The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is probably the last place you or your loved ones pictured themselves after having a baby. A hospital unit full of alarms, tubes, electrodes, ventilators, and beeps is not quite the cozy nursery vibe you anticipated.

Unfortunately, things don’t always go according to plan. This NICU period can be one of the most stressful times of a parent’s life. Each day can be overwhelming, full of happy milestones and moments of grief. From my nursing experience, NICU parents crave one thing during this stressful period — for things to feel “normal” again, or as normal as is possible given their new circumstances. With limited control over their environment, this can be challenging for them to achieve.
So, what can you do to help?!
While you can’t change their situation, you can help them connect with their new parenting journey. While they may have a fully stocked nursery at home, these items often aren’t able to be used with NICU patients.
With inspiration from my experiences as a new mom and as a NICU nurse, I’ve decided to compile a fun list of things you can gift your favorite NICU baby or family! These items are things that can be used at the bedside and for months and years to come. Let’s dive in.
Finn the Panda was developed to help comfort babies during hospital stays, as well as to foster the bond between the baby and their caregivers, even when they have to be apart.

It features:
Antimicrobial material to help prevent the spread of germs to the baby.
A washable heart-shaped scent patch that can be detached and worn then reattached to the bear.
A recording device that allows a song or comforting words of up to one minute to be played back once or on repeat.
Contrasting black and white colors that appeal to baby's early vision.
100% cashmere, made to be amazingly soft and cuddly
Sealed packaging that reduces microbial exposure during package delivery.

