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Top Female Medical Bloggers & Innovators



Whether you’re aspiring to dive into the medical world someday, seeking resources full of value, or looking for inspiration in new spaces, this is a list for you! Check out my list of my favorite women making waves in the social medial space. These are fabulous Medical bloggers & innovators to follow and learn from! I am excited to share these incredible women & their invaluable resources with YOU!

Liesel is a labor and delivery nurse, mom, wife and business owner! Her goal is to educate other moms in hopes that more women feel empowered and educated about motherhood, instead of scared and anxious. She has amazing information and resources including birth courses, newborn sleep/care courses, and a helpful blog and Instagram full of tips on all things pregnancy, breastfeeding and postpartum.

She started Mommy Labor Nurse in February of 2018 as a way to educate more moms in the online space about birth and postpartum. After having such a fulfilling birth experience at her hospital, she felt that she wanted to educate other moms in hopes that more women feel empowered and educated about motherhood, instead of scared and anxious. She has always had a passion for educating women and thoroughly enjoy spreading knowledge and awareness about what's to come! Check our her pregnancy, postpartum, & newborn courses!


Katie has been a very special part of my journey in the social media space. A personal mentor and dear friend of mine. Her podcast, Bad Decisions, is a must listen if you’re looking for the real sh** we all think but never talk about. She is a nurse practitioner, speaker, mentor and the host of Bad Decisions podcast! Katie is a Nurse Practitioner who pushes boundaries to explore the life decisions that don’t always turn out as you expect. I love how Katie shifts the conversation to prove the importance of owning your failures as a necessity for growth and success on each episode of Bad Decisions.

Have you ever thought about becoming an impactful influencer, blogger, author, public speaker, or starting your own brand or business online? Have you been overwhelmed with thoughts about “WHERE and HOW to start?” Then Concept to Creation: The Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Course is your starting point as your first investment in your future.

Founded by Katie Duke and Nicole Thomas, two successful healthcare professionals who have launched second careers in the social media and public figure industries, the Concept to Creation Workshop will TEACH you the foundational strategies and guidelines to begin earning money by building your brand or business.

A 68 page cookbook for people who “live to eat”. It contains a collection of memories, methods, and recipes, and highlights some important tools, gadgets, and ingredients to always have on hand in your kitchen. It’s a great book for any stage of learning and experience. Comfort, Butter and Bad Decisions


Cat Golden is a highly respected nurse mentor and the owner of the popular Instagram account,@nursesinspirenurses. Nurses Inspire Nurses is a community dedicated to inspiring and uplifting nurses. Her Nurse Mentorship program, @leaplandlive, helps nurses manage their time, take clear action on their goals and live a healthy life that they’re obsessed with. She is an incredible entrepreneur with a heart for teaching others how to form a business mindset and be successful in their nursing careers!

Nurses Inspire Nurses is a community of nurses created to inspire and uplift ourselves and each other. It all began when Cat Golden, our founder, was tired, burnt out, and sick of waiting for external circumstances to change to start feeling better.

She started doing things to uplift her coworkers and created coffee talks, a safe space outside of work for nurses to come together, have real conversations, and find support.



Ashley Munns is a Vascular Surgery Physician Assistant. From her ridiculously informative healthcare posts to her chic exquisite aesthetic, I can not recommend her enough. Both her blog & Instagram offer Education, Health, & Wellness. Do you want to learn the process of becoming a certified & licensed PA-C, or experience a day in the life: as a Vascular Surgery PA...look no further.

"I will forever be captivated by the art of surgery.

And medicine will be a hunger I crave to know more about.

Even in the midst of sleepless delirium after being awake for too long, when a page is called needing undivided attention,

Or in the OR gowned + sterile while the rest of the city sleeps...

The high does not fade and I love it.

The steep learning curve continues, but merely shaping me to be further competent."

Follow Ashley as she navigates life as a

Vascular Surgery Physician Assistant


If you’re a new nurse, Lacey is your girl!!! She has a passion for helping new nurses build confidence and find joy and clarity in their new nurse life. Her Empower 90 Journal is an incredible resource along with her mentorship program. Her Instagram is full of helpful tips for preparing for the NCLEX, surviving night shifts, and relatable reels that are sure to encourage you in your nursing career.

Lacey is a board certified BSN Registered Nurse with 3+ years experience working as a nurse in Cardiac Care. She also received the Novice Nurse of the Year Award at Morristown Medical Center for her decision making skills and nursing judgement. She is a new mom, former middle school teacher and Nurse Mentor.

Are you a new graduate nurse within your first year on the job and you are just feeling a little… Lost? Unsupported? Unsure of yourself? DisEmpowered in Nursing?

The Empowered Nurse Mentorship is a 10 week mentorship with a one-on-one and group component that is aimed at helping you build your clinical confidence, strengthen your nursing practice, grow relationships with others both within the profession and outside of it, and improve your happiness & joy through lifestyle balance.

This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.


