can be stressful and time consuming, and if it’s not done efficiently, it can be disappointing and disheartening if you don’t end up getting the job. To avoid any unnecessary stress, we’ve compiled a list of strategies that can help you land any NICU nursing job, whether it’s a new graduate position  or experienced hire role. These tips should empower you with the knowledge and skills to land that interview you’ve been hoping for! 14 NICU NURSE JOB HOT Tips! 1. Spend Time in the NICU Before Applying as an RN Getting familiar with the NICU environment should be the first priority of anyone looking to get a NICU nurse job. This can be done a few different ways: As A Volunteer:  Many NICU units advertise volunteer opportunities, like “baby cuddler” or “family greeter”. Whether you’re an experienced RN or are new to the field, becoming a volunteer in a unit you’d like to work in can show a manager that you’re passionate about the NICU population and are willing to take the time and effort it requires to get comfortable on the unit.  This is also a great way for you to get a feel for the staff, and for them to grow to love you! When a job opportunity comes up and your application is the first one in, you’ll be fresh in their minds and an obvious first choice.  As An Unlicensed Assistant:  If you’re still in nursing school but know starting out in the NICU is what you’d like to do, getting a job as a patient care tech, secretary, or unlicensed aide would show employers that you’re driven and motivated. It would also put you in the hospital’s employment record earlier, which could elevate your pay and streamline the process of transitioning into an RN position. As A Shadowing RN:  Some hospitals offer shadow opportunities for nurses interested in working in a specific unit. Sometimes these are offered to students, and other times they may be limited to nurses already working in another unit of the hospital. It never hurts to send the hiring manager an email, expressing your interest in seeing the unit! The worst that can happen is that they say “no” — even then, your name is still on their radar, and they know you’re really interested in a job! 2. Find a NICU Nurse Mentor : Mentorship is one of the most underrated career building tools out there! If you’re looking to work in the NICU, finding a mentor that you can trust and ask questions to can be especially helpful when navigating the NICU world. Look for someone who serves as a role model for learning, critical thinking, and evidence-based practice, and helps you ask questions and reflect. If you’re a nursing student, your university may have a mentorship program already in place that you could ask to join. If not, don’t hesitate to ask a clinical instructor or preceptor if they would be willing to mentor you — chances are, they’d be ecstatic and honored to guide you through the journey! Just be sure to repay the favor to a younger nursing student once you’re an experienced and confident NICU nurse yourself :) 3. Enroll in NICU Continuing Education Courses : A surefire way to impress a hiring manager is to mention any NICU-specific CE courses you’ve taken to prepare you for the role. It not only proves your serious interest in the field, but also helps  prepare you for clinical challenges ahead. If you’re still in nursing school, consider taking electives that could help boost your portfolio, like a genetics course or child development class. 4. Join Professional Nursing Organizations : Becoming a member of a professional NICU nurse organization like AWHONN  or NANN  is not only a great way to get involved with other members of the NICU community, but it’s also a great resume booster. As a member of these organizations, you can stay up-to-date on the latest NICU nursing research, get involved with community activism, and meet other NICU nursing professionals who want to make a difference. 5. Spruce Up Your LinkedIn : Healthcare isn’t necessarily one of those industries where keeping a thorough and active LinkedIn profile is required  to land a job. However, it could increase your chances of becoming a top contender if your profile showcases some of your marketable strengths  and lists commendations received from professors, managers, and coworkers.  It’s becoming more common for healthcare recruiters to browse LinkedIn when searching for job candidates — you never know, you might stand out to a NICU manager in your area. Again, it doesn’t hurt to put in a little extra effort here! 6. Get Certified : The most common NICU certifications are the RNC-NIC  and the CCRN (neonatal) . These certifications require a certain amount of clinical experience and time on the job — meaning that those that have earned the certification are confident, competent, and motivated to learn.  