As a mom who spent several months of her son’s first year of life in the hospital, Michelle knew the stress and pressure of hospital parenting. So, she developed Finn the Panda!
1. SCENT: The scent patch can be worn in place of a breast pad, or under any garment, to absorb your smell and can be reattached to the bear to provide your scent in baby’s incubator or crib. Research has shown that the pheromones a mother exudes after birth are recognizable by her individual baby and can release endorphins in the baby’s brain.
2. SOUND: Your baby has heard the comfort of your voice in the womb and it is the most recognizable sound to their little ears. Record a lullaby or soft words for your baby and play it back once or on repeat, to help soothe baby to sleep, comfort baby during nurse cares, or just give you a few minutes away.
3. SIGHT: Research has proven that black and white contrasts register powerfully on baby’s retina and send the strongest visual signals to baby’s brain. Stronger signals mean more brain growth and faster visual development. High contrast shapes and patterns provide the baby with something simple and engaging to focus on, and in this focus – or intense concentration – they can allow their minds to rest. High contrast shapes are designed to hold babies’ attention.
When preemies are first born, their skin is extremely thin and delicate, which makes them prone to skin tears, infections, and rashes. One of the most important ways we can protect newborn skin is by keeping it clean! As a clinical skincare brand made with meticulously sourced natural ingredients, BEB Organic serves families by providing luxuriously healthy products and educating parents and professionals on the powerful benefits of a caring and sensitive touch.
Chosen by America’s top hospital NICUs for uncompromising standards, all BEB Organic products are packed with PHYTOCURA™ and crafted of pure, luxuriously healthy ingredients. As one might expect, these soothing formulas have proven to work wonders for skin of all ages in need of extra love.
I originally discovered BEB products while working bedside as a NICU nurse. After researching the product, speaking with the CEO, and learning about this infant skin care line, I can genuinely say these are (first hand) amazing products for ALL babies. It makes bath time in the hospital extra special for babies and their parents.
I have personally used these products and discovered this line while using it at the bedside in a hospital setting who supplied it to their patients. I can say first hand, these products are wonderful!
Sucking is a form of self soothing, especially for preemie babies who might not be able to drink milk yet! While hospitals offer their own preemie pacifiers, it could be fun to spruce up their pacifier game with a cute one!! My favorite pacifier brand is the Ryan and Rose Cutie PAT - this is a NICU baby product I have recommended for years!
The Cutie Pacifier and Teether (PAT) is a multifunctional pacifier made for two different stages of development: Stage 1 and Stage 2. The Cutie PAT pacifier is made with 100% medical grade silicone. It is safe, non-toxic, and free of BPA, PVC, phthalates, and latex. I have watched this family owned company grow for years and have given many Cutie PATs to my favorite NICU families. The gift is always a big hit — as a new parent, you can never have too many pacifiers!
Babies (preemies included) crave boundaries. They seek containment and comfort. One way to provide this is bringing everything "back to core" — this means keeping arms & legs flexed inwards in a relaxed manner just as they were in the womb. Although there’s never a shortage of baby blankets in the hospital setting, it can be fun for parents to add a personal touch for their little one with a fun blanket.
If you’re looking to gift your favorite NICU patient a new swaddle blanket, I recommend those made of cotton, muslin and or bamboo cotton blends. These materials breathe well and keep from overheating in their little cocoon. I’ve listed a few of my favorite swaddle blanket brands below, but feel free to choose designs or colors that match the little one’s personality the best!
It may be a while until your favorite little fighter can wear (or fit into) a onsie, but once he or she does, the fun can begin! Several companies now offer "preemie" sizes and a fun array of colors, patterns, and styles. However, my favorite brand is “Perfectly Preemie.” This is unique line of preemie clothing to help babies (and their nurses) battle the many lines, tubes, and wires involved in a NICU admission.
Since 1993, Perfectly Preemie has conducted medical research, collaborated with NICU staff, and surveyed with NICU parents to determine just what a preemie needs in regard to their clothing and accessories. Their specially designed onesie line meets all of the requirements for babies in the NICU, while still looking cute!
At birth, a baby is drawn to and is soothed by their mother's scent. Building a close connection through scent is a way to create a wonderful bond while the baby is receiving care in the NICU! Bonding scent cloths allow infants to bond with their caregiver’s smell from the comfort and warmth of their hospital incubator.
Parents can place these soft pieces of cloth on their own skin and then leave them with their infant to provide scent comfort while they are away. Whether the parent is an adoptive mother, a single father, two mothers, adoptive guardians - it doesn’t matter. If you want to help build a bond between a baby and their caregiver, scent is the easiest way to do it.
Once a baby is an appropriate age (older than 34 weeks), an infant white noise machine is a great gift to consider! Why? Soft low tones are soothing to an infant and helps them to rest their minds while promoting a healthy sleep pattern.
Sounds that mimic a natural environment can help create a relaxing, soothing environment for NICU babies. Adjustable volume settings allow you mask background noise and the craze of the hospital environment.
Babies, parents, and NICU nurses all love WubbaNubs! Why? These stuffed animal and pacifier combinations help to keep the peace when patients need soothing.