No surprise here, I am a BIG podcast fan and love listening to the incredible insight from women in a variety of healthcare positions. The Womed Podcast is hosted by Danielle Maltby, talking all things Women in Medicine and the badass things women are doing outside of the medical community too! Danielle Maltby is a Nurse, TV Personality, Instagrammer, Model and Actor. She best known for his appearances on the reality show The Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise.

She brings valuable conversations, outstanding women in healthcare, and a serious passion for what she does. She discusses self-care, mental health, emerging healthcare trends, education and so much more. You can expect to hear many meaningful conversations Dani has with some of the industry’s biggest experts and thought-leaders.


Sarah Gaines is a rockstar entrepreneur sharing travel nurse tips to empower RNs to get the freedom, autonomy, and pay they deserve! Her Instagram account, The Six Figure Travel Nurse, is a wealth of knowledge for current travel nurses and those interested in becoming one. If you’re an RN who loves to travel, you will want to check out her incredible Travel Nurse Course. If you’re looking to jump start your travel nursing career then you will want to check out her Travel Nurse Resume Kit to help you get started working less and traveling more!

The Travel Nurse Course is an online program designed to empower and educate nurses who want to become travel nurses so they can maximize their income, work less and travel more.

Get instant access to the tools, resources and support you need to become a travel nurse the fastest and easiest way possible.The Travel Nurse Course will give you the answers you've been craving and the tools you need to accelerate your career, Six Figure Travel Nurse!


I absolutely love following along with my sweet friend, Nat, on Instagram @natalie_pnp_. She shares quality PICU, PNP and travel nurse tips that are helpful to nursing students, new grads and seasoned nurses alike! If you’re passionate about pediatrics check out her blog and her Pediatric Resources Ebook. Her passion for nursing and learning is inspirational and I think you will find value in her content and resources just as much as I do!

Are you a PNP student who wants more insight on how she picked a specialty after graduating? Would you like insider knowledge of how she secured her first PNP job as a new grad? Join her Zoom class and she will reveal all of that and more!


Need some motivation? Dr. Mona is a pediatrician with a mission to share common sense education for the modern parent. You can find helpful conversations and resources on all things medicine, motherhood and motivation on her Instagram page as well as her incredible podcast, The Pedsdoctalk. This podcast educates and empowers parents in their journey through parenthood

Episodes include education regarding hot topics in pediatrics, interviews with experts in this field, conversations with fellow parents and insight into her experience as a mother and pediatrician. I love how her content is a mix between evidence-based and experienced "real life" mom tips & tricks.


Carolina is a Pediatric Registered Dietician and a "baby led weaning" expert. Her Instagram is full of helpful advice for both moms and babies. She wrote an amazing ebook guide to Baby Led Weaning as well as a Starting Solids guide. Her online BLW academy is a fantastic resource for moms with babies under 10 months as well. Whether you work with babies, or have your own- you will love her amazing posts on feeding!

Baby led weaning is an alternative method to introducing solid foods to your baby that skips over purees entirely and allows for your baby to self-feed soft table foods.

• Step by step guide on how to introduce first foods • How to assess your child’s developmental readiness for solid foods • Safe feeding guide – food allergy response plan • Dietitian approved supplements for your baby • Nutrition tips for the breastfeeding mom • Frequently asked questions • Over 50 example first foods and BLW recipes

And more!


Calling all animal lovers...Dr. Lindsay Butzer is a DVM with a passion for creating educational and fun veterinary content. Both her Instagram and Youtube are an incredible resource for diving deeper into veterinary care for all types of animals. Seeing her smiling face and adorable furry friends on my newsfeed always brightens my day. I admire Lindsay not only for her incredible content and passion for medicine but also her overall most positive & uplifting spirit.

Dr. Lindsay is a small-animal veterinarian working in Boca Raton, FL. She graduated from Colorado State University and followed that with a degree from the DVM program at Ross University. Dr. Lindsay did her clinical year at Tufts in 2016 and has been practicing at Clint Moore Animal Hospital since then. She is also a Cancer survivor & HUGE inspiration to me.


Dr. Danielle Belardo is a Cardiologist in Newport Beach, California. With a presence on Instagram & Twitter, she also hosts a podcast called "Nutritional Rounds". Her podcast is designed for anyone interested in learning about plant based nutrition through an evidence based approach. Whether you’ve been plant based for many years, or are still searching for the perfect diet, Nutrition Rounds will inspire and empower you to live your healthiest life, backed by science. She advocates for comprehensive lifestyle change including nutrition, exercise, stress management, in addition to traditional guideline directed cardiovascular care.

She is an advocate for accurate scientific communication on social media, including both evidence based medicine and evidence based nutrition science. Get personalized, comprehensive, and evidence based cardiovascular care with their team.


I hope this list inspires you to get connected on social media with one or all of these amazing medical content creators and helps you expand your healthcare horizons.

XO, Tori


Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, Sponsored Capella University MSN student, a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or


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