Managers LOVE hiring certified nurses, and some facilities may even give you additional income if you come in as a certified NICU nurse. Earning a NICU nurse certification is only possible for experienced nurses who have spent time working as an RN. However, if you’re a new nurse or are a student who’s interested in becoming certified, you should definitely mention in your interview that you’re looking to pursue this route. It shows that you’ve prepared, know the steps ahead, and are motivated to become a nursing leader on your unit! 7. Take On Leadership Roles Showing that you’re a team player and leader will put you miles ahead of other candidates. If you’re already working as an RN, consider taking on a unit-based charge nurse, team leader, or EBP coordinator position. If you’re still a student, consider joining your nursing student association or spearheading your class’s social council. No leadership role is too small or insignificant — don’t be afraid to talk yourself up! Hiring managers love go-getters. 8. Stay Current On NICU World Happenings : This may seem unnecessary, but familiarizing yourself with NICU-related news, legal changes, and care guideline updates can help you stand out. Whether it’s during a shadow day or during an interview, you never know what may come up in conversation — being prepared and in-the-know can show that you’re on your A-Game! Our nursing newsletter  is chock full of resources  that can keep you in the loop. 9. Keep an Organized List of Job Application Information : For new graduates and experienced nurses alike, navigating the job market can be difficult if you don’t stay organized. When you’ve got multiple jobs you’re looking to apply for, I always find keeping a detailed spreadsheet of application deadlines, manager contacts, and interview dates to be helpful. That way, you’ll be able to prioritize applications that are due earlier and can easily find information you may need for each unit or facility. 10. Build Your NICU Network : The more involved you get with the NICU community , the better chance you have of getting that job! Attending nursing conferences and community health events can help you enmesh yourself in a network of NICU professionals. You never know who you’ll meet out and about — it’s always the casual conversations that turn into something more exciting :) 11. Optimize Your Resume Content and Layout: Here, we’re taking the job hunt back to basics. As you prepare for the application process, it’s the perfect time to ensure your resume is updated and accurate. Be sure to keep the document to one page, with a font that’s at least size 11 and easy to read. List any credentials or certifications you may have, the degree you’ve earned, relevant career experience, and any professional organization involvement you may take part in. If you have room, listing relevant volunteer experience can also help your portfolio stand out . If you need a bit more help, we’ve got some incredible resume templates and guidance for you — check them out here !   Resume Cover Letter References NICU Nurse Masterclass Certifications (printed) Registered Nurse License Volunteer Experiences Target your entire application to what they want! HOT TIP – The job posting will usually tell you what they require/recommend . Their website will provide other keywords and phrases you can use that resonate  with you. WRITE OR EMAIL A THANK YOU TO THE INTERVIEWER AND MANAGER! 12. Craft a Well-Written Cover Letter “Template” : A well-crafted cover letter has always been my secret to landing a job. This letter should be tailored to each job you’re applying for — however, this doesn’t mean you have to reinvent the wheel every time!  I’ve created a cover letter “template” that I use for every job application. I use that template and plug in facility specific details like: The manager’s name, address, and contact information The role title  The ways I embody the facility’s unique mission, vision, and values Any connection I have to that particular position (mentor on the unit, student at their affiliated university, previous shadow experience, etc.) Be sure to highlight the ways you behold important NICU nurse traits like compassion, critical thinking, effective communication, and attention to detail.  13. Prepare For Interviews Ahead of Time : While it might seem like you’re counting your eggs before they hatch, it can be smart to get ready for the interview stage  as soon as you start applying for jobs. It’s surely going to be a busy time for you, and you don’t want to be scrambling at the last minute to get things in order. You can prepare by: Acquiring a fun and professional “interview outfit” . First impressions are everything. I am a firm believer in looking sharp and showing that you’re ready to take on anything. Power suits are my jam! I invested in a tailored navy blue suit, which has been my go-to for all of my interviews since. If you’re expected to wear scrubs or other clinical attire, here are some professional options  that may work well for you.  Drafting answers to commonly asked interview questions.  