They’re easy to grasp, offer great support for the pacifier, and provide soft, gentle comfort to little ones. In addition, parents aren’t always at the bedside to hold, comfort, and soothe their little one. WubbaNubs help us nurses at the bedside to maintain an infant’s comfort, keep their pacifier in place, and promote restful sleep.
One of the greatest feelings for NICU babies and their parents is the first SKIN TO SKIN contact, what we often call "Kangaroo Care." Skin-to-skin contact involves keeping babies chest-to-chest & skin-to-skin with a parent. The benefits of this close contact include: warmth, stability of vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, increased oxygen saturation), increased time spent in deep sleep, decreased irritability and crying, increased weight gain, increased milk supply for mother, and better coordination for feedings!
To help parents get the most out of their bonding moment, NICU nurses often encourage the use of a mirror (while they hold their baby) to allow them to see their loved one’s tiny face in full range. This small simple tool is a very helpful & useful gift to use while performing Kangaroo Care. Some NICUs do provide these, but many NICUs can’t afford to offer each family a mirror. While they don’t cost much more than a few dollars, you can make a huge difference in their bonding experience.
New scientific evidence has shown that limiting scents, perfumes, dyes, or other chemicals on infants skin is essential. Our preemie patient population has extremely sensitive skin and skin irritation & breakdown is one of our biggest priorities.
Many NICUs have moved to using "water wipes," or some form of wipe with water for all diaper changes. Several companies offer sensitive water wipes that are perfect for tiny NICU patients! I prefer the Pampers Aqua Pure variety.
With new research coming out about plastics & the long-term effects it has on our health, many providers are starting to recommend using glass milk bottles. As a parent and a NICU nurse, I am a BIG fan of using glass over plastic. Many top brands also offer "slow flow nipples," which helps when feeding babies who are new to drinking milk or for those who may be struggling to swallow with normal flow nipples.
Best Glass Milk Bottles:
One of the most exciting moments for any new mom is the opportunity to feed her baby for the first time. Nursing pillows are immensely popular with new moms because they offer comfort & convenience. Figuring out which one to choose can be difficult, especially when many moms are passionate about which one is their favorite. The two most popular varieties are the Boppy pillow and the Breast Friend pillow.
Boppy vs. Breast Friend: Key Differences
The "Boppy" pillow looks like travel neck pillows – a C-shaped doughnut. These pillows have so many uses and are well worth the money spent on them. They are most commonly used to prop up a baby while breastfeeding or bottle feeding, but can also be used to prop up babies during tummy time. You can buy a separate slipcover to allow these pillows to be easily cleaned in the event of a spit up or diaper blowout. Boppy pillows aren’t big enough to go all the way around you, so you’ll need a separate pillow if you want to support your back.
Alternatively, the Breast Friend pillow is a bit different in terms of overall design but is used for the same purposes. Unlike the Boppy, the top side of a Brest Friend pillow is flat, which means your baby stays where you put her without rolling around while trying to feed. The Brest Friend also has two added features that I love – a snap that secures the pillow in place, and a full wrap-around design, giving breast feeding moms much-needed back support.
Whichever support pillow you choose, your gift will surely be appreciated by any new NICU mom!
Welcoming a baby into the world is full of special moments. Although having a baby in the NICU is a difficult time for families, there are many special moments to capture & treasure. Printable milestone cards are designed to help you celebrate all of the successes on your baby's journey. With colorful backgrounds and simple designs, they help to make the challenging journey a little easier. NICU is all about the milestones!
Example Milestones Include:
- weeks one to six
- months one to three
- forty weeks corrected
- today I am breathing on my own
- today I had my first bath
- today I was weighed for the first time
- I am ventilator free today
- today I had my first snuggle with Mom
- today I had my first snuggle with Dad
- I wore my first outfit today
- today I breastfed for the first time
- today I had milk for the first time
- my first kangaroo cuddle
- I had my first pacifier today
- today I am wire free
- I had my first sleepover
- I am all ready for the carseat today
- Hooray, I gained weight today
- I am going home today
Just because a baby is receiving care in the NICU does not mean that they don’t need or deserve the brain development and stimulation toys that other babies have. Especially as babies get older and develop from their initial preemie phase, a hanging mobile can provide the visual distraction and stimulation needed for healthy brain development. These are especially helpful at distracting babies when they require blood draws, dressing changes, or any bedside procedures.I hope you enjoyed this list of Tips and Tricks for your mighty.
Now- Go Treat Your Favorite NICU Family!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my favorite preemie gifts for your mighty NICU baby! Many of these products are offered on Amazon (Nurse Tori NICU Amazon Gifts & Tips) and have been linked to my Tips from Tori Amazon page. All products included are my own recommendations and do not represent the views of employers.
This blog includes affiliate links — rest assured that all of my professional partnerships are with companies I love, use myself and recommend to those I care for most! Feel free to see my full disclaimer if you have any questions or concerns, or contact me with any feedback!

NICU Essential Resources
March of Dimes! Resources for parents & providers

Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, Sponsored Capella University MSN student, a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or