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Love Me Some Bubbly, Bling Wash

Ok be honest, when was the last time you thought about deep cleaning your rings? If you’re like me, you are already OCD about hand washing (comes with the healthcare profession) which does a basic job of keeping your rings clean but doesn’t keep them sparkling like they were when they were slipped on your hand on engagement day.

I have tried just about every trick in the book to keep my ring looking shiny and new... toothpaste, vodka, generic store ring cleaners, ultrasonic machines, you name it - I've tried it. I was always discouraged when everything I tried was unsuccessfully in getting that glistening look back until I discovered the BEST homemade concoction for keeping your ring looking like you took it to the professionals at the jewelry store!

Then, I discovered this "Bling Wash Tip," and my RINGS were saved. lol. Trust me, save the money on the "pre-made," store bought crap. Honestly, I was always frustrated with the cloudy looking film left on my diamond after cleaning with store bought solutions. Switching to making my own that works (100x) better and saves me money & time, makes me wish I would have been using it all along! I want to save you the frustration so you can keep your bling, bright and beautiful 24/7.

Here’s what you need for your BLING WASH!

Glass Cleaner (I prefer Windex but any works)

3 Drops of Dish Soap (Dawn, Palmolive etc) Soft Bristle Toothbrush (used is fine) Microwave Glass Container

It’s really simple. Add about 1/4 cup glass cleaner and 3-6 drops of dish soap into your glass bowl. Stick the bowl in the microwave MINUS THE LID AND JEWELRY for one minute. (This gets HOT QUICKLY so be careful taking it out of the microwave).

Then set it on the counter and drop in your precious jewelry to soak while you focus on something else such as laundry, shower & skincare, catching up on work, emails, etc.

I like to let my rings sit for around for a few hours, but if you’re looking for a quick clean up wash such as after time in the gym or outside (sunscreen and sweat makes for some gross jewelry) you can leave them in there for as little as 5-10 minutes to see results.

You’ll start to notice after awhile that loose residue will sink down to the bottom of the glass dish. It’s so gross but satisfying knowing that is all off your jewelry! The toothbrush is great for scrubbing in between those hard to clean prongs after you have left it to soak awhile.

After you brush, rinse in a bowl of lukewarm water. I definitely don’t recommend ever rinsing over an open drain incase you drop it (my nightmare)! Dry your ring lightly with a paper towel and admire your sparkling brand new looking ring! I try to clean my ring at least once a month, sometimes more often depending on how hard I have been on it. It works like a charm and I get soooo many compliments on my bling after I do it!!!

HOT TIP: I can't recommend this for faux jewelry. ONLY use on * DIAMONDS + GOLD + PLATINUM + MOISSANITE * Not sure how Faux metals will handle this solution.

I have to say, I am still as in love with my ring as the day I found this TIP because I take the time to care for it properly! It’s worth it to give your bling the attention it deserves ;) XO

Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC. Nurse. Blogger. Podcaster. Tori has been a clinician since 2012, works in acute care/inpatient NICU & Pediatric settings in southern California. She is a blogger, podcaster, NICU & Pediatric Critical Care RN, Sponsored Capella University MSN student, a Barco Uniforms Ambassador & Brave beginnings Ambassador. She has obtained her National NICU Nurse Certification (RNC-NIC) & has previously worked as a travel nurse, pursuing bedside experiences in several NICU settings. Follow her as she shares her NICU journey married life & juggles work, school, content creation, & brings you top notch Tips & Tricks along the way. Find her at or


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