While each interviewer is unique, there are some interview questions you’ll surely be asked. Knowing how to professionally respond to questions like “Tell me a bit about yourself?” and “Why are you interested in the NICU?” can help take some of the fear and anxiety out of the whole process.  Doing a bit of research on the unit.  What acuity level is the NICU you’re looking to work in, and what patient population do they serve? What are the mission, vision, and values of the facility? Has the unit been awarded any certifications or accolades? These are the things you can research (and mention in an interview) to show that you’ve done your homework and are prepared for the role. 14. Don’t Be Afraid to Pivot: Despite putting your best foot forward, some hiring managers aren’t able to consider candidates that don’t have a minimum of 2+ years of experience. While I believe that there’s a place in the NICU for everyone regardless of experience, you may find it easier to get a job in a pediatric unit to build your skill set and transfer to a NICU role once you’ve gotten a few years of experience under your belt.  Taking a pediatric float pool job is another great way to introduce yourself to the NICU world — it may even allow you to take shifts in the NICU while you develop your clinical skills.  Don’t see this move as a failure, or a permanent derailment from what you REALLY want to do. I promise — it’s a step in the right direction, and will be a step in your career you definitely won’t regret down the line. Find More Resources to Boost Your Career Getting a job in the NICU can seem challenging, but with the right resources and guidance, you can make the process a lot less stressful. We’ve got you covered, with tons of job prep materials, educational classes, and bedside tools to help you succeed. Find more at . If you are seeking a more " in-depth conversation" head over to check out my podcast! Episodes #1 #2 and #10 are all great resources for you to hear more details about being a NICU Nurse, NNP, and the working dynamics of a level IV NICU! THE CELLFIE SHOW. CLICK HERE. Another great resource for you BELOW. I was featured on The Morning Rounds and talked all things NICU Nursing. Dynamics, my personal journey, NICU Nurse Tips & Tricks! NICU Nurse Essential Resources American Academy of Pediatrics Academy of Neonatal Nursing Childhood & Adult Immunization CDC Guidelines March of Dimes! Resources for parents & providers Access 1,300+ Drugs with Easy-to-Understand Lactation Risk Categories National Association of Neonatal Nurses National Certification Corporation - NICU National certifications for experienced nurses NICU University & Peds University Vermont Oxford Network - 1,300 hospitals collaborating around the world! Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, S ponsored Capella University MSN student , a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or

  • NICU Resources and CEUs Every Nurse Needs to Know About

    All of the best NICU nurse resources. These are the best tips, tricks, websites, CEUs, certifications, organizations, etc. to help you transition and add to your NICU nurse career. After almost a decade of NICU nursing, I have a lot of resources up my sleeve...and I want to bring them here to you! Let's dive in... LET'S START AT THE BEGINNING If you’re a neonatal nurse, you know that staying up-to-date on the latest evidence and research is not only necessary to renew your license, but is also essential to practicing safely and effectively. Those that have been in the NICU field for a while know that finding reliable educational materials and CEU courses can sometimes be as stressful as providing infant care.  Embarking on my social media journey , I realized that the new generation of NICU nurses is still struggling to find the resources I needed when I was just starting out over 10 years ago. Don’t worry — we’ve done the research and have found the high-quality learning materials we know you need.   NICU Nurse Resources By Category ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Here, we review top NICU nurse resources, including continuing education courses, conferences, books, podcasts, websites, and professional nursing organizations. This list is comprehensive and offers hundreds of opportunities to find the accurate and trustworthy information you need! Let’s dive in.  CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES: ♡ NICUity Academy Courses : Whether you enroll in our New Grad Miniclass, NICU Essentials Masterclass, or Experienced Nurse Crash Course, you’ll be learning from the best in the field while earning valuable CEUs. You can enroll in our comprehensive courses or if you prefer to read on your own time, you can stick to studying our electronic or hard copy materials. Either way, once you’re done, you’ll feel confident and prepared to face any work challenge! ♡ University MedEd : On this site, you’ll find short-form comprehensive medical education. As part of NICU University , Med On The Go is the new mobile-friendly platform delivering comprehensive pediatric nursing education in short videos. ♡ NCC Continuing Education : Here, you can find tons of CE courses in a number of NICU-related fields, including neonatology, women’s health, and obstetrics. You can also receive free CEUs in any core area for helping the NCC pretest questions for their certification exams! This is a super fun way to get involved with the NCC and make a difference in the lives of the next generation NICU nurses! ♡ Neonatal Continuing Education :  This site offers a variety of NICU CEUs and advertises courses like “Neonatal Life Support”, “Newborn Screening”, and “ELNEC Pediatric Curriculum”. For those who may be interested in other specialties as well, offers hundreds of contact hours for RNs, LPNs, and nurse practitioners in a variety of clinical settings.  ♡ NetCE Nationally Accredited Evidence-based CME :  NetCE offers nationally-accredited evidence-based CME/CEU/CE for a variety of healthcare professionals. For NICU specific education, we recommend their “Breastfeeding”, “Newborn Assessment”, and “Care of Families With Sick Newborns” courses.  ♡ Pediatrix Continuing Education : Here, you can find a variety of engaging courses and webinars, most of which are completely free! They also host live “Grand Rounds” webinars on the first Wednesday of every month from 1600-1700 ET! This is a great opportunity to network and learn with NICU providers from around the world.   ♡ Abbott Nutrition Health Institute : The mission of ANHI is to connect and empower individuals with science-based nutrition information to help improve health. They offer a variety of NICU-specific courses, reading materials, and training programs to help you better familiarize yourself with the most updated NICU nutrition research out there. NICU BOOKS : This list of hardcopy and e-book references is great for both new and experienced NICU nurses. Whether you like having the book with you at the bedside or prefer referencing information on your phone, there are plenty of books for you. You can find a more expansive list of my favorite clinical and career guidance books at my Amazon store .  ♡ The NICU Essentials Masterclass eBook : Our comprehensive 130 page e-book will provide you with all the necessary NICU knowledge from nursing school and resumes, to diagnosis and prematurity, to bedside skills, to cardiac defects, night shift tips, and much more! This e-book contains a mix of informational and interactive pages to guide you through your entire NICU journey. ♡ Merenstein & Gardner’s Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care : This is a thorough clinical review tool that can help you understand the more complex clinical concepts surrounding NICU nursing.  ♡ Peds Congenital Heart Education : This organization’s Illustrated Field Guide to Congenital Heart Disease and Repair is one of my favorite NICU resources on the market. It contains great pictures and explanations for some of the most common congenital heart diseases seen in the NICU- I highly recommend! ♡ Fast Facts for the Neonatal Nurse: A Nursing Orientation and Care Guide in a Nutshell : This is a great bedside reference tool for new NICU nurses and NICU nurse preceptors. The book provides an overview of care guidelines for a variety of NICU patient populations. In addition to skills checkoff lists, it also contains a quick-guide to lab values and commonly used medications. CHECK OUT OUR COMPLETE NICU E-BOOK COLLECTION ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ NICU CONFERENCES Looking to learn while growing your NICU network and community? Attending conferences is the perfect way to expand your knowledge, meet other NICU professionals, and travel to new parts of the world! Here are a few great conferences coming up: ♡ National Association of Neonatal Nurses : NAAN is hosting their 40th annual conference this year in Orlando, Florida! From September 18-20th 2024, you can attend workshops, seminars, and educational sessions, all of which are aimed to teach and inspire us NICU nurses!  ♡ American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition : From September 27-October 1st 2024, you can be one of over 10,000 pediatric health professionals to learn and grow at this conference held in Orlando, Florida. Listen to keynote speakers, network with other NICU nurses, and earn CEUs! ♡ National Neonatal Nurses Conference : Held September 4-7 in New Orleans, this conference is sure to be the perfect mix of learning and fun. Perinatal, NICU, and NICU NP professionals are all invited to attend.  NICU NURSE PODCASTS & BLOGS Academic materials are great, but sometimes you just want the cold, hard truth about NICU nursing and what it entails. Here, I’ve listed a few blogs and podcast episodes  for those that are looking to cut straight to the chase:  ♡ NICU Nurse 101 Blog: "What is NICU Nursing really like?" : This article should answer questions like “ What are the most common NICU diagnoses ?”, “What is a NICU nurse’s workflow?” and “What are the most important factors involved with infant assessment?”. If you’re looking to see whether NICU nursing is for you, I highly recommend checking this blog out.  ♡ Cellfie Podcast: Answering Your NICU Questions Roundtable with @thatnursetia : In this podcast episode, TikTok NICU RN Tia, a close friend of mine, gives her input on her favorite parts of NICU nursing, common NICU myths, and the biggest hurdles she’s faced on the job.  ♡ NICU Heroes Podcast by Hand To Hold : This podcast provides great bedside tips for NICU nurses, including how to best communicate with grieving parents, avoiding burnout, and guidance for supporting NICU dads. An extra perk is that listening to these episodes earn you CE hours! This is a great option for earning education hours on vacation or during your commute! NICU EDUCATIONAL WEBSITES Here, I’ve compiled a list of the top couple informational NICU websites that you can peruse or provide to families who are looking to learn more about NICU research , charity outreach, or community events: ♡ March of Dimes : The March of Dimes strives to close the health equity gap for all mothers and infants, through research, legislative action, and community education.  ♡ Nationwide Children’s NICU Resources : Nationwide houses an incredible reference section for NICU professionals and families. They provide an in-depth review of developmentally appropriate care, feeding guidelines, discharge planning resources, and more. PROFESSIONAL NICU NURSING ORGANIZATIONS Joining professional nursing organizations not only boosts your career portfolio, but can also help you network and learn more about cutting-edge devices, therapies, and treatments! By becoming a member of these groups and organizations, you’ll gain access to all the info you’ll need. Here are few of my favorites: ♡ National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NAAN) : NAAN is a professional nursing organization aimed at training and empowering NICU nurses across the United States. They provide 20 free online CEUs to members and allow access to their monthly newsletter and journal to read up on all the latest NICU news. You’ll also receive discounted rates on conferences and seminars — it’s a membership that’ll pay for itself and look good on your resume! ♡ Academy of Neonatal Nursing : Becoming a member of the ANN is a great way to network, learn, and grow as a NICU leader. Your membership fee provides discounts on conference attendance, certification review courses, and CEUs. ANN members looking to go back to school can even apply for one of their great scholarships! You should definitely check this one out.  ♡ The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nursing (AWHONN) : AWHONN prioritizes advocacy, education, research, and professional development. Their website is chock full of webinars, journals, and online courses to help you practice at your best.  Looking to Stay Current On the Latest NICU Happenings? At NICUity, we’ve got you covered with the nursing resources, educational materials, and work essentials to help you perform your best. By subscribing to our free email newsletter , you’d be the first to hear about any hot NICU news or new merchandise drops! For more info on all we have to offer, feel free to check out our site ! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ If you are seeking a more "In Depth Conversation" head over to the Podcast! "The Cellfie Show." EPISODE #2 & EPISODE #9 REVEALS all things NICU Nurse 101! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Another great resource for you BELOW. I was featured on The Morning Rounds and talked all things NICU Nursing. Dynamics, my personal journey, NICU Nurse Tips & Tricks! NICU Nurse Essential Resources NICU Essentials Masterclass NICU Badge Reference Cards NICU E-Books - Instant Download American Academy of Pediatrics Academy of Neonatal Nursing Childhood & Adult Immunization CDC Guidelines March of Dimes! Resources for parents & providers Access 1,300+ Drugs with Easy-to-Understand Lactation Risk Categories National Association of Neonatal Nurses National Certification Corporation - NICU National certifications for experienced nurses NICU University & Peds University Vermont Oxford Network - 1,300 hospitals collaborating around the world! Tori Meskin has been a dedicated clinician since 2012, working in acute care and inpatient NICU settings in Southern California. She holds a National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) and has extensive experience as a travel NICU nurse. Tori is a sponsored MSN student at Capella University and a Brave Beginnings Ambassador. She recently launched NICUity, a company dedicated to empowering NICU professionals with education, bedside tools, and resources. Follow her journey as she navigates the NICU world, married life, and new motherhood, all while juggling work, school, and content creation. Discover her top-notch tips and tricks at or contact her at . Instagram @nurse.tori_

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